Enemy Within/Quotes

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I feel it deep within,

It's just beneath the skin,

I must confess that I feel like a monster!

I don't know what stressed me first

Or how the pressure was fed

but I know just what it feels like

To have a voice in the back of my head it’s like a face that I hold inside

face that awakes when I close my eyes

face that watches every time I lie

face that laughs every time I fall
Linkin Park, Papercut

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become!
Three Days Grace, Animal I Have Become
"...you're the voice in there, aren't you? Just beneath the surface, buried under all that goodness. Fully conscious, fully aware, but trapped. Unable to move or speak, powerless to act on your desires. So thirsty, so helpless. It must be agony."
Jasmine on Angelus, Angel
"Stay away!! There's no telling what I'm going to do next!"
Inuyasha to Kagome, after transforming into a full demon for the first time.

Warhammer 40000

What foes are we to meet in battle that we have not vanquished in the shadows of the human soul? What Daemons scream that have not cried to us from the dark places of the mind? What fear have we of death who know there is immortality in the great and noble deeds of men?
The First Book of Indoctrinations



  There is no foe more rank or malefic than the traitor. We rightly abhor the traitor that leads the enemy to our gate. We revile him for the annihilation of worlds and the murder of innocents. We each loathe him for the harm that he does to us. The scars that we bear remind us to keep our hatred bitter.


  What hatred have we for the traitor within? No, I mean not the traitor that hides amongst us. For it is our very flesh that is the greatest of traitors, the betrayer who corrupts and weakens us more than any other foe. It is the enemy within that we harbor unknowingly. His name is mutant, witch and deviant. He is the foe that will destroy us as no other can. He leads us before a hellish throne to dance enfeebled and imbecilic for the lewd pleasures of dark gods.


  Burn the mutant and the heretic that shelters him! Burn the witch and those that worship him! Burn the deviant and those tainted by him! Let their deaths purify us so that in dying their bodies serve mankind as in life they never could.




  All men, women, and children throughout the Imperium carry within them the twin seeds of our defeat. The unstable gene is a mutant beast waiting to erupt; the unstable thought a Heretic Apparent. The Mutant bears his Heresy on the outside; the Traitor hides his in his soul. Trust no one! Fear all! Any one of your fellows may carry the Mark. The Will of the Emperor alone cannot protect you. You must be strong! You must join the crusade and take your place in the unceasing struggle!





  Against whom will the battle at the end of time be fought?

Know only that it will not be against enemies from without.
The Catechisms Martial


Only in the deepest self is the truth of what you can be, and without a doubt, the truth is terrible to bear.
The Book of the Astronomicon