Disenchantment: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sirens Are Mermaids]]: Zigzagged. Sailors ''believe'' mermaids use magical song to lure sailors to their doom, but actually, the magical song is from a herd of walruses (who have [[Black Comedy Rape|something else in mind for victims]]). Mermaids ''do'' prey on humans however, admitting they intended to do so to Bean and Elfo, and that the rubdown they gave them was a marinade (unless their claim of doing so was sarcasm).
* [[So Unfunny It's Funny]]: Jester; most of his jokes involve goats, and Zog gets far more laughs dumping him down a trap door that he has in his throne room for that exact purpose.
* [[Steampunk]]: The whole theme of Steamland, in contrast to Dreamland being [[High Fantasy]]. Steamland seems to be around early 20th Century technology, with a few fantasy elements like robot drones and zeppelins. But they also seem intent on conquering and subjugating Dreamland.
* [[Stupid Evil]]: {{spoiler|When Oona tries to sneak onto Dagmar's ship and is caught, Dagmar tries to get rid of Oona by shackling her to an anchor and throwing it overboard. Oona's species has both lungs ''and'' gills (even telling Dagmar that in a previous episode), meaning she can breathe water and thus cannot drown; at most, this is a temporary solution for Dagmar.}}
* [[Talking Animal]]: [[Played With]] as King Zog assumes (without question) that Bean's demon is a talking cat. In one episode, Luci manages to get away from him by switching himself with an ''actual'' talking cat... who turns out to be an even bigger jerk.