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In many cases regarding their depiction, however, there is an unfortunate sense that the ladies in question are being somewhat... dehumanized in the process. The unfortunate ladies who fall victim to the killer are rarely given any kind of character outside of their profession. If they are lucky, we'll learn their name(s), and if the producers really want to hammer it home how far they're fallen we'll probably get some sense of their home life (which will no doubt contain some kind of drug-addiction, abuse, or even a child raised in poverty). They will usually be a vaguely formed [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]] at best, someone with a conveniently tragic reason to be targeted by a serial killer.
In many cases regarding their depiction, however, there is an unfortunate sense that the ladies in question are being somewhat... dehumanized in the process. The unfortunate ladies who fall victim to the killer are rarely given any kind of character outside of their profession. If they are lucky, we'll learn their name(s), and if the producers really want to hammer it home how far they're fallen we'll probably get some sense of their home life (which will no doubt contain some kind of drug-addiction, abuse, or even a child raised in poverty). They will usually be a vaguely formed [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]] at best, someone with a conveniently tragic reason to be targeted by a serial killer.

Sometimes we don't even get that; we just get a string of nameless dead hookers. There can also be a sense that these women [[The Scourge of God|have it coming]] or somehow deserve what happens to them because of their circumstances; the detectives involved may be dismissive or or even contemptuous towards the victims and the other women in the same position because of their profession. This can be especially glaring if the killer then targets a woman who is not a prostitute. Whereas the victims from the sex industry may be casually dismissed as victims who "had it coming," the non-sex worker victim will be treated as an innocent whose death is a tragedy and must be avenged. Similarly, if a dead woman is mistaken for a sex worker, then her death might be initially dismissed, only for everyone to pick up and work their damned hardest to solve the case once it's revealed that she's actually an 'innocent'.
Sometimes we don't even get that; we just get a string of nameless dead hookers. There can also be a sense that these women [[The Scourge of God|have it coming]] or somehow deserve what happens to them because of their circumstances; the detectives involved may be dismissive or or even contemptuous towards the victims and the other women in the same position because of their profession. This can be especially glaring if the killer then targets a woman who is not a prostitute. Whereas the victims from the sex industry may be casually dismissed as victims who "had it coming," the non-sex worker victim will be treated as an innocent whose death is a tragedy and must be avenged. Similarly, if a dead woman is mistaken for a sex worker, then her death might be initially dismissed, only for everyone to pick up and work their damned hardest to solve the case once it's revealed that she's actually an "innocent".

The Disposable Sex Worker has an odd mixed relationship with [[Missing White Woman Syndrome]]. On one hand, they're mutually exclusive due to sex-worker victims not being "wholesome" ladies (especially if they're minorities compared to a white "normal" victim). But on the other hand, male and transgendered sex workers are almost never given mention in fiction or real life, despite being just as likely to be victims of violent crime, but with authorities even less likely to care.
The Disposable Sex Worker has an odd mixed relationship with [[Missing White Woman Syndrome]]. On one hand, they're mutually exclusive due to sex-worker victims not being "wholesome" ladies (especially if they're minorities compared to a white "normal" victim). But on the other hand, male and transgendered sex workers are almost never given mention in fiction or real life, despite being just as likely to be victims of violent crime, but with authorities even less likely to care.

Compare to [[Disposable Vagrant]]. Contrast like hell with [[Platonic Prostitution]].
Compare to [[Disposable Vagrant]]. Contrast like hell with [[Platonic Prostitution]].

