Devil Proposes, Man Disposes

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Devil proposes, Man disposes is a novel from the Nigerian author Francis Obimma.

An islamistic terror organisation kidnaps the son of the nigerian president and presents him with a choice: Either the president and his cabinet resign, or they kill the boy. Ike Orji, an A-rated field operative from CLANS-Ops, "the most secretive and deadly arm of Nigeria's security apparatus", is sent to retrieve the boy and stop the kidnappers.

Tropes used in Devil Proposes, Man Disposes include:

  • Badass: Ike, as well as the other agents of CLANS-Ops.
  • Berserk Button: Try to hurt Ike's brother, Dr. Joseph Orji, and he will destroy you.
  • Bulungi: Completely averted. Nigeria really exists, and it is described in great detail in the novel. This might be because the author himself is from Nigeria.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Raven's death. He was shot, had his neck broken and was dismembered. Ike even mentions that this is the cruelest, most barbaric murder he has ever witnessed.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The police in Lagos will arrest you if you are at a crime scene, even if you try to help a victim.
  • One-Man Army: Ike is described as this several times.
  • Wretched Hive: Lagos comes across as this. The city is chaotic, full of armed robbers and beggars and the police is corrupt and will arrive at a crime scene hours after they have been called.