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Fallout 4: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: If the Sole Survivor hasn't killed him before the final quest, then this happens with {{spoiler|Father/Shaun in any ending where the player doesn't side with the Institute. Father dies knowing that his own mother/father is about to destroy his life's work, still convinced that the Institute was the only hope left in the world. His last interaction with the Sole Survivor isn't to scream in rage or pointlessly shoot at them - it's to just let out a bitter, weary sigh and quietly tell them to leave so he can die in peace}}. Even if you strongly disagree with his mindset and {{spoiler|the Institute in general}}, it's ''really'' hard not to feel bad for him.
* [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]]: The titular town in the ''Far Harbor'' DLC exists in real life Maine as Bar Harbor.
** The law school Nora got her JD from does exist, albeit under a slightly different name.
** The law school Nora got her JD from does exist, albeit under a slightly different name. [[Alternate History]]: Further expounded upon, in addition to the existing lore. Scollay Square, where Goodneighbor is located, was a major Boston attraction before it was demolished and remodeled in real life. Likewise, in the ''Fallout'' continuity, the Boston Red Sox ''still'' hadn't won a World Series since 1918 by 2077, when in reality, the team finally broke the "Curse of the Bambino" in 2004.
* [[Ambiguous Situation]]: The ultimate fate of the [[The Alliance|Commonwealth Provisional Government]].
** Additionally, how sapient [[Artificial Human|Synths]] ''really'' are.
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