Didn't Think This Through: Difference between revisions

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→‎Real Life: Added the "let businesses refuse to serve anyone they care to" decision of 2018 and its application in 2021 to the President who was in office when the decision was handed down
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== Web Comics ==
* An early strip of ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' starts off with Riff and Torg talking about how Zoe has a date with this guy she has a huge crush on. Riff then mentions that he is going to visit his ex-girlfriend Gwynn at her apartment, which she shares with Zoe. Torg is surprised that Riff going to see her alone like that. Riff insists that they're not alone, that Zoe will be there...at which point he realizes that even though he was aware of both of these pieces of information he only just now realized that they were related.
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'',
** Referenced in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', but [[Averted Trope|averted]] by [http://egscomics.com/?date=2005-02-18 discussing the plan] ''before'' trying it, allowing someone else to point out the flaw ahead of time.
{{quote|'''Female Immortal:''' I hate being invisible and intangible; it feels like cheating.
'''Male Immortal:''' We can't exactly claim to be "everyday students" and expect to pass unnoticed in Elliot's house.
'''Female Immortal:''' We could pretend to be burglars! That would make sense, right?
'''Male Immortal:''' ... I don't think you've thought this through... }}
*:* Abraham. Almost ''everything'' he ever did and we know about.
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Raven}}''': ''Every'' properly trained wizard [[Never Live It Down|has heard of]] Abraham, the ''[[Sorcerer's Apprentice Plot|idiot apprentice]]'' who ''recklessly enchanted'' a massive ''diamond'' instead of ''selling it'' to pay someone more ''skilled'' to fix his cursed noble friend.}}
**:* He claims trying everything he could to destroy it after it [[Gone Horribly Wrong]]. Only to be immediately asked whether he tried to [[The Lord of the Rings|chuck it into a volcano]] - c'mon, this didn't occur to him? Even if it would not burn, at least would be harder to reach.
**:* And he swore to destroy every creature created by his botched enchantment on the assumption that the Dewitchery Diamond would be used against curses (like his werewolf friend), thus creating monsters. He hadn't accounted for the Diamond being used to rid people of harmless, if annoying, magical conditions{{spoiler|, such as Elliot's use of it to cure his [[Gender Bender]] problem by creating Ellen, an (mostly) innocent [[Opposite Gender Clone]]}} - this guy clearly didn't have much classic education or curse lore, if he never heard of {{spoiler|Tiresias}} - or that the botched artifact's criteria of "curses" can be vague enough to include ''cosmetic'' magic (which was [[Vain Sorceress|obviously bound to happen]] - and did, to the second DD's "victim" shown).
* Webcomic/webgame ''[[Wicked Awesome Adventure]]'' points out how often this befalls adventurers in the course of escape and exploration.
** J.E.T. enlists the help of a wounded and unwilling Candimp to disarm a trap.