Information for "Delayed Narrator Introduction"

Basic information

Display titleDelayed Narrator Introduction
Default sort keyDelayed Narrator Introduction
Page length (in bytes)4,865
Namespace ID0
Page ID154754
Page content languageen - English
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Number of subpages of this page1 (0 redirects; 1 non-redirect)

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Page creatorm>Import Bot
Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
Latest editorDai-Guard (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit12:43, 9 April 2014
Total number of edits4
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Article description: (description)
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Basically this is when someone narrating the story is introduced as a character part way in and reveals this is who they are (although they might not do so immediatly, this is usually the case). The narrator usually doesn't introduce themselves before this point, so it's usually The Reveal. At this point the narration might stay in the third person, however if the narrator sticks around and follows the protagonist it (obviously) shifts to the second person. A good sign that you're dealing with this trope is a statement along the lines of "...and that's when they met me, [insert name here]".
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