Desperately Seeking Ranma: Difference between revisions

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(pronoun correction for mentions of Jun)
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== A-E ==
* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: The time machine.
** [[Averted Trope|Averted]] with the SIs, who are designed to be -- and gladly embrace the role of -- assistants and helpers to their owners.
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{{quote|"You know, most people I've met would find that attitude very strange," she remarked, making both Nodoka and Nabiki smile. "But to you this is basically just another morning, isn't it?"}}
* [[Call to Adventure]]: Once she reaches a certain level of skill, Nabiki discovers that she can’t avoid things like petty crimes that she could stop. And she doesn’t want to. She also finds herself detecting crimes almost subliminally using just her own senses, unaugmented by Jun.
* [[Canada, Eh?]]: Halleckton practically shouts the stereotypes.
* [[Casual Danger Dialogue]]: Pretty much anything Nabiki says or does in her "Ms. Aoyama" guise. [[Bonus Points]] when she breaks out the folder.
** Most everyone at the party in chapter 97 as the "demonic duck" approaches.
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* [[CIA Evil, FBI Good]]: Definitely in play in the aftermath of the Halleckton affair, although totally off-screen. We hear second-hand about the CIA's interest in having their own portal bombs, and the threat made by the Japanese ambassador should the CIA try to "enlist" any Japanese magical girls against their wills to help get or make them. Meanwhile, the FBI's been shown to be stalwart and honest and on the side of the good guys (with the exception of a couple agents corrupted by Anthony Murray). We also see that the diplomats involved feel this trope is an accurate assessment of the two organizations.
* [[Clark Kenting]]: The magical disguises and personality shifts undergone to differentiate Ranma, Kasumi and Nabiki from their various alternate personas, to the point that Nabiki can talk to her own younger sister as Ms. Aoyama and never be suspected.
* [[Classified Information]]: There is no such thing to Ms. Aoyama; uncovering such information, especially when it inconveniences the bad guys, is her stock-in-trade. Information about herself and her employers, however, is a different matter entirely...
* [[Collectible Cloney Babies]]: The unauthorized "Chou" and "Yori" action figures, which never made it to the market due to a legal challenge, are effectively this for magical girl fans. The only way someone can get one is as a gift directly from Chou and Yori themselves, who own the entire production run. The trope is actually played with because due to their legal status it is ''illegal'' to sell the figures, although not to own them.
* [[Comes Great Responsibility]]: Nabiki initially worries about “going crazy with power” once her training starts giving her superhuman abilities, but Ranma and Kasumi -- and later Uthryyl -- reassure her that the very fact that she’s worried about it means that it's unlikely.
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* [[The Conspiracy]]: A small international conspiracy is uncovered in the wake of the Halleckton incident. By chapter 93, though, it begins to appear that it was just a small part of a ''much'' larger conspiracy, which includes the magical terrorists from earlier in the story and at least one military contractor.
* [[Continuation Fic]]: For ''[[Ranma ½]]''.
* [[Cool Gate]]: Portal travel becomes a prominent part of the plot once Ranma and Kasumi figure out how to open portals in their personal magic system. And then they start opening ''big'' ones... like, a kilometer across...
* [[Cool Shades]]: Ms. Aoyama wears a pair of wraparound sunglasses which hide her blue cat-like eyes.
** Agent Naito wears a pair (along with a sharp suit) on the Moon.
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* [[Earth-Shattering Kaboom]]: The asteroid rigged by the time machine to smack into Earth when Nabiki accidentally derails the environmental catastrophe that it had been originally planning on.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: At least one person who's met Ms. Aoyama speculates that she may be one of these wearing a humanoid mask. Another thinks she's the kind of thing that Eldritch Abominations are ''afraid of''.
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]: Nabiki, it turns out, accidentally averts an environmental catastrophe simply by ''deciding to import alien fusion reactors'', forcing the time machine to switch to Plan B, an asteroid with engines on it. Then Plan B gets averted by the entire team...
** And if they don't find and destroy the time machine, it just may do something that at the very least will reset the timeline, wiping out at a minimum the previous 20 years or so (which it had already done at least once prior to the start of the story), and at worst will trigger a complete deletion of the universe from the greater multiverse.
* [[Energy Ball]]: Ranma's ki attacks (as well as those of everyone else in the Sisterhood) take both this form and beams. As part of the ever-increasing power levels in this story, the ''size'' of Ranma's energy balls also increases; by the end of the extant material, he can generate balls of energy approaching ''two meters in diameter'' (which he can then launch with a range of ''miles''). And actively subverted by the technique born out of Nabiki's discovery of the internal structure of ki balls, which allows those balls to be compressed down to an unbearably-bright pinpoint of light, geometrically increasing its power and destructiveness.
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* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: The small, furry demons that Chiyoko chases about Minato.
* [[Faking the Dead]]: The bank robbers and the team dispatched to extract them from arrest were all former soldiers, government agents or criminals believed dead but whose bodies were never found.
== F-J ==
* [[Famed in Story]]: Ms. Aoyama's reputation is constantly spreading and growing -- to the point that halfway through the extant story it extends ''off Earth and into other universes.''
* [[Fanon]]: Implies the "ki manifestation" explanation for Akane's [[Hyperspace Mallet]]; plays with the fanon "psychobitch" characterization for Akane by embracing it wholeheartedly, then giving it a cause that can be (and is) cured.
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* [[Fascinating Eyebrow]]: One of Ms. Aoyama's trademark expressions, along with her not-a-smile.
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
** "We’llWe'll never go to the Moon."
** The security system's "emergent behavior", and Ranma's comment, "I almost wish something big would attack [Nabiki]" so he could see what the system would do.
* [[Freak-Out]]: One police officer present during the bank robbery is so badly affected by Ms. Aoyama's presence that he almost ''berserks'', nearly attacking her in a panic even though his superiors were ''talking to her at the time''.
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** Japanese authorities explain the flash of light caused by destroying the demon duck in chapter 97 as a small meteorite breaking up over Tokyo, [[wikipedia:Chelyabinsk meteor|Chelyabinsk]]-style.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Hotaru, once she shakes off her depression, always seems to be dashing about, giggling and laughing.
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: In the interquel ''[ When Ranma Met Aiko (and Tamiko and Fumiko and Misaki), a ranma fanfic]''{{sic}}:
{{quote|"I bet my uniform would fit perfectly."
'''''"No way in hell am I wearing that thing!"''''' Ranma crossed his arms and glared at her. She put on her best puppy-dog eyes.
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* [[Just in Time]]: Chou and Yori disable the portal bomb at the British Ministry of Magic seconds before it would have gone off. Seemingly subverted moments later when after the Minister for Magic objects to their high-handed methods, they trap him inside a powerful ward with it, and start it back up again.
* [[Just Toying with Them]]: Shampoo and Akane during the bank robbery, initially as a ploy to distract the robbers from harming the other hostages. Once the hostages are protected, though, they take a few minutes to let the robbers understand just how outmatched they are.
== K-O ==
* [[Ki Attacks]]: Ranma and Kasumi have continued exploring mastery of ki far beyond anything seen in canon.
** They also manage to train up Nabiki, Aiko, Tamiko, Fumiko and Misaki to the point that they can all use ki attacks.
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* [[Open Secret]]: Chiyoko's [[Magical Girl]] identity and mission. Even though she thinks she's been keeping it all secret, everyone else in her neighborhood -- including her mother -- knows that she's the magical girl in pink with the staff-weapon. They just don't let on that they know.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]: For one, they're shapeshifted alternate forms of the main characters, employed mainly for having fun.
== P-T ==
* [[Partial Transformation]]: The "mermaid" and "flyer" forms acquired with the so-called "illusion" spell.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: Ranma. Full stop. During the Halleckton event, about a third of the way through the extant material, he makes a crater big enough to become a ''lake'' -- with a single attack. Kasumi is not far behind him. ''And they keep getting more powerful through the course of the story.''
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** Václav Sklár (willingly) serves his jail time in a facility on a demon world that knows how to effectively detain mages.
** When {{spoiler|Usagi convinces Minako to help her stage an act of terrorism in order to facilitate an assassination attempt on Yori}}, the girls are forced to give them both a timeout on opposite sides of a dead world used as a proving ground and waste dump.
== U-Z ==
* [[Undisclosed Funds]]: We don't find out how much Shampoo and Akane get for being Hollywood stunt women -- the offers are all written down and we only see their reactions to them. But ''all'' the offers have "a lot of zeroes", and are their monthly pay. Richard, an L.A. police officer, says the amount is twice what he makes in a ''year''. And all other discussion of their pay simply comments on just how large it is, not how ''much''.
* [[The Unmasking]]: Several times Ranma must reveal his true identity and gender to friends who have previously known him as a woman and under other names.
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[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]