Fallout 4: Difference between revisions

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** [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|Who deserves to be a part of society?]] While this is most obvious with the questions surrounding the Synths on how sapient they are, this really applies to all of the Wasteland's different "races". The very few "pure" humans left, irradiated humanity, Super Mutants, Ghouls, Synths, all variants of mutated folk - it ultimately doesn't matter, as they ''all'' have to live together. Unfortunately, [[Fantastic Racism|some think they're better than others]].
** What do you [[Sadistic Choice|have to give up/are ''willing'' to give up]] [[He Who Fights Monsters|in order to make the world a better place?]]
* [[Cool Airship]]: The ''Prydwen''. Also, potentially, {{spoiler|the ''USS Constitution''}}.
* [[Cool Boat]]: The ''USS Constitution''. {{spoiler|Can also count as a [[Cool Airship]]}}.
* [[The Conspiracy]]: Because of their [[Weak but Skilled|relative lack of resources]], the Institute controls the entire Commonwealth through a complex network of Synth spies and hired informants.
* [[Controllable Helplessness]]: The prologue is ultimately this, after a fashion. With practically little more than the clothes on your back, you frantically get yourself and your family to Vault 111 as the Great War reaches Boston...and there's ''nothing'' you can do to stop the end of the world.
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