• Arc Fatigue: Fans kept wondering why Excalibur still acted as if the X-Men were dead, long after Marvel began making stories depending on the general public of the Marvel Universe knowing that the X-Men were alive after all.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The return of all the Marvel UK heroes in the series finale.
    • And oh so many others such as John the Skrull's death, going out mouthing off to the enemy and how everyone reacted to it (Brian sums it up as "good on him").
    • Pete Wisdom versus the big bad in Vampire State. almost all of that story could be seen as Wisdom playing a game of "who is the bigger magnificent bastard" with Dracula. Given that Dracula himself in a hallucination considers Wisdom the biggest threat after Brian (who is literally as powerful as he needs to be) and Blade (who already killed Dracula at least once) then Wisdom is winning and where is Wisdom during the final battle? having a nice picnic with a woman he fancies.
    • How the people of Britain respond to the death of Captain Britain. Don't worry, it doesn't last two issues. Tears. Anger. And PRIDE. The Skrulls MIGHT have won, then they did that. And managed to press the "We'll fight them on the beaches" button in the soul of the British people. Cut to "a regiment of SAS, some police officers and a doctor defending the last bridge before Westminster. We're going to give them hell".
    • Captain Britain. Excalibur (yes THAT Excalibur). Mouthy alien bragging about how Britain could be great if they didn't elevate mediocrity to an art. Brian's response? "We know all that. We just don't like to make a fuss".
    • What does Faiza Hussein, a regular nurse and Ascended Fangirl, do after a supremely powerful alien uses unstoppably powerful magic to slaughter dozens (if not hundreds) of soldiers and tells her to get out of his way so he can continue his rampage? She whispers, "no".
  • The Chris Carter Effect: New Excalibur was canceled after two years with very few of its plot points resolved. There was a miniseries that attempted to wrap everything up ("Die By The Sword"), but there were still a lot of unanswered questions.
  • Dork Age ("Britannic"?)
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • The original series itself could be considered a Darkhorse, despite continually being Screwed by the Network; after a time, it featured all the popular X-Men who the main book didn't have room for.
    • Pete Wisdom was popular enough to eventually get two limited series (if you include the Pryde & Wisdom miniseries), and he's the only character apart from Captain Britain who has stayed with the team throughout all its different iterations, despite his late and brief tenure on the original team that revolved around his romance with Kitty.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Captain Britain's death.
    • And Faiza Hussein's death in Issue 1.
    • And just about everybody's death in issue 14.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Colossus/Shadowcat fans prefer to ignore the issue where Colossus (acting like a Stalker with a Crush) beats the shit out of Pete Wisdom.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: An early issue, during the Cross-Time Caper, predicted a Prince William of another dimension would marry someone named... Kate.
  • Too Good to Last: Captain Britain and MI: 13
    • Really, every version. The original had quite a good run, but every revival has shown some promise but died an early death.
    • Even the Genoshan In Name Only series was telling a decent story: Xavier and Magneto try to help rebuild Genosha with the help of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits after Cassandra Nova lay waste to it with the megasentinels back in New X-Men. Xavier and Magneto's Ho Yay is cranked Up to Eleven. Old-school B-list bad guys like Toad and Unus are around and actually get to do something. Re-enter Karima Shapandar. Annnnd... House of M depowers almost all mutants, utterly torpedoing any Genosha-related story midstream. Thanks so much, Quesada.