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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]s in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]s in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:

== ''[[Bleach]]'' ==
* Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez would be the Evil Counterpart to Ichigo Kurosaki. An Arrancar (Hollow with Shinigami powers), he serves as a foil to the Visored, Ichigo (A Shinigami with Hollow powers). He also has the same love of fighting shared by Kenpachi, Ichigo, and Nnoitra. Unlike Ichigo, he doesn't have a cause apart from pride and strength; Ichigo addresses this somewhat.
* There's also Sosuke Aizen and Kisuke Urahara. Sometimes, it's hard to tell which one's the real villain, but "Turn Back the Pendulum" kind of closed the book on that one. Both are super genius [[Chessmaster]]s who constantly [[Troll]] everyone, even their allies. But while Urahara cares about his allies in the end, Aizen doesn't care about anybody and will [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|terminate his allies as soon as he's finished with them]].
** Aizen is also an evil counterpart to Toshiro Hitsugaya and eviler counterpart to fellow villain Coyote Starrk. All three grew up mostly alone due to their incredible power (Aizen and Hitsugaya scared everyone away, Starrk accidentally killed anything that approached him due to [[Power Incontinence]]). Hitsugaya was able to work through his misfortune and form attachments to his friends and adopted family. Starrk formed attachments to Aizen and their fellow villains (the only reason he's a villain is to stay with his newfound friends). Aizen, despite being respected by the exact same people as Hitsugaya and Starrk, and even winning the heart of Momo Hinamori (Hitsugaya's [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]), did ''not'' form ''any'' attachments to them and again, does not care about anybody.
* Subverted with Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Szayelaporro Granz. To paraphrase [[Ren and Stimpy|Stimpy]]: "It's the Evil Counterpart... and the ''really'' Evil Counterpart!"
* [[Death Seeker|Nnoitra]] is what [[Blood Knight|Kenpachi]] would turn into if he just gave up on life. Kenpachi loves to fight, puts handicaps on himself to make the fight last longer and give his opponents a chance, and typically leaves his enemies alive so that they can come after him again; he's crazy, but in a fun kind of way. Nnoitra on the other hand, is completely [[Axe Crazy]], hates everybody, has a misogynistic streak that's definitely absent from Kenpachi, uses dirty tricks, leaves a mile-wide trail of dead bodies behind him, and is looking to die. Their battle (and twin eyepatches) nicely emphasise their similarities and differences.
* In fact, 2/3 of the Arrancar seem to be evil counterparts of one member of the Gotei 13 or another: Ggio Vega and Shaolin "Soifon" Fon are both agile, fast and athletic melee fighters, who are generally calm, loyal and firm, and seem to have a fairly low view on their comrades. They even ''look'' similar, but where Soifon is a mostly cold and professional [[Tsundere]] that ''seriously'' [[Defrosting Ice Queen|fangirls]] over her [[Les Yay|female]] [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|idol]], Ggio is a cocky and sarcastic taunter with a short fuse and 'bit of a boastful air to him, and the respect he harbors for his male commander appears to be more platonic. Furthermore, Soifon's antagonism towards her subordinates is mainly a pseudo-facade, her way of toughening them up, while Ggio appeared genuinely indifferent to his fellow [[Elite Mook|Fraccion]], barely reacting - if at all to their deaths.
** Yumichika Ayasegawa and Charlotte Cuuhlhourne initially appear to share similar vain, narcissistic tendencies with Yumichika as fightloving as any other [[Blood Knight]] and Charlotte an even more flamboyant drag queen. However, the superficial similarity falls away as the fight progresses to reveal Charlotte believes that beauty is derived from physical strength which is a philosophy echoed by the 11th division. Yumichika, however, ends up revealing that his adherence to 11th division philosophy (and the "beauty" of it) is only skin-deep, indicating he's proud of his zanpakutou and its power even though his division's philosophy means he's not supposed to be, and also revealing that his strength doesn't lie with the physical as it does for both Charlotte and the 11th division, but with the spiritual (kido) instead. The depth of what he's sacrificing for the sake of his division, friend and captain also reveals Yumichika's narcissism doesn't run as deeply as he seems to want people to think and that he certainly doesn't want anyone to realise how self-sacrificing he really is. In the end, the fight reveals only superficial similarities between the two by highlighting that Charlotte is everything the 11th division philosophy stands for and everything that Yumichika personally - when allowed to admit it - does not.
** Nirgge Parduoc and Marechiyo Omaeda are both large and fat, boastful and demeaning, though Omaeda is more vain and cowardly, while Nirgge is at least patient and relatively calmer.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy|Coyote Starrk]] is kind of a subversion. He's clearly the lazy and apathetic counterpart to the easy-going and carefree [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Shunsui Kyoraku]], but the only "bad" thing he's done so far is lazily fight against Kyoraku, and then, he offered to back out of. Come to think of it, between offering to pretend-fight him and taking one of the weakest arrancar in Aizen's army as his underling ({{spoiler|or so we think, she's actually his zanpakuto}}), [[Anti-Villain|the only reason he's evil at all is because he's on the villains' side]]. He's Neutral Lazy to Kyoraku's [[Neutral Good]], until he [[Let's Get Dangerous|releases]]. The annoyance of having to go all-out turned lazy into pissed, [[I Am Not Left-Handed|though apparently not pissed enough to use his stronger attacks yet]].
** That Starrk decided to join Aizen simply because he wanted comrades, seemingly irrespective of what said companions got up to, could be seen as bad enough. The 'evil' aspect specifically is harder to argue for when he's driven not by malice but by loneliness; it does not justify his actions/association, but his motivation is an odd one for a [[Anti-Villain|supposed villain]]. His reason for fighting is one any number of Heroes adhere to—to protect his friends. Kyoraku has similar motivations and is [[Combat Pragmatist|unscrupulous]] about what he needs to do to achieve them. Starrk's internal monologue makes it painfully obvious that his reluctance was genuine and he'd sooner be friends with the captain, but no such insight is given into Kyoraku's thoughts on the matter, leaving the extent of their similarities ambiguous.
* Ichigo gains another evil counterpart in {{spoiler|Kugo Ginjo}}, a warrior with very similar powers and origin. They even have similar personalities, through {{spoiler|Ginjo}} is revealed to have been [[Evil All Along|faking]] and has no qualms over using and betraying allies, while Ichigo's main motivation is to protect his [[True Companions]].

== ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'' ==
** In some ways they're polar opposites!
*** Accelerator, having a [[Superpower Lottery|power]] that could almost qualify as a [[Game Breaker]] were it not for one OUTRAGEOUSLY simple [[Kryptonite Factor|weakness]] known as the "reverse punch method" where [http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Accelerator one only has to stop their attack on Accelerator right before it would actually make contact.] And whilst Accelerator has this unbelievably devastating power, Touma's [[Anti-Magic|ability]] has a [[Blessed with Suck|side effect some would call fatal.]]
*** The companion parallel: Touma saved Index and Accelerator saved Last Order, whom are eerily similar in almost every way aside from [[Magic Versus Science|one strange reverse.]]
*** Heaven Cancellor notes that they're two sides of the same coin. Both want to protect their loved ones, Accelerator by killing or at least maiming anyone who threatens them, Touma by simply beating them up and then locking them up or befriending them.
* Following Accelerator's [[Heel Face Turn]], Teitoku Kakine becomes ''his'' evil counterpart. Both have won the [[Superpower Lottery]] and their powers are somewhat related, both are extremely sadistic, and both were on an [[A God Am I]] journey. But even when Accelerator was evil, he adhered to [[Even Evil Has Standards]], while Kakine gleefully tortures anyone in his path. Also, Accelerator wanted to become a god to get people to leave him alone, while Kakine wanted to be one because of his incredible ego.
* Umidori Kuroyoru is an evil counterpart to both Saiai Kinuhata and Accelerator. She has the same power as Saiai, but uses it more aggressively and is a jerk compared to the more cheerful Saiai. Accelerator notes that Umidori's personality and fighting style is identical to his prior to his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* Fiamma of the Right is another counterpart to Touma, who even compares their powers and draws attention to their similarities. Both use their Right Hands to shatter something that someone worked desperately to obtain, except Touma uses his to solve the problems around him and Fiamma his own personal problems — selflessness versus selfishness. In their final battle, Touma points out the biggest difference between them: Fiamma observed the world and was disgusted by [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|what he saw]], so he wanted to "save the world" by [[Kill All Humans|wiping out the human race]]. Touma observed the world and saw evil people to fight and good people to protect.
* The [[Word of God|author's notes]] explain that Aureolus Izzard is what Touma would have become if he had failed to save Index.

== ''[[Code Geass]]'' ==
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has Schneizel vi Britannia, who sometimes seems like a ''good'' Counterpart when compared to his [[Magnificent Bastard]] of a little brother, Lelouch, a fact mirrored by their color preference in chess.
* It's possibly a closer match with Charles, Lelouch's father. Once he takes the spotlight, we see that his past and personality are surprisingly similar to Lelouch's, except that Lelouch never reaches the point where he'd marry his buxom subordinate.
** Speaking of buxom subordinates, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is ''Kallen's'' Evil Counterpart. Both are highly capable insanely hot [[Action Girl]] Knightmare Frame pilots that are completely devoted to their [[Non-Action Guy]] men. The crucial difference is that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is a [[Lady Macbeth]] with no moral compass while Kallen's moral framework is so strong that she chooses her belief in what's right over the man she loves.
** According to [[Word of God]], Kallen might have actually done the same thing as {{spoiler|Marianne}} if Lelouch had actually came out and said that he loved her. [[Break His Heart to Save Him|That's why he doesn't say it]]—he doesn't want to drag her down with him {{spoiler|as he enacts his [[Thanatos Gambit]]}}.
* The Geass video game introduces twin princes Castor and Pollux, who are more directly Evil Counterparts; like Lelouch, they're amoral [[Chessmaster]]s with [[Evil Eye]] powers, but unlike him, they have absolutely no problem using their Geass to make people their slaves.
* Mao is another Evil Counterpart to Lelouch. He's not only the same age as Lelouch (even though he looks older than 17), but he also represents [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|what would happen if Lelouch lets his geass drive him mad]].

== ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' ==
* In the manga, Father is Hohenheim's Evil Counterpart. He's also even [[Cloudcuckoolander|weirder than him]]. This means that in both the anime and manga version, the Elric brothers eventually have to fight the [[Doppelganger]] of one of their parents. Toward the end of the manga, Father becomes more like an evil counterpart to {{spoiler|Ed, as his bishonen "God" form looks like young Hohenheim/Ed except with Father's cruel eyes, and Father's arrogance and obsession with gaining knowledge at all costs is a dark reflection of Ed's tendency toward [[Pride]].}}
* Wrath is an Evil Counterpart of Ling. Both cover [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]s and impressive swordsmanship with a front of [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], and Ling's actual [[Papa Wolf]] attitude toward his friends and subjects is mirrored in Wrath's ''pretensions'' to being a [[Father to His Men]]- in reality, he really couldn't give a damn about his subjects. Also, just as Wrath is a human-turned hommunculus, Ling gets turned into the second Greed. However, while Wrath lost his human identity in his transformation, Ling manages to maintain his consciousness and serves as [[The Conscience]] to Greed. Wrath started life as the 12th candidate for Fuhrer and Ling is the 12th son of the Emperor.
* Kimblee in the manga comes across as something of an evil counterpart to Scar. Both have destruction-based powers and invoke [[Light Is Not Good]] (although Scar is at worst an [[Anti-Villain]]). Also, Kimblee "created" Scar, delivering the injury that gave him his nickname, and the role of Kimblee and other State Alchemists in carrying out genocide against Scar and his people is the motivation for Scar's revenge.
** To support this argument, look at the scene where {{spoiler|Scar is standing on the roof with Kimblee on the ground, with Scar himself pointing how their situations were reversed from in Ishval. Also, Scar moved on past his focus on revenge while Kimblee's obsession towards completing his job never waned}}.
** A recent{{when} chapter seems to give Scar another evil counterpart in Bradley, who describes both of them as nameless warriors, and again, you have the perpetrator of genocide versus the victim of genocide.

== ''[[Gundam]]'' ==
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED|Gundam SEED]]'' introduces Mu La Flaga and Rau Le Creuset. Rau isn't just an Evil Counterpart, he's {{spoiler|a faulty clone of Mu's father}}. Le Creuset actually manages to be the Evil Counterpart to 3 characters. As a cold-blooded subversion of [[The Obi-Wan]], he's a counterpart to [[Big Brother Mentor]] La Flaga. He also however, is the counterpart to [[Born Winner]] Kira Yamato, demonstrating how badly the kid could have turned out if he hadn't had decent parents. Finally, he's the [[The Philosopher|philisophical]] opposite of [[The Messiah|Lacus Clyne]], [[Dark Messiah|preaching a gospel]] of [[Nietzsche Wannabe|nihilism]], [[Misanthrope Supreme|misanthropy]] and [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Mania]] in contrast to her [[Technical Pacifist|Technical Pacifism]] and [[Rousseau Was Right|humanism]].
** The Evil Counterpart trope doesn't just apply to characters; the ''Archangel'', the cool ''battleship'' of the main characters, gets an Evil Counterpart in the ''Dominion'' which is identical to ''Archangel'' in every way except for one: [[Dark Is Evil|it's black instead of white]].
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing|Gundam Wing]]'' is none too subtle in setting up the Epyon to be Wing Zero's evil counterpart. Wing Zero's back mounted thrusters make it resemble an angel (made ridiculously blatant by the Wing Zero Custom), while the Epyon resembles a devil. The 2 suits are similar in their construction: they both can transform into a jet mode, and they both contain a Zero System. However, they are also opposites: Wing Zero has a super-powerful gun, Epyon has a super-powerful sword. Also, the two Zero Systems are hinted to work in different ways, with Wing's "showing you the future", and Epyon's "showing you your death".
** Interestingly though, the [["On the Next..."]] narration for Epyon's introduction episode says it's evil "just like Zero"; presumably this refers to the ZERO System rather than Wing Zero itself.
* Both Commander Sazabi and Professor Gerbera are this to Captain Gundam from ''SD Gundam Force'', Gerbera more explicitly so.

== ''[[Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple]]'' ==
* One of the earliest examples is an Evil Counterpart for Kenichi—Odin, the First Fist of Ragnarok {{spoiler|otherwise known as [[Forgotten Childhood Friend|Ryuto Asamiya]]}}. They were inspired by the same childhood incident (seeing a then-5-year-old Miu beating up adult thugs all by herself), but while Kenichi was motivated to fight for justice (something he wouldn't remember until years later in the present day), Odin was motivated to gain power. {{spoiler|Shortly after the aforementioned incident, the two had a fight for a yin-yang pin Miu had given Kenichi in exchange for a cat pin she wanted; Kenichi won the fight, but then offered the pin to Ryuto anyway and suggested to pretend that Ryuto had won--which only wound up offending Ryuto's pride and sparked his [[Start of Darkness]]}}.
* [[The Rival|Natsu Tanimoto]], a.k.a. Loki the Fifth Fist of Ragnarok, had a brief Evil Counterpart in [[The Dragon|Berserker]], the Second Fist, after Tanimoto defected from Ragnarok; while Tanimoto advocated hard work and training, Berserker was a naturally-gifted fighter with no formal training who could nevertheless give Tanimoto a sound thrashing during their clash. (It's played with, however, in that Tanimoto is currently going through the [[Heel Face Revolving Door]].)
* [[Kick Chick|Kisara Nanjo]] was originally touted as an Evil Counterpart to Miu back when she was Ragnarok's Eighth Fist, Valkyrie. Following her [[Heel Face Turn]], she got her own Evil Counterpart in Freya, the Third Fist, due to the fact that she used to be one of Freya's underlings and also concerning their differing views on the use of weapons (Kisara, while not begrudging Freya for using weapons, simply didn't feel she herself should resort to weapons in order to stand alongside men as a fighter); eventually though, Freya had her own [[Heel Face Turn]] and the two remain friends ([[Les Yay|maybe]]).
* Since Yami is the organizational Evil Counterpart to Ryozanpaku, by default the members of YOMI (all disciples of the One Shadow Nine Fist members of Yami) become Evil Counterparts to Kenichi. One of the more notable counterparts in this regard would be Sho Kanou; both he and Kenichi were motivated by affection for Miu {{spoiler|and Kanou even pulled a [[Redemption Equals Death]] because of her}}. As well, Kajima Satomi (the disciple of the One Shadow) may eventually turn out to be this for Kenichi as well.
* The earliest master-class example would be [[Dirty Old Man|Kensei Ma's]] [[Cain and Abel|older brother]] [[Black Sheep|Sougetsu Ma]]—both men are well-known fighters from China, but Sougetsu is considered a disgrace on the family name due to his embracing of the killing-fist philosophy and his turning to crime. {{spoiler|And now Sougetsu is a member of the Nine Fists, making him an even greater counterpart to Kensei}}.
* Two members of the One Shadow Nine Fists group are Evil Counterparts for two members of Ryozanpaku--"God Fist" Akira Hongo for Sakaki Shio and Agaard Jum Sai for Apachai Hopachai. In both cases they're childhood friends of their respective good counterparts and [[Rival Turned Evil|fighting partners who turned to the dark side]]. However, in Agaard's case, he turned to the killing-fist philosophy out of pure instinct, a fact Apachai understands and respects; while Sakaki's and Hongo's differing philosophies came out of the same incident that tore apart their comradeship--{{spoiler|the death of their mutual friend at Hongo's hand during a fight to apply for a position with Yami, which prompted Sakaki to utterly reject the killing-fist philosophy}}. Both Nine Fists members are an interesting case, however, in that Agaard is an [[Affably Evil]] [[Friendly Enemy]] and Hongo is a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] who will [[Pet the Dog]] occasionally [[Even Evil Has Standards|and has high moral footing]].
** It's also played with where ''Hongo'' is concerned, as he gets his own Evil Counterpart: {{spoiler|Silcardo Junazard, the "Demon Fist" of the Nine Fists. Whereas Hongo [[A Father to His Men|cares about his students]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|in his own way]] and has a strict sense of honor, [[Sink or Swim Mentor|Junazard has killed students who failed to live up to his expectations]], [[Bad Boss|sacrifices henchmen as casually as if he were breathing]], and [[Moral Event Horizon|tricked Hongo into almost killing Kenichi so he could kidnap and brainwash Miu]]. The last point is what prompts Hongo's [[Enemy Mine]] with Ryozanpaku and his subsequent grudge match with Junazard}}.
* Yet another master-class example: Alexander Gaidar, the One Shadow Nine Fists' resident Command Sambo master, is an Evil Counterpart to Ryozanpaku's judo master Akisame Koetsuji where appreciation of artwork is concerned. Both men are extremely talented sculptors, and are capable of making impressive pieces of artwork out of the steel and stone of their surroundings [[Beyond the Impossible|even while they're fighting each other]].
* The [[Big Bad|One Shadow]] himself is an Evil Counterpart to ''three'' different people on different levels: {{spoiler|to his father [[Big Good|Hayato Furinji]], since they're respectively the leaders of Yami and Ryouzanpaku; to his former best friend Koetsuji, since both are [[Martial Medic|skilled in combat and medicinal applications]]; and quite possibly to Kenichi, who wears Saiga's former arm-guards and represents the kind of character Saiga used to have before his [[Face Heel Turn]], whereas Saiga represents what Kenichi could potentially become if he had a [[Face Heel Turn]] [[Love Makes You Evil|for the sake of a loved one]]}}.

== ''[[One Piece]]'' ==
* Buggy the Clown seemed to be introduced as an Evil Counterpart to Luffy; Indeed, their devil fruits are practically opposite in several ways, but similar in others (allow for long range attacking, provide invulnerability to certain kinds of attacks). While Luffy is irrepressibly cheerful, Buggy is constantly aggravated, etc.
* It looks like{{verify}} Blackbeard is shaping up to be Luffy's Evil Counterpart in addition to the [[Big Bad]]. He's initially introduced as someone who has similar dreams to Luffy and similar ambitions, as well as the same [[Big Eater]] nature (though with completely different tastes in food). Then it turns out he takes things a bit further and will actually betray his [[True Companions]] and kill them to fulfill his ambitions. He even subtly points this out when {{spoiler|he and Luffy reunite in Impel Down}} and hints that they're [[Not So Different]]. It helps that his crew mimics Luffy's as well, with [[Improbable Aiming Skills|Van Augur]] as counterpart to [[Lovable Coward|Usopp]], [[Ax Crazy|Shiliew]] to [[Blood Knight|Zoro]], etc.
** The Blackbeard pirates {{spoiler|except perhaps the original members}}{{verify}} don't think of each other as [[nakama]] and some members has expressed an interest {{spoiler|in dethroning Blackbeard as leader}}. Some of them stated that if {{spoiler|Blackbeard wasn't able to steal Whitebeard's powers}}, they would have just abandoned him to the Marines. Also, many of the members are [[Gonk]] in contrast with the Straw Hats who are good-looking, cool or cute.
* Frankly you could say that most every [[Big Bad]] Luffy's encountered along the way was something of an Evil Counterpart with Crocodile being an embittered ruthless [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] that gave up on dreams and Moria revealing that he lost his beloved [[True Companions]] in the New World. They seem to act as chilling reminders of what Luffy may become if he didn't hold onto his dreams or his friends.
* Interestingly, Admiral Akainu could serve as one for Ace. Along with the [[Playing with Fire|heat]] [[Magma Man|powers]], they're both devoted to their own sense of justice; Akainu adheres to absolute justice, hunting down any criminal, while Ace was determined to take down Blackbeard for his murder of a crewmate. These codes even go beyond those of their superiors/captain, as Sengoku and Whitebeard both have their limits. What separates them is that Ace genuine cares for others, while Akainu murders them if they oppose him.
* Lately,{{when}} Hyouzou, the New Fishman Pirates' assassin, is this to Zoro. Both of them are powerful swordsmen, enjoy drinking and have a calm demeanor. However, Zoro was never shown drunk while Hyouzou became drunk and blindly attacked anyone around him. Hyouzou only works with people who offer him the most money while Zoro has no interest for money and fights for his [[True Companions]].

== ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' ==
* Truly explored in the PSP games ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha: Battle of the Aces]]'' and ''Nanoha: Gears of Destiny'', where Nanoha, Fate and Hayate have counterparts for themselves: Stern a.k.a. Material-S (Seikou the Starlight Destroyer), Revi the Slasher a.k.a. Material-L (Rai-chan), "Load" a.k.a. Material-D (Yami or 'Your Majesty').
** These three also appear in the movie continuity, specifically in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Reflection]]'' and ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Detonation]]'' - where "Yami" gets the name Dearche.
* The same can be said about Karen of Huckebein in relation to Hayate, both are caring heads of their respective groups, both have a family-like approach to them and both are apparently masters of [[Great Big Book of Everything|mysterious ancient belkan books]], also their debut in battle during FORCE is precisely a very close encounter between the two. The difference comes as Karen have a much more gray morale and is perfectly ok with [[Back Stab|stabbing people]] [[In the Back]]. But the real ice on the cake is that Karen, unlike Hayate, [[Always Someone Better|shows to be able to defend herself in combat as also saving her family and giving them confidence and hope]].
* Cypha seems to be deliberately designed as this to Signum. Both are busty [[Hot Chick with a Sword|swordswomen]], but Signum is [[The Stoic]] [[Redheaded Hero]] (pink, technically) with both eyes intact and a single Western-style sword, while Cypha is a [[Psychotic Smirk]]er [[Blondes Are Evil|evil blonde]] with an [[Eyepatch of Power]] who [[Dual Wield|dual wields]] [[Katanas Are Better]].

== ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' ==
* Whereas Kenshin wants a peaceful Japan in which war will no longer be necessary, Shishio, the man who replaced him as hitokiri is [[The Social Darwinist]] and wants to create a Japan that is a proud warrior race. Also, while Kenshin has neat [[X Marks the Hero]] scars, Shishio was badly burned and wraps himself in bandages.
* Shishio's follower Soujirou is also one to Kenshin. Kenshin endured a sad childhood and was orphaned before being adopted by a master who trained him in swordsmanship. In personality, Kenshin didn't start out all that happy but eventually took on a cheerful [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. As a dark mirror to Kenshin, Soujirou grew up in an abusive family and found an [[Evil Mentor]] in Shishio, who gave him the encouragement to become a [[Self-Made Orphan]]. In terms of personality, Soujirou has a more extreme version of Kenshin's forced cheerfuless, being a [[Stepford Smiler]] who is incapable of showing (and to an extent feeling) any emotion.
* To complement this, Shishio serves as one for Kenshin's master Hiko Sejuro. Both are powerful and influential mentors who inspire ideologies in their pupils. While they're both hardened in some way, Hiko holds some optimism towards Kenshin's path. Shishio, while he does care about him, brainwashes Sojiro into his ideology. Hiko comically abuses Kenshin but respects his pupil's decisions.
* Sanosuke has evil counterparts in Cho, one of Shishio's men, and later, Banjin, a follower of Enishi. Both of these characters have dress and hair styles clearly similar to Sanosuke's, and while Sanosuke is a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] with a code, Cho and Banjin take a love of fighting to [[Blood Knight]] levels and have no real morals.
** Monk Anji is also one of Sanosuke. They're both fist-fighters who suffered a the loss of loved ones; Sanosuke with Captain Sagara and Anji with {{spoiler|all of his adoptive children}}. To deal with this pain, they turned to violence. When they meet Kenshin and Shishio respectively, the dynamic is also reflected. Sanosuke, while vitriolic to Kenshin, trusts him completely. Anji is merely siding with Shishio for his own reasons.
** Earlier then that, there's [[The Brute|Shikijou]]. Like Sano, he enjoys fighting and has immense loyalty to the one who defeated him (Aoshi), but the depths to which he's willing to go for strength disgusts Sano (this is played up more in the manga).
* Enishi Yukishiro, mentioned two points above, is an Evil Counterpart to Kenshin on an even more personal level than Shishio. Both he and Kenshin received lasting physical marks from the same incident {{spoiler|(the accidental death of Tomoe, Kenshin's wife and Enishi's sister, at Kenshin's hand)}}—Kenshin got the second part of his famous cross-scar, while Enishi got [[Locked Into Strangeness]] via his hair turning white from the shock. However, while that same incident motivated Kenshin's future [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] and [[The Atoner]] mentality, Enishi turned [[Ax Crazy]] and hell-bent on revenge. To further the counterpart theme further, their animal motifs are traditional opposites ([[Tiger Versus Dragon|Kenshin's fighting style is reminiscent of the dragon, while Enishi's is akin to the tiger]]) and Enishi's Watou-jutsu sword techniques are ''coincidentally'' perfectly able to counter Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi techniques.

== ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]'' ==
Whenever someone turns evil, 9 times out of 10 they'll acquire an evil version of whatever cards they usually play:
* Yuuki Juudai: Elemental Heroes/Evil Heroes (after becoming Haou)
* Marufuji Ryou: Cyber Dragons/Cyberdark Dragons (when he becomes Hell Kaiser Ryou)
* Johan Andersen: Gem Beasts/Advanced Gem Beasts {{spoiler|after he becomes possessed by Yubel)}}
* There's also the Sangenma (Sacred Beasts) and Wicked Gods, direct counterparts to the Egyptian God Cards in the anime and ''Yu-Gi-Oh R'' manga.

== Other examples ==
* ''[[Naruto]]''
* ''[[Naruto]]''
** Gaara of the Desert started out as an Evil Counterpart to Naruto, since he's also a young ninja with a demon sealed inside him, an interpretation of what would've happened to Naruto if not for the presence of his [[True Companions]].
** Gaara of the Desert started out as an Evil Counterpart to Naruto, since he's also a young ninja with a demon sealed inside him, an interpretation of what would've happened to Naruto if not for the presence of his [[True Companions]].
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* Tullece from the third ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' movie, ''Tree of Might''. His entire character was based on the idea of what kind of person Goku would have grown up to become if he had never cracked his skull and gotten amnesia.
* Tullece from the third ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' movie, ''Tree of Might''. His entire character was based on the idea of what kind of person Goku would have grown up to become if he had never cracked his skull and gotten amnesia.
** Yajirobe meanwhile was never a villain, but was a short, dim-witted and spiky-haired man who lived alone in the middle of nowhere, phenomonally strong and obsessed with food, mirroring Goku at the start of Dragonball. The contrast here was that Yajirobe was lazy, cowardly and generally much less pure compared to Goku's much more earnest demeanor. A kind of [[Chaotic Neutral]] Counterpart.
** Yajirobe meanwhile was never a villain, but was a short, dim-witted and spiky-haired man who lived alone in the middle of nowhere, phenomonally strong and obsessed with food, mirroring Goku at the start of Dragonball. The contrast here was that Yajirobe was lazy, cowardly and generally much less pure compared to Goku's much more earnest demeanor. A kind of [[Chaotic Neutral]] Counterpart.
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]'': Whenever someone turns evil, 9 times out of 10 they'll acquire an evil version of whatever cards they usually play:
** Yuuki Juudai: Elemental Heroes/Evil Heroes (after becoming Haou)
** Marufuji Ryou: Cyber Dragons/Cyberdark Dragons (when he becomes Hell Kaiser Ryou)
** Johan Andersen: Gem Beasts/Advanced Gem Beasts {{spoiler|after he becomes possessed by Yubel)}}
** There's also the Sangenma (Sacred Beasts) and Wicked Gods, direct counterparts to the Egyptian God Cards in the anime and ''Yu-Gi-Oh R'' manga.
* ''[[Rave Master]]'':
* ''[[Rave Master]]'':
** Lucia Raregroove is the Evil Counterpart of the main protagonist Haru Glory, [[Sins of Our Fathers|a fate not unlike the one suffered by their fathers before them]]. He even wields an [[Evil Knockoff]] of Haru's sword.
** Lucia Raregroove is the Evil Counterpart of the main protagonist Haru Glory, [[Sins of Our Fathers|a fate not unlike the one suffered by their fathers before them]]. He even wields an [[Evil Knockoff]] of Haru's sword.
** Also the Dark Bring Pool, which seals away (then drowns) anyone stupid enough to dive into it's ominous purple water while producing a darker copy.
** Also the Dark Bring Pool, which seals away (then drowns) anyone stupid enough to dive into it's ominous purple water while producing a darker copy.
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED|Gundam SEED]]'' introduces Mu La Flaga and Rau Le Creuset. Rau isn't just an Evil Counterpart, he's {{spoiler|a faulty clone of Mu's father}}. Le Creuset actually manages to be the Evil Counterpart to 3 characters. As a cold-blooded subversion of [[The Obi-Wan]], he's a counterpart to [[Big Brother Mentor]] La Flaga. He also however, is the counterpart to [[Born Winner]] Kira Yamato, demonstrating how badly the kid could have turned out if he hadn't had decent parents. Finally, he's the [[The Philosopher|philisophical]] opposite of [[The Messiah|Lacus Clyne]], [[Dark Messiah|preaching a gospel]] of [[Nietzsche Wannabe|nihilism]], [[Misanthrope Supreme|misanthropy]] and [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Mania]] in contrast to her [[Technical Pacifist|Technical Pacifism]] and [[Rousseau Was Right|humanism]].
** The Evil Counterpart trope doesn't just apply to characters; the ''Archangel'', the cool ''battleship'' of the main characters, gets an Evil Counterpart in the ''Dominion'' which is identical to ''Archangel'' in every way except for one: [[Dark Is Evil|it's black instead of white]].
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing|Gundam Wing]]'' is none too subtle in setting up the Epyon to be Wing Zero's evil counterpart. Wing Zero's back mounted thrusters make it resemble an angel (made ridiculously blatant by the Wing Zero Custom), while the Epyon resembles a devil. The 2 suits are similar in their construction: they both can transform into a jet mode, and they both contain a Zero System. However, they are also opposites: Wing Zero has a super-powerful gun, Epyon has a super-powerful sword. Also, the two Zero Systems are hinted to work in different ways, with Wing's "showing you the future", and Epyon's "showing you your death".
** Interestingly though, the [["On the Next..."]] narration for Epyon's introduction episode says it's evil "just like Zero"; presumably this refers to the ZERO System rather than Wing Zero itself.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has Schneizel vi Britannia, who sometimes seems like a ''good'' Counterpart when compared to his [[Magnificent Bastard]] of a little brother, Lelouch, a fact mirrored by their color preference in chess.
** It's possibly a closer match with Charles, Lelouch's father. Once he takes the spotlight, we see that his past and personality are surprisingly similar to Lelouch's, except that Lelouch never reaches the point where he'd marry his buxom subordinate.
*** Speaking of buxom subordinates, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is ''Kallen's'' Evil Counterpart. Both are highly capable insanely hot [[Action Girl]] Knightmare Frame pilots that are completely devoted to their [[Non-Action Guy]] men. The crucial difference is that {{spoiler|Marianne}} is a [[Lady Macbeth]] with no moral compass while Kallen's moral framework is so strong that she chooses her belief in what's right over the man she loves.
*** According to [[Word of God]], Kallen might have actually done the same thing as {{spoiler|Marianne}} if Lelouch had actually came out and said that he loved her. [[Break His Heart to Save Him|That's why he doesn't say it]]—he doesn't want to drag her down with him {{spoiler|as he enacts his [[Thanatos Gambit]]}}.
** The Geass video game introduces twin princes Castor and Pollux, who are more directly Evil Counterparts; like Lelouch, they're amoral [[Chessmaster]]s with [[Evil Eye]] powers, but unlike him, they have absolutely no problem using their Geass to make people their slaves.
** Mao is another Evil Counterpart to Lelouch. He's not only the same age as Lelouch (even though he looks older than 17), but he also represents [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|what would happen if Lelouch lets his geass drive him mad]].
* This trope appears in Season 2 of ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]''. (Warning: '''major''' spoilers.)
* This trope appears in Season 2 of ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]''. (Warning: '''major''' spoilers.)
** {{spoiler|Kuze is really similar to the Major, the series protagonist. They both were the 2 only survivors of a plane crash as children of about the same age who became friends in the hospital until they both got their first cybernetic bodies and lost contact. While the Major became a police officer working for the government, Kuze became a terrorist opposing the state. Both share the same goals of helping and protecting the people from corruption and crime, their only differences being which side of the law they chose to stand on.}}
** {{spoiler|Kuze is really similar to the Major, the series protagonist. They both were the 2 only survivors of a plane crash as children of about the same age who became friends in the hospital until they both got their first cybernetic bodies and lost contact. While the Major became a police officer working for the government, Kuze became a terrorist opposing the state. Both share the same goals of helping and protecting the people from corruption and crime, their only differences being which side of the law they chose to stand on.}}
* ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'': [[Anti-Hero|ACCELERATOR]] AND FLIPPING [[The Hero|TOUMA KAMIYAN!!!]]
** In some ways they're polar opposites!
*** Accelerator, having a [[Superpower Lottery|power]] that could almost qualify as a [[Game Breaker]] were it not for one OUTRAGEOUSLY simple [[Kryptonite Factor|weakness]] known as the "reverse punch method" where [http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Accelerator one only has to stop their attack on Accelerator right before it would actually make contact.] And whilst Accelerator has this unbelievably devastating power, Touma's [[Anti-Magic|ability]] has a [[Blessed with Suck|side effect some would call fatal.]]
*** The companion parallel: Touma saved Index and Accelerator saved Last Order, whom are eerily similar in almost every way aside from [[Magic Versus Science|one strange reverse.]]
*** Heaven Cancellor notes that they're 2 sides of the same coin. Both want to protect their loved ones, Accelerator by killing or at least maiming anyone who threatens them, Touma by simply beating them up and then locking them up or befriending them.
** Following Accelerator's [[Heel Face Turn]], Teitoku Kakine becomes ''his'' evil counterpart. Both have won the [[Superpower Lottery]] and their powers are somewhat related, both are extremely sadistic, and both were on an [[A God Am I]] journey. But even when Accelerator was evil, he adhered to [[Even Evil Has Standards]], while Kakine gleefully tortures anyone in his path. Also, Accelerator wanted to become a god to get people to leave him alone, while Kakine wanted to be one because of his incredible ego.
** Umidori Kuroyoru is an evil counterpart to both Saiai Kinuhata and Accelerator. She has the same power as Saiai, but uses it more aggressively and is a jerk compared to the more cheerful Saiai. Accelerator notes that Umidori's personality and fighting style is identical to his prior to his [[Heel Face Turn]].
** Fiamma of the Right is another counterpart to Touma, who even compares their powers and draws attention to their similarities. Both use their Right Hands to shatter something that someone worked desperately to obtain, except Touma uses his to solve the problems around him and Fiamma his own personal problems — selflessness versus selfishness. In their final battle, Touma points out the biggest difference between them: Fiamma observed the world and was disgusted by [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|what he saw]], so he wanted to "save the world" by [[Kill All Humans|wiping out the human race]]. Touma observed the world and saw evil people to fight and good people to protect.
** The [[Word of God|author's notes]] explain that Aureolus Izzard is what Touma would have become if he had failed to save Index.
* This happens to Optimus Prime from ''[[Transformers]]'' quite a bit, most especially in the Japanese series. In ''Robots in Disguise'', this takes the form of Scourge, who mirrors Optimus's appearance and strength. The fact that he's not outright identical to Optimus keeps him from being an [[Evil Twin]].
* This happens to Optimus Prime from ''[[Transformers]]'' quite a bit, most especially in the Japanese series. In ''Robots in Disguise'', this takes the form of Scourge, who mirrors Optimus's appearance and strength. The fact that he's not outright identical to Optimus keeps him from being an [[Evil Twin]].
** However, Nemesis Prime from ''[[Transformers Armada]]'' IS an Evil Twin, with his coloration being the only difference, as is the one that crops up in the backstory for ''Alternators/Binaltech''.
** However, Nemesis Prime from ''[[Transformers Armada]]'' IS an Evil Twin, with his coloration being the only difference, as is the one that crops up in the backstory for ''Alternators/Binaltech''.
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* Aion in ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'' is clearly Chrono's evil counterpart; even their time manipulation skills are opposed or complementary in the anime. In the manga their powers don't seem to be quite as related, but instead it takes the [[For Want of a Nail]] path if you [[Fridge Brilliance|think about it]]—as revealed near the end of the manga, {{spoiler|Aion became bent on his path for remaking the world and Pandaemonium when he received visions of Pandaemonium's memories on his coming-of-age day. If Chrono is his twin brother, that means that he probably was lined up to have the ceremony, as well. He never had a chance because of the hubbub Aion caused, but if Chrono had gone first instead of Aion, Chrono probably would've been the one to go crazy, and Aion would've been the "good" twin.}} The fact that Aion refuses to tell Chrono the truth and says it's "better this way" probably shows that he, himself, is aware of how close Chrono came to being like him.
* Aion in ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'' is clearly Chrono's evil counterpart; even their time manipulation skills are opposed or complementary in the anime. In the manga their powers don't seem to be quite as related, but instead it takes the [[For Want of a Nail]] path if you [[Fridge Brilliance|think about it]]—as revealed near the end of the manga, {{spoiler|Aion became bent on his path for remaking the world and Pandaemonium when he received visions of Pandaemonium's memories on his coming-of-age day. If Chrono is his twin brother, that means that he probably was lined up to have the ceremony, as well. He never had a chance because of the hubbub Aion caused, but if Chrono had gone first instead of Aion, Chrono probably would've been the one to go crazy, and Aion would've been the "good" twin.}} The fact that Aion refuses to tell Chrono the truth and says it's "better this way" probably shows that he, himself, is aware of how close Chrono came to being like him.
* Vash in ''[[Trigun]]'' has his [[Evil Twin]] Knives, who gives a good idea of what Vash would've become if he hadn't been a [[Freud Was Right|mama's boy]].
* Vash in ''[[Trigun]]'' has his [[Evil Twin]] Knives, who gives a good idea of what Vash would've become if he hadn't been a [[Freud Was Right|mama's boy]].
* In the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' manga, Father is Hohenheim's Evil Counterpart. He's also even [[Cloudcuckoolander|weirder than him]]. This means that in both the anime and manga version, the Elric brothers eventually have to fight the [[Doppelganger]] of one of their parents. Toward the end of the manga, Father becomes more like an evil counterpart to {{spoiler|Ed, as his bishonen "God" form looks like young Hohenheim/Ed except with Father's cruel eyes, and Father's arrogance and obsession with gaining knowledge at all costs is a dark reflection of Ed's tendency toward [[Pride]].}}
** Wrath is an Evil Counterpart of Ling. Both cover [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]s and impressive swordsmanship with a front of [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], and Ling's actual [[Papa Wolf]] attitude toward his friends and subjects is mirrored in Wrath's ''pretensions'' to being a [[Father to His Men]]- in reality, he really couldn't give a damn about his subjects. Also, just as Wrath is a human-turned hommunculus, Ling gets turned into the second Greed. However, while Wrath lost his human identity in his transformation, Ling manages to maintain his consciousness and serves as [[The Conscience]] to Greed. Wrath started life as the 12th candidate for Fuhrer and Ling is the 12th son of the Emperor.
** Kimblee in the manga comes across as something of an evil counterpart to Scar. Both have destruction-based powers and invoke [[Light Is Not Good]] (although Scar is at worst an [[Anti-Villain]]). Also, Kimblee "created" Scar, delivering the injury that gave him his nickname, and the role of Kimblee and other State Alchemists in carrying out genocide against Scar and his people is the motivation for Scar's revenge.
*** To support this argument, look at the scene where {{spoiler|Scar is standing on the roof with Kimblee on the ground, with Scar himself pointing how their situations were reversed from in Ishval. Also, Scar moved on past his focus on revenge while Kimblee's obsession towards completing his job never waned}}.
*** A recent chapter seems to give Scar another evil counterpart in Bradley, who describes both of them as nameless warriors, and again, you have the perpetrator of genocide versus the victim of genocide.
* In ''[[The Daughter of Twenty Faces|Chiko: Heiress Of The Phantom Thief]]'', the titular Chiko has something of an evil counterpart in Angie, who started off as a sweet happy-go-lucky girl befriended Chiko. She just happened to be the daughter of the head of security of the museum Chiko and her fellow thieves were casing. Chiko willingly betrays her and conducts the theft, leaving her behind. One [[Wham! Episode]] later, she's stuck on the top of a moving train with an [[Ax Crazy]] Angie trying to drive an axe into her skull. Smooth, Chiko, smooth.
* In ''[[The Daughter of Twenty Faces|Chiko: Heiress Of The Phantom Thief]]'', the titular Chiko has something of an evil counterpart in Angie, who started off as a sweet happy-go-lucky girl befriended Chiko. She just happened to be the daughter of the head of security of the museum Chiko and her fellow thieves were casing. Chiko willingly betrays her and conducts the theft, leaving her behind. One [[Wham! Episode]] later, she's stuck on the top of a moving train with an [[Ax Crazy]] Angie trying to drive an axe into her skull. Smooth, Chiko, smooth.
* Like ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'', Rei-Ginsei is a weirdly beautiful [[The Hunter|Hunter]] with supernatural powers. Unlike D, he's egotistical, completely amoral, only helps beautiful women and doesn't hesitate to try to torture a child to death to get what he wants.
* Like ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'', Rei-Ginsei is a weirdly beautiful [[The Hunter|Hunter]] with supernatural powers. Unlike D, he's egotistical, completely amoral, only helps beautiful women and doesn't hesitate to try to torture a child to death to get what he wants.
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** Kotaro seemed to be an Evil Counterpart to Negi during the Kyoto arc, although he has since done a [[Heel Face Turn]] and become [[The Rival]]. Currently, [[Big Bad]] Fate Averruncus appears to be an Evil Counterpart to Negi, as each is a cute boy with a group of female partners backing them up.
** Kotaro seemed to be an Evil Counterpart to Negi during the Kyoto arc, although he has since done a [[Heel Face Turn]] and become [[The Rival]]. Currently, [[Big Bad]] Fate Averruncus appears to be an Evil Counterpart to Negi, as each is a cute boy with a group of female partners backing them up.
** Fate's entire team is made up of Evil Counterparts, some obvious and some not. Anya's mirror is an [[Emotionless Girl]] who looks quite similar to Anya and likes [[Playing with Fire|the same element]]. Yue and Nodoka's opposites are the panty-less [[Emotionless Girl]] and the [[Catgirl|panther girl]], respectively, although the only similarity between Nodoka and panther seems to be hair color and they hang out with their version of Yue. Haruna is vaguely connected to the girl with the lute, in that they are both artists (music vs drawing). Finally, as stated above, Fate is Negi's opposite. They both have female followers.
** Fate's entire team is made up of Evil Counterparts, some obvious and some not. Anya's mirror is an [[Emotionless Girl]] who looks quite similar to Anya and likes [[Playing with Fire|the same element]]. Yue and Nodoka's opposites are the panty-less [[Emotionless Girl]] and the [[Catgirl|panther girl]], respectively, although the only similarity between Nodoka and panther seems to be hair color and they hang out with their version of Yue. Haruna is vaguely connected to the girl with the lute, in that they are both artists (music vs drawing). Finally, as stated above, Fate is Negi's opposite. They both have female followers.
* Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez would be the Evil Counterpart to Ichigo Kurosaki on ''[[Bleach]]''. An Arrancar (Hollow with Shinigami powers), he serves as a foil to the Visored, Ichigo (A Shinigami with Hollow powers). He also has the same love of fighting shared by Kenpachi, Ichigo, and Nnoitra. Unlike Ichigo, he doesn't have a cause apart from pride and strength; Ichigo addresses this somewhat.
** There's also Sosuke Aizen and Kisuke Urahara. Sometimes, it's hard to tell which one's the real villain, but "Turn Back the Pendulum" kind of closed the book on that one. Both are super genius [[Chessmaster]]s who constantly [[Troll]] everyone, even their allies. But while Urahara cares about his allies in the end, Aizen doesn't care about anybody and will [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|terminate his allies as soon as he's finished with them]].
*** Aizen is also an evil counterpart to Toshiro Hitsugaya and eviler counterpart to fellow villain Coyote Starrk. All three grew up mostly alone due to their incredible power (Aizen and Hitsugaya scared everyone away, Starrk accidentally killed anything that approached him due to [[Power Incontinence]]). Hitsugaya was able to work through his misfortune and form attachments to his friends and adopted family. Starrk formed attachments to Aizen and their fellow villains (the only reason he's a villain is to stay with his newfound friends). Aizen, despite being respected by the exact same people as Hitsugaya and Starrk, and even winning the heart of Momo Hinamori (Hitsugaya's [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]), did ''not'' form ''any'' attachments to them and again, does not care about anybody.
** Subverted with Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Szayelaporro Granz. To paraphrase [[Ren and Stimpy|Stimpy]]: "It's the Evil Counterpart... and the ''really'' Evil Counterpart!"
** [[Death Seeker|Nnoitra]] is what [[Blood Knight|Kenpachi]] would turn into if he just gave up on life. Kenpachi loves to fight, puts handicaps on himself to make the fight last longer and give his opponents a chance, and typically leaves his enemies alive so that they can come after him again; he's crazy, but in a fun kind of way. Nnoitra on the other hand, is completely [[Axe Crazy]], hates everybody, has a misogynistic streak that's definitely absent from Kenpachi, uses dirty tricks, leaves a mile-wide trail of dead bodies behind him, and is looking to die. Their battle (and twin eyepatches) nicely emphasise their similarities and differences.
** In fact, 2/3 of the Arrancar seem to be evil counterparts of one member of the Gotei 13 or another: Ggio Vega and Shaolin "Soifon" Fon are both agile, fast and athletic melee fighters, who are generally calm, loyal and firm, and seem to have a fairly low view on their comrades. They even ''look'' similar, but where Soifon is a mostly cold and professional [[Tsundere]] that ''seriously'' [[Defrosting Ice Queen|fangirls]] over her [[Les Yay|female]] [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|idol]], Ggio is a cocky and sarcastic taunter with a short fuse and 'bit of a boastful air to him, and the respect he harbors for his male commander appears to be more platonic. Furthermore, Soifon's antagonism towards her subordinates is mainly a pseudo-facade, her way of toughening them up, while Ggio appeared genuinely indifferent to his fellow [[Elite Mook|Fraccion]], barely reacting - if at all to their deaths.
*** Yumichika Ayasegawa and Charlotte Cuuhlhourne initially appear to share similar vain, narcissistic tendencies with Yumichika as fightloving as any other [[Blood Knight]] and Charlotte an even more flamboyant drag queen. However, the superficial similarity falls away as the fight progresses to reveal Charlotte believes that beauty is derived from physical strength which is a philosophy echoed by the 11th division. Yumichika, however, ends up revealing that his adherence to 11th division philosophy (and the "beauty" of it) is only skin-deep, indicating he's proud of his zanpakutou and its power even though his division's philosophy means he's not supposed to be, and also revealing that his strength doesn't lie with the physical as it does for both Charlotte and the 11th division, but with the spiritual (kido) instead. The depth of what he's sacrificing for the sake of his division, friend and captain also reveals Yumichika's narcissism doesn't run as deeply as he seems to want people to think and that he certainly doesn't want anyone to realise how self-sacrificing he really is. In the end, the fight reveals only superficial similarities between the two by highlighting that Charlotte is everything the 11th division philosophy stands for and everything that Yumichika personally - when allowed to admit it - does not.
*** Nirgge Parduoc and Marechiyo Omaeda are both large and fat, boastful and demeaning, though Omaeda is more vain and cowardly, while Nirgge is at least patient and relatively calmer.
** [[Brilliant but Lazy|Coyote Starrk]] is kind of a subversion. He's clearly the lazy and apathetic counterpart to the easy-going and carefree [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Shunsui Kyoraku]], but the only "bad" thing he's done so far is lazily fight against Kyoraku, and then, he offered to back out of. Come to think of it, between offering to pretend-fight him and taking one of the weakest arrancar in Aizen's army as his underling ({{spoiler|or so we think, she's actually his zanpakuto}}), [[Anti-Villain|the only reason he's evil at all is because he's on the villains' side]]. He's Neutral Lazy to Kyoraku's [[Neutral Good]], until he [[Let's Get Dangerous|releases]]. The annoyance of having to go all-out turned lazy into pissed, [[I Am Not Left-Handed|though apparently not pissed enough to use his stronger attacks yet]].
*** That Starrk decided to join Aizen simply because he wanted comrades, seemingly irrespective of what said companions got up to, could be seen as bad enough. The 'evil' aspect specifically is harder to argue for when he's driven not by malice but by loneliness; it does not justify his actions/association, but his motivation is an odd one for a [[Anti-Villain|supposed villain]]. His reason for fighting is one any number of Heroes adhere to—to protect his friends. Kyoraku has similar motivations and is [[Combat Pragmatist|unscrupulous]] about what he needs to do to achieve them. Starrk's internal monologue makes it painfully obvious that his reluctance was genuine and he'd sooner be friends with the captain, but no such insight is given into Kyoraku's thoughts on the matter, leaving the extent of their similarities ambiguous.
** Ichigo gains another evil counterpart in {{spoiler|Kugo Ginjo}}, a warrior with very similar powers and origin. They even have similar personalities, through {{spoiler|Ginjo}} is revealed to have been [[Evil All Along|faking]] and has no qualms over using and betraying allies, while Ichigo's main motivation is to protect his [[True Companions]].
* In ''[[Death Note]]'' Light is the Evil Counterpart of L.
* In ''[[Death Note]]'' Light is the Evil Counterpart of L.
** And Mello the Evil Counterpart to Near.
** And Mello the Evil Counterpart to Near.
** And [[Another Note|Beyond Birthday]] is L's ''other'' Evil Counterpart.
** And [[Another Note|Beyond Birthday]] is L's ''other'' Evil Counterpart.
* Buggy the Clown from ''[[One Piece]]'' seemed to be introduced as an Evil Counterpart to Luffy; Indeed, their devil fruits are practically opposite in several ways, but similar in others (allow for long range attacking, provide invulnerability to certain kinds of attacks). While Luffy is irrepressibly cheerful, Buggy is constantly aggravated, etc.
** It looks like Blackbeard is shaping up to be Luffy's Evil Counterpart in addition to the [[Big Bad]]. He's initially introduced as someone who has similar dreams to Luffy and similar ambitions, as well as the same [[Big Eater]] nature (though with completely different tastes in food). Then it turns out he takes things a bit further and will actually betray his [[True Companions]] and kill them to fulfill his ambitions. He even subtly points this out when {{spoiler|he and Luffy reunite in Impel Down}} and hints that they're [[Not So Different]]. It helps that his crew mimics Luffy's as well, with [[Improbable Aiming Skills|Van Augur]] as counterpart to [[Lovable Coward|Usopp]], [[Ax Crazy|Shiliew]] to [[Blood Knight|Zoro]], etc.
*** The Blackbeard pirates {{spoiler|except perhaps the original members}} don't think of each other as nakama and some members has expressed an interest {{spoiler|in dethroning Blackbeard as leader}}. Some of them stated that if {{spoiler|Blackbeard wasn't able to steal Whitebeard's powers}}, they would have just abandoned him to the Marines. Also, many of the members are [[Gonk]] in contrast with the Straw Hats who are good-looking, cool or cute.
** Frankly you could say that most every [[Big Bad]] Luffy's encountered along the way was something of an Evil Counterpart with Crocodile being an embittered ruthless [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] that gave up on dreams and Moria revealing that he lost his beloved [[True Companions]] in the New World. They seem to act as chilling reminders of what Luffy may become if he didn't hold onto his dreams or his friends.
** Interestingly, Admiral Akainu could serve as one for Ace. Along with the [[Playing with Fire|heat]] [[Magma Man|powers]], they're both devoted to their own sense of justice; Akainu adheres to absolute justice, hunting down any criminal, while Ace was determined to take down Blackbeard for his murder of a crewmate. These codes even go beyond those of their superiors/captain, as Sengoku and Whitebeard both have their limits. What separates them is that Ace genuine cares for others, while Akainu murders them if they oppose him.
** Lately, Hyouzou, the New Fishman Pirates' assassin, is this to Zoro. Both of them are powerful swordsmen, enjoy drinking and have a calm demeanor. However, Zoro was never shown drunk while Hyouzou became drunk and blindly attacked anyone around him. Hyouzou only works with people who offer him the most money while Zoro has no interest for money and fights for his [[True Companions]].
* ''[[GaoGaiGar]]'': Each of the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol is an Evil Counterpart for a member of the main GGG crew, even though it's not immediately apparent which is which.
* ''[[GaoGaiGar]]'': Each of the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol is an Evil Counterpart for a member of the main GGG crew, even though it's not immediately apparent which is which.
* Back when ''[[Kinnikuman]]'' was a superhero, Kinkotsuman was introduced as his villainous counterpart; He was just as bad at what he did as Kinnikuman was. Unlike Kinnikuman, he was unable to eventually find a more fitting profession and slowly became less prominent as more serious villains started showing up.
* Back when ''[[Kinnikuman]]'' was a superhero, Kinkotsuman was introduced as his villainous counterpart; He was just as bad at what he did as Kinnikuman was. Unlike Kinnikuman, he was unable to eventually find a more fitting profession and slowly became less prominent as more serious villains started showing up.
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* Jagi from ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'' was initially built up as an evil counterpart to Kenshiro, having the same 7 scars and everything. Whereas Kenshiro uses his skills to protect the weak and punish villains, Jagi uses Hokuto Shinken to terrorize villagers. Subverted as it is revealed that Jagi never truly mastered Hokuto Shinken and that he's not the only other student to learn Hokuto Shinken from Master Ryuken.
* Jagi from ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'' was initially built up as an evil counterpart to Kenshiro, having the same 7 scars and everything. Whereas Kenshiro uses his skills to protect the weak and punish villains, Jagi uses Hokuto Shinken to terrorize villagers. Subverted as it is revealed that Jagi never truly mastered Hokuto Shinken and that he's not the only other student to learn Hokuto Shinken from Master Ryuken.
* ''[[Arcade Gamer Fubuki]]'' has a rival, who has her OWN version of the [[Underwear of Power|Passion Panties]] except hers are [[Color-Coded for Your Convenience|black]]. Also, she wears rollerblades so she can twirl around and [[Panty Shot|activate her passion panties herself]] rather than waiting for a friend with a fan.
* ''[[Arcade Gamer Fubuki]]'' has a rival, who has her OWN version of the [[Underwear of Power|Passion Panties]] except hers are [[Color-Coded for Your Convenience|black]]. Also, she wears rollerblades so she can twirl around and [[Panty Shot|activate her passion panties herself]] rather than waiting for a friend with a fan.
* Both Commander Sazabi and Professor Gerbera are this to Captain Gundam from ''SD Gundam Force'', Gerbera more explicitly so.
* Anemone is the Evil Counterpart to the titular character of ''[[Eureka Seven]]''. {{spoiler|Though it turns out she's not so evil after all, [[Love Redeems|at least not by the end of the series.]]}}
* Anemone is the Evil Counterpart to the titular character of ''[[Eureka Seven]]''. {{spoiler|Though it turns out she's not so evil after all, [[Love Redeems|at least not by the end of the series.]]}}
* Hei in ''[[Darker than Black]]'' has a couple of characters who qualify as evil counterparts: There is Wei, a fellow Chinese [[Badass]] whose psychopathy contrasts with Hei's relative restraint. Like Hei, Wei is also one of the few contractors shown to be capable of emotion, but his are all negative to Hei's positive ones. Another character {{spoiler|Nick}} has the same power as Hei, the same nice guy persona, and has the same goal of finding his [[Dead Little Sister]], but he wants to achieve it through murdering people; Harvest, the [[Big Bad]] of the interquel manga has the opposite power to Hei- while Hei's power involves creating material on an atomic level, Harvest's involves destroying it; Mina in season 2 wears a similar costume/shares similar weaponry to Hei and is also [[The Stoic]], but is also a dark reflection of Kirihara, sharing a similar background of being [[The Ojou]].
* Hei in ''[[Darker than Black]]'' has a couple of characters who qualify as evil counterparts: There is Wei, a fellow Chinese [[Badass]] whose psychopathy contrasts with Hei's relative restraint. Like Hei, Wei is also one of the few contractors shown to be capable of emotion, but his are all negative to Hei's positive ones. Another character {{spoiler|Nick}} has the same power as Hei, the same nice guy persona, and has the same goal of finding his [[Dead Little Sister]], but he wants to achieve it through murdering people; Harvest, the [[Big Bad]] of the interquel manga has the opposite power to Hei- while Hei's power involves creating material on an atomic level, Harvest's involves destroying it; Mina in season 2 wears a similar costume/shares similar weaponry to Hei and is also [[The Stoic]], but is also a dark reflection of Kirihara, sharing a similar background of being [[The Ojou]].
* Much of season 2 of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' (at least the first third to half) was spent seemingly building up Eriol, Ruby Moon, and Spinel Sun as Evil Counterparts to Sakura, Yue, and Kero, respectively. [[Subverted Trope|However]], this was all or mostly a sham. Not only is Ruby Moon hardly as dangerous and ruthless as Yue is ([[Informed Ability|usually]]) described as, at best coming off as merely [[The Scrappy|annoying]] and [[Die for Our Ship|hate]]-[[Yaoi Fangirl|worthy]], but Spinel Sun is often adorable and harmless, acting more as a [[Brilliant but Lazy|bored]] [[Greek Chorus]] to the events. As for Eriol himself...[[Omniscient Morality License|opinions are divided on if he or his actions were "evil"]], but he's certainly not as different from Sakura as might have been supposed.
* Much of season 2 of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' (at least the first third to half) was spent seemingly building up Eriol, Ruby Moon, and Spinel Sun as Evil Counterparts to Sakura, Yue, and Kero, respectively. [[Subverted Trope|However]], this was all or mostly a sham. Not only is Ruby Moon hardly as dangerous and ruthless as Yue is ([[Informed Ability|usually]]) described as, at best coming off as merely [[The Scrappy|annoying]] and [[Die for Our Ship|hate]]-[[Yaoi Fangirl|worthy]], but Spinel Sun is often adorable and harmless, acting more as a [[Brilliant but Lazy|bored]] [[Greek Chorus]] to the events. As for Eriol himself... [[Omniscient Morality License|opinions are divided on if he or his actions were "evil"]], but he's certainly not as different from Sakura as might have been supposed.
* In ''[[X 1999]]'' Fuuma is evil counterpart to Kamui and Seishiro is Evil Counterpart to Subaru.
* In ''[[X 1999]]'' Fuuma is evil counterpart to Kamui and Seishiro is Evil Counterpart to Subaru.
* In ''[[Girls Bravo]]'', the main character Yukinari and the [[Big Bad]] Yukina, as if the similar names weren't a big enough clue. While in some ways they are complete opposites—he's a powerless [[Non-Action Guy]] who is allergic to women but generally doesn't hold a grudge against them ,and she's an [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]] who is allergic to men ''and wants to kill all of them''—both of them have dealt with a great deal of pain in their lives that led to them both being [[Allergic to Love]] with the opposite gender. In the end Yukinari is able to stop her from committing gendercide simply by gently talking her down and helping her deal with the insecurities that created the situation in the first place. Unfortunately for Yukinari, his former Evil Counterpart falls in love with him and becomes a [[Yandere]] [[Stalker with a Crush]] with a bad habit of sneaking into his bed (naked) while he's sleeping. Also, while she isn't allergic to him, he is still allergic to her.
* In ''[[Girls Bravo]]'', the main character Yukinari and the [[Big Bad]] Yukina, as if the similar names weren't a big enough clue. While in some ways they are complete opposites—he's a powerless [[Non-Action Guy]] who is allergic to women but generally doesn't hold a grudge against them ,and she's an [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]] who is allergic to men ''and wants to kill all of them''—both of them have dealt with a great deal of pain in their lives that led to them both being [[Allergic to Love]] with the opposite gender. In the end Yukinari is able to stop her from committing gendercide simply by gently talking her down and helping her deal with the insecurities that created the situation in the first place. Unfortunately for Yukinari, his former Evil Counterpart falls in love with him and becomes a [[Yandere]] [[Stalker with a Crush]] with a bad habit of sneaking into his bed (naked) while he's sleeping. Also, while she isn't allergic to him, he is still allergic to her.
* The main characters of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'' have ones in the demons Scanty and Kneesocks. Unlike the hedonistic [[Chaotic Neutral]] protagonists concerned either with [[Lovable Sex Maniac|sex]] and [[Sweet Tooth|sweets]], the demons are strictly [[Lawful Evil]], obsessed with [[Trrrilling Rrrs|Rrrrrrrrrules]] and evil schemes. Their [[Team Pet]] Chuck even gets one with Fastener, who's much less of a [[Butt Monkey]].
* The main characters of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]]'' have ones in the demons Scanty and Kneesocks. Unlike the hedonistic [[Chaotic Neutral]] protagonists concerned either with [[Lovable Sex Maniac|sex]] and [[Sweet Tooth|sweets]], the demons are strictly [[Lawful Evil]], obsessed with [[Trrrilling Rrrs|Rrrrrrrrrules]] and evil schemes. Their [[Team Pet]] Chuck even gets one with Fastener, who's much less of a [[Butt Monkey]].
* Truly explored in the PSP games ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha: Battle of the Aces]]'' and ''Nanoha: Gears of Destiny'', where Nanoha, Fate and Hayate have 3 counterparts for themselves. Stern a.k.a. Material-S (Seikou the Starlight Destroyer), Revi the Slasher a.k.a. Material-L (Rai-chan), "Load" a.k.a. Material-D (Yami or 'Your Majesty').
** The same can be said about Karen of Huckebein in relation to Hayate, both are caring heads of their respective groups, both have a family-like approach to them and both are apparently masters of [[Great Big Book of Everything|mysterious ancient belkan books]], also their debut in battle during FORCE is precisely a very close encounter between the two. The difference comes as Karen have a much more gray morale and is perfectly ok with [[Back Stab|stabbing people]] [[In the Back]]. But the real ice on the cake is that Karen, unlike Hayate, [[Always Someone Better|shows to be able to defend herself in combat as also saving her family and giving them confidence and hope]].
** Cypha seems to be deliberately designed as this to Signum. Both are busty [[Hot Chick with a Sword|swordswomen]], but Signum is [[The Stoic]] [[Redheaded Hero]] (pink, technically) with both eyes intact and a single Western-style sword, while Cypha is a [[Psychotic Smirk]]er [[Blondes Are Evil|evil blonde]] with an [[Eyepatch of Power]] who [[Dual Wield|dual wields]] [[Katanas Are Better]].
* ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' throws this trope at us a few times. Reitei Lyon (an ice mage trained by the same master) is this to Gray, in addition to [[Rival Turned Evil]]. Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer, is introduced as this to Natsu, the Fire Dragon Slayer, but after a [[Heel Face Turn]] he becomes Natsu's [[The Rival|rival]]. Currently, Zancrow of Grimmore Heart is Natsu's, being a psychotic fire mage {{spoiler|who can also eat flames like Natsu.}}
* ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' throws this trope at us a few times. Reitei Lyon (an ice mage trained by the same master) is this to Gray, in addition to [[Rival Turned Evil]]. Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer, is introduced as this to Natsu, the Fire Dragon Slayer, but after a [[Heel Face Turn]] he becomes Natsu's [[The Rival|rival]]. Currently, Zancrow of Grimmore Heart is Natsu's, being a psychotic fire mage {{spoiler|who can also eat flames like Natsu.}}
** Angel of the Oracion Seis seems to be a pretty blatant one of the protagonist Lucy; they're both celestial spirit mages that possess Golden keys. While Angel is overwhelmingly powerful, Lucy is still relatively naive and relies more on skill. The biggest difference seems to be in the treatment of their spirits. Lucy treasures all of them and treats them well, while Angel is willing to deliberately injure them to achieve victory.
** Angel of the Oracion Seis seems to be a pretty blatant one of the protagonist Lucy; they're both celestial spirit mages that possess Golden keys. While Angel is overwhelmingly powerful, Lucy is still relatively naive and relies more on skill. The biggest difference seems to be in the treatment of their spirits. Lucy treasures all of them and treats them well, while Angel is willing to deliberately injure them to achieve victory.
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** It seems like they're building [[The Dreaded|Bluenote]] [[Gravity Master|Stinger]], Master Hades' [[The Dragon|dragon]], into one for [[Big Brother Mentor|Gildarts]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|Clive]].
** It seems like they're building [[The Dreaded|Bluenote]] [[Gravity Master|Stinger]], Master Hades' [[The Dragon|dragon]], into one for [[Big Brother Mentor|Gildarts]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|Clive]].
** Erza Scarlett has one with {{spoiler|Erza Knightwalker }}
** Erza Scarlett has one with {{spoiler|Erza Knightwalker }}
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' has a few of these:
** Whereas Kenshin wants a peaceful Japan in which war will no longer be necessary, Shishio, the man who replaced him as hitokiri is [[The Social Darwinist]] and wants to create a Japan that is a proud warrior race. Also, while Kenshin has neat [[X Marks the Hero]] scars, Shishio was badly burned and wraps himself in bandages.
** Shishio's follower Soujirou is also one to Kenshin. Kenshin endured a sad childhood and was orphaned before being adopted by a master who trained him in swordsmanship. In personality, Kenshin didn't start out all that happy but eventually took on a cheerful [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. As a dark mirror to Kenshin, Soujirou grew up in an abusive family and found an [[Evil Mentor]] in Shishio, who gave him the encouragement to become a [[Self-Made Orphan]]. In terms of personality, Soujirou has a more extreme version of Kenshin's forced cheerfuless, being a [[Stepford Smiler]] who is incapable of showing (and to an extent feeling) any emotion.
** To complement this, Shishio serves as one for Kenshin's master Hiko Sejuro. Both are powerful and influential mentors who inspire ideologies in their pupils. While they're both hardened in some way, Hiko holds some optimism towards Kenshin's path. Shishio, while he does care about him, brainwashes Sojiro into his ideology. Hiko comically abuses Kenshin but respects his pupil's decisions.
** Sanosuke has evil counterparts in Cho, one of Shishio's men, and later, Banjin, a follower of Enishi. Both of these characters have dress and hair styles clearly similar to Sanosuke's, and while Sanosuke is a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] with a code, Cho and Banjin take a love of fighting to [[Blood Knight]] levels and have no real morals.
*** Monk Anji is also one of Sanosuke. They're both fist-fighters who suffered a the loss of loved ones; Sanosuke with Captain Sagara and Anji with {{spoiler|all of his adoptive children}}. To deal with this pain, they turned to violence. When they meet Kenshin and Shishio respectively, the dynamic is also reflected. Sanosuke, while vitriolic to Kenshin, trusts him completely. Anji is merely siding with Shishio for his own reasons.
*** Earlier then that, there's [[The Brute|Shikijou]]. Like Sano, he enjoys fighting and has immense loyalty to the one who defeated him (Aoshi), but the depths to which he's willing to go for strength disgusts Sano (this is played up more in the manga).
** Enishi Yukishiro, mentioned two points above, is an Evil Counterpart to Kenshin on an even more personal level than Shishio. Both he and Kenshin received lasting physical marks from the same incident {{spoiler|(the accidental death of Tomoe, Kenshin's wife and Enishi's sister, at Kenshin's hand)}}—Kenshin got the second part of his famous cross-scar, while Enishi got [[Locked Into Strangeness]] via his hair turning white from the shock. However, while that same incident motivated Kenshin's future [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] and [[The Atoner]] mentality, Enishi turned [[Ax Crazy]] and hell-bent on revenge. To further the counterpart theme further, their animal motifs are traditional opposites ([[Tiger Versus Dragon|Kenshin's fighting style is reminiscent of the dragon, while Enishi's is akin to the tiger]]) and Enishi's Watou-jutsu sword techniques are ''coincidentally'' perfectly able to counter Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi techniques.
* Devimon and Ladydevimon to Angemon and Angewomon in ''[[Digimon Adventure]]''.
* Devimon and Ladydevimon to Angemon and Angewomon in ''[[Digimon Adventure]]''.
** Also 2 of Kurata's minions from ''[[Digimon Savers]]'' --[[Blood Knight|Kouki]] to [[The Hero|Masaru]] and [[Evil Genius|Nanami]] to [[The Smart Guy|Touma]].
** Also 2 of Kurata's minions from ''[[Digimon Savers]]'' --[[Blood Knight|Kouki]] to [[The Hero|Masaru]] and [[Evil Genius|Nanami]] to [[The Smart Guy|Touma]].
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* In ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', Paul is this to Ash more than any other Rival character. Ash is kind, helps others, respects his opponents, sees the true potential in all Pokemon, and travels with [[True Companions]], also treating his Pokemon as such. Paul is mean, out for himself, mocks those he beats as "weak" (including Maylene), tosses away Pokemon who don't immediately measure up, travels alone, and puts his Pokemon through [[Training from Hell]].
* In ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', Paul is this to Ash more than any other Rival character. Ash is kind, helps others, respects his opponents, sees the true potential in all Pokemon, and travels with [[True Companions]], also treating his Pokemon as such. Paul is mean, out for himself, mocks those he beats as "weak" (including Maylene), tosses away Pokemon who don't immediately measure up, travels alone, and puts his Pokemon through [[Training from Hell]].
** New Rival Trip is kind of a provincial dick, but has never been shown to mistreat his Pokemon.
** New Rival Trip is kind of a provincial dick, but has never been shown to mistreat his Pokemon.
* ''[[Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple]]'' has several examples, both among the teen fighters and the master-class warriors.
** One of the earliest examples is an Evil Counterpart for Kenichi—Odin, the First Fist of Ragnarok {{spoiler|otherwise known as [[Forgotten Childhood Friend|Ryuto Asamiya]]}}. They were inspired by the same childhood incident (seeing a then-5-year-old Miu beating up adult thugs all by herself), but while Kenichi was motivated to fight for justice (something he wouldn't remember until years later in the present day), Odin was motivated to gain power. {{spoiler|Shortly after the aforementioned incident, the two had a fight for a yin-yang pin Miu had given Kenichi in exchange for a cat pin she wanted; Kenichi won the fight, but then offered the pin to Ryuto anyway and suggested to pretend that Ryuto had won--which only wound up offending Ryuto's pride and sparked his [[Start of Darkness]]}}.
** [[The Rival|Natsu Tanimoto]], a.k.a. Loki the Fifth Fist of Ragnarok, had a brief Evil Counterpart in [[The Dragon|Berserker]], the Second Fist, after Tanimoto defected from Ragnarok; while Tanimoto advocated hard work and training, Berserker was a naturally-gifted fighter with no formal training who could nevertheless give Tanimoto a sound thrashing during their clash. (It's played with, however, in that Tanimoto is currently going through the [[Heel Face Revolving Door]].)
** [[Kick Chick|Kisara Nanjo]] was originally touted as an Evil Counterpart to Miu back when she was Ragnarok's Eighth Fist, Valkyrie. Following her [[Heel Face Turn]], she got her own Evil Counterpart in Freya, the Third Fist, due to the fact that she used to be one of Freya's underlings and also concerning their differing views on the use of weapons (Kisara, while not begrudging Freya for using weapons, simply didn't feel she herself should resort to weapons in order to stand alongside men as a fighter); eventually though, Freya had her own [[Heel Face Turn]] and the two remain friends ([[Les Yay|maybe]]).
** Since Yami is the organizational Evil Counterpart to Ryozanpaku, by default the members of YOMI (all disciples of the One Shadow Nine Fist members of Yami) become Evil Counterparts to Kenichi. One of the more notable counterparts in this regard would be Sho Kanou; both he and Kenichi were motivated by affection for Miu {{spoiler|and Kanou even pulled a [[Redemption Equals Death]] because of her}}. As well, Kajima Satomi (the disciple of the One Shadow) may eventually turn out to be this for Kenichi as well.
** The earliest master-class example would be [[Dirty Old Man|Kensei Ma's]] [[Cain and Abel|older brother]] [[Black Sheep|Sougetsu Ma]]—both men are well-known fighters from China, but Sougetsu is considered a disgrace on the family name due to his embracing of the killing-fist philosophy and his turning to crime. {{spoiler|And now Sougetsu is a member of the Nine Fists, making him an even greater counterpart to Kensei}}.
** Two members of the One Shadow Nine Fists group are Evil Counterparts for two members of Ryozanpaku--"God Fist" Akira Hongo for Sakaki Shio and Agaard Jum Sai for Apachai Hopachai. In both cases they're childhood friends of their respective good counterparts and [[Rival Turned Evil|fighting partners who turned to the dark side]]. However, in Agaard's case, he turned to the killing-fist philosophy out of pure instinct, a fact Apachai understands and respects; while Sakaki's and Hongo's differing philosophies came out of the same incident that tore apart their comradeship--{{spoiler|the death of their mutual friend at Hongo's hand during a fight to apply for a position with Yami, which prompted Sakaki to utterly reject the killing-fist philosophy}}. Both Nine Fists members are an interesting case, however, in that Agaard is an [[Affably Evil]] [[Friendly Enemy]] and Hongo is a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] who will [[Pet the Dog]] occasionally [[Even Evil Has Standards|and has high moral footing]].
*** It's also played with where ''Hongo'' is concerned, as he gets his own Evil Counterpart: {{spoiler|Silcardo Junazard, the "Demon Fist" of the Nine Fists. Whereas Hongo [[A Father to His Men|cares about his students]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|in his own way]] and has a strict sense of honor, [[Sink or Swim Mentor|Junazard has killed students who failed to live up to his expectations]], [[Bad Boss|sacrifices henchmen as casually as if he were breathing]], and [[Moral Event Horizon|tricked Hongo into almost killing Kenichi so he could kidnap and brainwash Miu]]. The last point is what prompts Hongo's [[Enemy Mine]] with Ryozanpaku and his subsequent grudge match with Junazard}}.
** Yet another master-class example: Alexander Gaidar, the One Shadow Nine Fists' resident Command Sambo master, is an Evil Counterpart to Ryozanpaku's judo master Akisame Koetsuji where appreciation of artwork is concerned. Both men are extremely talented sculptors, and are capable of making impressive pieces of artwork out of the steel and stone of their surroundings [[Beyond the Impossible|even while they're fighting each other]].
** The [[Big Bad|One Shadow]] himself is an Evil Counterpart to ''three'' different people on different levels: {{spoiler|to his father [[Big Good|Hayato Furinji]], since they're respectively the leaders of Yami and Ryouzanpaku; to his former best friend Koetsuji, since both are [[Martial Medic|skilled in combat and medicinal applications]]; and quite possibly to Kenichi, who wears Saiga's former arm-guards and represents the kind of character Saiga used to have before his [[Face Heel Turn]], whereas Saiga represents what Kenichi could potentially become if he had a [[Face Heel Turn]] [[Love Makes You Evil|for the sake of a loved one]]}}.
* Zelda and Ange in ''[[Princess Principal]]'', at least as much as two characters in a world of [[Gray and Grey Morality]] can be "good" and "evil" - they're both [[Teen Superspy|Teen Superspies]] working for the same organization, but Zelda is much more willing to accept collateral damage than Ange is.
* Zelda and Ange in ''[[Princess Principal]]'', at least as much as two characters in a world of [[Gray and Grey Morality]] can be "good" and "evil" - they're both [[Teen Superspy|Teen Superspies]] working for the same organization, but Zelda is much more willing to accept collateral damage than Ange is.