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== Web Original ==
* The main villain of ''[[Suburban Knights]]'' - though his [[Backstory]] explains that he hates technology because he wound up ostracized after the king decided to favor his scientist friend instead of him, a wizard. He kills people for relying on cars full of gizmos, calling people on cell phones and watching TV. Still, {{spoiler|[[Hypocrite|he has an iPhone, says it's not technology, and using it is not being a hypocrite]].}}
* ''[[SCP Foundation]]'' has Yaldabaoth, a godlike entity worshipped by practitioners of Sarkicism. According to the creation myth believed by both Sarkicism and their enemies the Church of the Broken God, Yaldabaoth and Mekhane (the Broken God) created humanity as a join project, but came to blows over what path their evolution should take. Mekhane favored gifting them with ingenuity and creativity, giving them the ability to create technology and advanced civilization, while Yaldabaoth believed all humans needed was the instinct and primal nature exhibited by animalistic predators. The battle ended with Mekhane sundering himself in order to imprison Yaldaboath, and to this day, the Sarkicism followers are trying to free him while Mekhane's worshippers are trying to find the components of his body to reassemble him. Now, while Yaldaboath may not be ''truly'' evil (as one could argue he only had good intentions) and the Church of the Broken God can be an extremist cult at times, the atrocities committed by Yaldaboath's followers are rather horrendous, making them the black side of a [[Grey and Black Morality]] conflict.
== Western Animation ==