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==== Episode 1.2: [[Freudian Excuse]] ====
* [[Big Little Brother]]: Tom uses his as a [[Freudian Excuse]].
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{{quote|'''Dana:''' Sorry I was... ''(long [[Beat]])'' ...yeah.}}
* [[Confusing Multiple Negatives]]: Dana initially calls the final intro "not unimpressive", but then corrects herself to "really good".
* [[Credits Gag]]: In the final credits, Zack's position has been changed from "Director of Photography" to "Doctor of Photography". The credits card also notes that he is responsible for the "Crap Titles".
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: Who would have thought Zack would know about After Effects?
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Zack's knowledge of After Effects and his degree in art, which may or may not be real.
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* [[Hair Flip]]: Referenced and demonstrated by Dana.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Dana and Tom are trying to discuss their characters separately from themselves, in order to keep themselves distant from their roles. It leads to a lot of "I will... I mean ''she'' will..."
* [[Letting Her Hair Down]]:
** Dana does this in discussion how to use [[UST]], which backfires and totally works for Tom.
** It shows up again in [[The Stinger]], when they're watching TV together.
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{{quote|'''Zack:''' Dana, I followed you all day with my camera... because I love you.
'''Dana:''' That's nice, Zack. }}
* [[Male Gaze]]: Zack keeps the focus on Shannon's butt as she walks away after the first confrontation, dropping both Dana and Tom out of focus and out of frame briefly.
* [[Sarcasm Mode]]: Dana's response when Shannon claims that Dana doesn't know anything about love.
{{quote|'''Dana:''' Oh, no. My heart, she breaks. (''Traces the outline of a teardrop down her cheek'') }}
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* [[Hilarious Outtakes]]: [[The Stinger]], where Zack falls over.
* [[Invoked Trope]]: Tom invokes [[Walk and Talk]]; Dana is not pleased at all.
* [[Older Than They Think]]: In-universe example
{{quote|'''Tom:''' "This week's trope is [[Walk and Talk]]."
'''Dana:''' "Oh, like ''[[The West Wing|West Wing]]''."<br />
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* [[Fourth Date Marriage]]: Tom believes this will happen with him and Porn Girl. He's dead wrong. {{spoiler|Not only is she ticked off about Zack following them around, she's also very annoyed that Tom hasn't tried to sleep with her yet.}}
* [[Girl of the Week]]: Mentioned, and Porn Girl becomes this.
* [[Godiva Hair]]: Dana's hair covers up most of the 'Fucked' on the back of her shirt in the intro.
* [[Gold Digger]]: Porn Girl
{{quote|'''Porn Girl''': Let's go buy me things!}}
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* [[Metafictional Device]]/[[Ninja Prop]]: After the [["Falling in Love" Montage]], Porn Girl is angry that Tom invited Zack to film their dates. Otherwise, we wouldn't have seen them.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: When Tom is explaining [[Romantic False Lead]] to Porno Girl.
* [[No Name Given]]/[[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: While in the third episode, she's introduced as Alyssa (Another [[The Danza]]), in this episode Porn Girl is always Porn Girl. Tom even addresses her as "Porn Girl".
* [[Outdated Outfit]]: Tom's plaid suit jacket and bow tie combo.
* [[Sweetheart Sipping]]: Tom and Porn Girl sharing the milkshake during the [["Falling in Love" Montage]].
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* [[Silence, You Fool]]: Mr. Administrator does this to Zack when he tries to ask where's the bathroom.
* [[Sting]]: A dramatic one while the Administrator loses his temper with Tom and Dana and issues them an ultimatum.
* [[Take That]]: A majority of the episode is devoted to Tom and Dana poking fun at the Administrator.
* [[Visible Boom Mic]]: After filming the puppet show, part of the mic is visible in the top right hand corner of the frame.
* [[You Have Failed Me]]: The Administrator uses a variation on this.
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* [[Portmanteau]]: Conversed within one of Ace's videos.
* [[The Other Wiki]]: the people backing Ace's vlog series, ''[citation needed]''
* [[Tradesnark]]: Played with; the name of Ace's vlog series could be considered this with reference to [[The Other Wiki]].
==== Episode 2.2: [[The Ace]] ====
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=== Echo Chamber Overdose: ===
* [[Echo Chamber/Recap|Read episode recaps. ]]
* [ Discuss it.]
* [ Write for it.] [ Act in it.]
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=== Tropes used by the series in general: ===
* [[Adorkable]]:
** Zack.
** Tom, any time he lets the [[Jerkass]] thing go and is honest about how he feels.
** Dana, any time she lets go of the snark to be honest.
** Zack's [[Distaff Counterpart]], Gaelyn.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: Shannon for Tom, Tom for Porn Girl, Zack for Dana, and (possibly) Dana for Tom.
** As of the second episode of season two, we have Dave for Gaelyn, and Gaelyn for Zack.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]:
** In episode 6, Tom is terrified of Shannon... until he sleeps with her again. At which point he no longer cares that she's stalking him, because she has great boobs.
** Zack:
{{quote|'''Episode 5:''' "I'd do 'er."
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Tom to Zack, Mr. Administrator to Tom.
* [[Brick Joke]]: In Episode 4, Tom tells Dana that the only food he has is rice, but that she could put salt on it. In Episode 6, you see Tom first cooking rice and later pouring copious amounts of salt onto it.
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: Dana apparently feels no need to be nice with anything she says to Tom, and tells him that he's completely incompetent, his videos are awful and she hates his guts.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Zack. He is good with After Effects, has a PhD, and delivered a baby once
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Zack.
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* [[Domestic Abuse]]: Shannon towards Tom.
* [[Episode Title Card]]
* [[Everyone Owns a Mac]]:
** Tom is shown using an Apple laptop in episodes 4, 5, 6 and 10. Presumably, this trope will continue to show up in every episode where his computer is shown.
** The Editing Suite where they speak to the Administrator also seems to be full of iMacs.
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* [[Face Palm]]: Dana, ''a lot''. In [[Terrible Interviewees Montage]], she does the two-handed version.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Both Tom and Zack have these.
* [[Fun with Subtitles]]: On [[YouTube]], you can add subtitles, which are sometimes funny or sarcastic.
* [[Got Volunteered]]: Zack.
{{quote|'''Dana (to Tom):''' If you don't like him, why is he doing this with us?
'''Tom:''' His dad owns the equipment, and he made me let him tag along. }}
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: Every episode is named after a Trope central to the episode, which is almost always [[Title Drop|discussed by name]] in the episode.
* [[Jerkass]]: Tom calls himself one in episode 1.2. [[Invoked Trope|He's correct.]]
* [[Keet]]: Zack.
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* [[The Teaser]]: So far, all but episodes 1.5 and 1.7 have started with one.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Tom doesn't seem to eat anything but rice and salt. He does vary it in episode 6 with some breadcrumbs and grated parmesan.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Mr. Administrator.
* [[White Void Room]]: Mr. Administrator's headquarters.
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