Evil Power Vacuum: Difference between revisions

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(fixed excess line breaks in page quote and its footnote; "fan fiction"->"fan works", "traditional games"->"tabletop games")
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{{quote|Tonight! Can America defeat ISIS?<ref>[[I Have Many Names|AKA]] the Islamic State, IS, [https://web.archive.org/web/20141002173333/france24.com/en/20140917-france-switches-arabic-daesh-acronym-islamic-state Daesh], ISIL, etc. etc.</ref>
{{quote|Tonight! Can America defeat ISIS?
[[I Have Many Names|AKA]] the Islamic State, IS, [https://web.archive.org/web/20141002173333/france24.com/en/20140917-france-switches-arabic-daesh-acronym-islamic-state Daesh], ISIL, etc. etc.
And if so, can we then defeat the more extremist group, who fills the vacuum left by ISIS?
|Stephen Colbert|[[Colbert Report]]<ref>original air date 9/3/2014</ref>}}
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== Anime &and Manga ==
* The premise for the Doryu Arc of ''[[Rave Master]]'' is that other criminal groups are trying to become top dog after Demon Card was destroyed. However, before the arc is even over Demon Card has been revived by the new [[Big Bad]].
* This is happening in ''[[One Piece]]''. With the {{spoiler|death of Whitebeard}}, piracy is skyrocketing as it did when Gold Roger was executed, now worse than ever, possibly. Apparently, the only thing keeping most possible crews from forming was the belief that there was no room at the top.
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== Fan FictionWorks ==
* In ''[[Queen of All Oni]]'', it's revealed that Daolon Wong was the Darkest Mage, a sort of [[The Archmage|arch mage]] for [[Evil Sorcerer]]s. Following his [[De-Power|loss of power]] at the end of season 3 {{spoiler|and his death in-story}}, the spot is now open, and a couple of subplots focus on the villains trying to gain power to assume the role Wong left behind.
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== Literature ==
* Seen in the ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'' after Palpatine's death, with the Rebel Alliance (later New Republic) and a score of Imperial admiral-turned-warlords, then [[The Thrawn Trilogy|Grand Admiral Thrawn]], then [[Dark Empire|Palpatine]] [[Back from the Dead]] (to be fair, he was [[Not Quite Dead]] all along, he was just biding his time), then a succession of threats from warlords and aliens, and [[Hand of Thrawn|finally]] a [[Peace Conference|peace treaty]] was signed between the New Republic and the Empire. ''Then'' the [[New Jedi Order|Yuuzahn Vong]] invade and the Republic and Empire [[Enemy Mine|rally together]] to fight them.
* The main danger of the One Ring in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' is that powerful individuals would eventually use it to replace Sauron. Even if they resisted corruption long enough to defeat him, they'd end up becoming corrupt and replacing him in the end.
** And in the ''[[Silmarillion]]'', Sauron himslef was a replacement of Melkor as the [[Big Bad]].
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== TraditionalTabletop Games ==
* In the [[Lone Wolf]] series of solo gamebooks, each time the Archlord of the Darklands is killed, the remaining Darklords fight an [[Enemy Civil War]] to determine the next Archlord.
* A storyline in the original backstory of ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' involved [[Fallen Hero|Ertai]] and [[Knight in Sour Armor|Crovax]], both former [[Five-Man Band|crewmen]] of the ''[[Cool Ship|Weatherlight]]'' fighting over which of them will succeed the now-vanished [[Big Bad|Volrath]] as ruler of [[Mordor|Rath]]. This leads to a series of brutal confrontations that sees both of them turning into figurative and literal monsters (courtesy of some [[Physical Hell|Phyrexian]] implants) and destroys whatever good is left in them. Crovax eventually succeeds, at the cost of finally, irrevocably crossing the [[Moral Event Horizon]].
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== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* Following K'Z'K's death in ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'', at least two other demons have tried to fill the power vacuum. Skip is trying to find a piece of K'Z'K he can use to restore the real thing, while Meander has set up a cult to do insect based world conquest in her own way.
* Lampshaded in ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'', where Haley is convinced not to kill her former employer and leader of the Thieves Guild Bozzok because of this trope.