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Don't let his age (or [[Miniature Senior Citizens|his size]]) fool you; the '''Elderly Sensei''' is a force to be reckoned with. Despite being at least sixty years old, he (or [[Never Mess with Granny|she]]) is a formidable fighter who can take on several younger opponents at a time, clean the floor with all of them and barely get winded. They may rely on years of [[Charles Atlas Superpower|training]] and deceptive strength, or [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|cunning]] and [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], but they get the job done.
Break out the ^ sign on your calculator{{context|reason=But myto calculator doesn't have an 'insertcalculate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction#:~:text=for%20Polish%20koniunkcja.-,Definition,of%20its%20operands%20are%20true. here'logical caret.}}conjunction] when this trope is applied to [[In Harm's Way|seasoned adventurers]] of any type; anyone who's managed to survive to a ripe old age while performing inherently dangerous work is [[Captain Obvious|obviously]] really damned good at it.
The Elderly Sensei is often the sensei to one of the main characters, training them so they can [[Passing the Torch|pass on the torch]] to the new generation (and maybe earn themselves a break). To do so, the character typically prefers the [[Wax On, Wax Off]] approach to education and the [[When You Snatch the Pebble]] approach to final exams. Crueller Elderly Sensei, on the other hand, function as the [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]], and those who study under him had better be prepared for [[Training from Hell]].