Evil Is Not Well Lit: Difference between revisions

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* In [[The Dark Meadow]], monsters won't attack you in any room that has light coming in. (Although a little bit getting in through a crack is OK for them, apparently.)
* The BlackCastle in ''[[An Untitled Story]]''. Not only is it [[Meaningful Name|black]], it also has a room [[Blackout Basement|with a faulty lighting]].
* In ''[[Don't Stave]]'', you ''must'' keep a light source nearby at night, as Charlie can - and will - attack if you don't have one. And if that happens, [[Invincible Villain|she ''will'' kill you.]]
* In [[Wario Land]] Shake It, the throne room the Shake King stays in through about 90% of the game is literally completely dark. As in, the bit Wario enters from is pretty much just a black screen and the rest of it seems like only half the lights are on, to the point you can see the villain's eyes glowing in the dark.
* In ''[[Don't Stave]]'', you ''must'' keep a light source nearby at night, as Charlie can - and will - attack if you don't have one. And if that happens, [[Invincible Villain|she ''will'' kill you.]]
== Webcomics ==