Escape from New York: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: Take your pick.
* [[Batter Up]]: Snake vs. a huge guy in a [[Blood Sport]].
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: A landmine neatly bisects a car between the front and back seats with only one out of the five passengespassengers being killed.
* [[Big Bad]]: The Duke.
* [[Blood Sport]]
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* [[Dirty Coward]]: The president.
{{quote|'''President''': May god save me and watch over all of you.}}
** Said shortly before the president escapes in a pod from Air Force One and all his advisorsadvisers and security die horribly in the crash.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Being sent to Manhattan Island means a life sentence with no chance of release. Once you go in, you don't come out. There are no provisions inside to keep the prisoners fed and housed, they simply fend for themselves [[I'm a Humanitarian|in any way that they can.]] It's heavily implied that everyone who commits a crime in the United States gets thrown in there.
* [[The Dragon]]: Romero for The Duke.
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* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]] / [[Perverse Sexual Lust]]: Snake has quite a following.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Romero.
* [[Exact Time to Failure]]: The explosives planted near Snake's carotid artery will kill him at a pre-setpreset time unless he returns with the president.
* [[Explosive Leash]]: The government ensures that Snake won't give up his mission by implanting explosives into his body that will kill him if he doesn't return within a day.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Snake.
* [[Female Gaze]]: Come on, ''you'' know [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|where]] you were looking during Snake's [[Shirtless Scene]]...
* [[Filk Song]]: [ "The Escape"] by Julia Ecklar.
* [[Finger in the Mail]]: A creepy punk taunts the government troops with the kidnapped President's severed finger.
* [[Forced Prize Fight]]
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* [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]]: In 1997, the Cold War has turned hot and the USA is fighting a (presumably conventional) war against the USSR.
* [[Hell-Bent for Leather]]: Snake's old worn out leather coat.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Maggie}}. Later, Snake asks the President if he knew how many people died to save him. The President's rote response doesn't please Snake.
* [[Hollywood Silencer]]: Averted with Snake's MAC-10.
* [[The Hyena]]: Romero.
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'''Snake''': Just a moment of your time.
'''The President''': Yes?
'''Snake''': We did get you out. A lot of people died in the process. [[Secret Test of Character|I just wondered how you felt about it.]] }}
* [[Kill the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|Cabbie}}. He spends most of the whole movie as a happy-go-lucky, overly friendly wide-eyed optimist who looks out for {{spoiler|Plissken}} (even to the extent of {{spoiler|throwing a molotovMolotov cocktail at some thugs, driving him for free and coming back for him just in time)}}. Then, despite being in an explosion that leaves the others inexplicably unscathed, he dies horribly. Thankfully, Snake gets some justice for his unnecessary death {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|by screwing the ungrateful president.]]}}
* [[Laughing Mad]]: Romero.
* [[The Load]]: The president.
{{quote|'''Snake''': We have to move fast.
'''The President''': You're damn right I'll move fast! }}
** He doesn't.
* [[MacGuffin]]: The tape with the secret of nuclear fusion.
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* [[Not in This For Your Revolution]]: And how! Snake absolutely despises the authorities who literally have to coerce him into working for them with a [[Explosive Leash|tailor-made "kill you in 24 hours" device]] in his body or he'd just bail on them in a heartbeat.
* [[Off-the-Shelf FX]]: What appeared to be an impressive (for 1981) wire-frame CGI image of Lower Manhattan was actually a physical model with the buildings outlined with glow-in-the-dark green tape and filmed in black light. Courtesy of none other than [[James Cameron]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: The President when he discovers {{spoiler|that Snake's switched the nuclear fusion tape with Cabbie's, and thus he's playing the dignitaries "Bandstand Boogie"}}.
* [[The Only One]]: Snake is told he's the man for the job due to his prior black ops experience and his expendability.
* [[Our Presidents Are Different]]: Well for starters he sounds British. An in-universe reason was given, but seriously it was to give Donald Pleasance the role.
* [[Parrot Exposition]]: An example occurs early on in the film. Also [[Hilarious in Hindsight]].
{{quote|'''Hauk:''' You go in, find the President and bring him back in 24 hours, and you're a free man.
'''Snake:''' 24 hours, huh? }}
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: See [[Running Gag]] below.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Snake's initial response to Hauk's proposal:
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{{quote|'''Snake:''' *holding his gun to Brain's chest* Where's the president?!
'''Brain:''' Swear to God, Snake, I don't know-
'''Snake:''' Don't ''fuck'' with me! }}
* [[Punch Clock Hero]]: Snake, although kinda motivated since he has microscopic explosives that will rupture his carotid arteries in 24 hours.
* [[Refusal of the Call]]
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* [[Stylistic Suck]]: The song "Everyone's Coming To New York" is sung by various criminals, and even on the soundtrack CD, the singers sing slightly out of tune, and various interludes are played on kazoos. Why yes, [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarity most certainly does ensue]].
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]: Snake.
* [[Timed Mission]]: Both films. {{spoiler|Subverted in the sequel in that it was a fake threat.}}
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: Occurs in 1997. In 1988 the U.S. crime rate rose 400%, Manhattan was turned into the maximum security prison for the whole country, and the U.S. became authoritarian. There is a war going on with Soviet Union (presumably non-nuclear) and the whole film begins as Communist terrorists kidnap [[Air Force One]]. [[Cold War]]-phobia was very popular in [[The Eighties]].
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?|What Happened To The Cab Driver]]: After Snake lands in New York, Cabbie is the first major character encountered. Cabbie takes Snake, Brain and Maggie to the Duke's headquarters, then drives off after panicking over the Duke's reputation. Later, as Snake, Brain and Maggie {{spoiler|make their way with the President to the 69th Street Bridge}}, Cabbie suddenly returns, with no explanation as to where he was throughout a third of the movie. Seems like [[Contrived Coincidence]].
** He's a taxi driver in New York (it's implied he's just a New Yorker who never left). [[Fridge Brilliance|If there's a fare involved, he'll show up]].
** It can be assumed since Cabbie traded for the tape that he was still around Dukes other men when Brain and Maggie break out the president, he could have followed Duke's men who were following Brain and Maggie.