Fat Bastard: Difference between revisions

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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[X-Men]]'':
** [[X-Men|The Blob]], member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. His weight and physical appearance are played up for horror and squick whenever he shows interest in a woman. In a bit of a subversion, his weight comes not from overeating but his mutation. When he was depowered, he ended up as his true weight - which was incredibly thin. After plastic surgery to remove his excess skin, he ended up being a pastiche of Jared from the Subway commercials. In the animated series and depending on the writer, he's still a greedy, slovenly, unhygienic pig, though.
** Dialed [[Up to Eleven]] with the [[Ultimate Universe]] version of the Blob, to the point where he once paused during an attack on the <s>Avengers</s> Ultimates' mansion to raid the fridge. Less funny was the time he was discovered [[I'm a Humanitarian|eating]] the Wasp's corpse.
** Also from X-Men is the alien Mojo, a sort of fat evil television executive.
** When Shadow King possessed Karma for several months in ''New Mutants'', she became ludicrously bloated through Farouk's gluttony. She got better, thanks to the Desert Starvation Diet.
*** Amahl Farouk's original body was also obese. One version of the Shadow King's origin states that he not truly Farouk, but an ancient demon and Farouk was simply another victim of his body theft. Whichever is true, it seems uncontrolled weight gain is a side effect of this villain's [[Demonic Possession]].
* Shape from [[Supreme Power]], who is also a [[Rubber Man]].
* The writers of [[Marvel Universe]] never seem to be able to decide just what the deal is with the Kingpin. He's an incredibly huge person, but depending on the writer this is because his muscles are so huge they make him look fat or that he's a greedy slob with no sense of control. Some split the difference and write that he's got incredibly powerful arm and leg muscles but is fat everywhere else because of overeating--[[Fridge Logic|ignoring the more medically likely explanation that, like sumo wrestlers, he is well-muscled everywhere, but eats enough to maintain a significant layer of padding on top of it]].
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* [[Sadist Teacher|Mr. Davidson]] in ''[[Tokyo Mew Mew No Hope Left]]''. He "talks about George Bush and shit" and shoots aliens in the leg.
* {{spoiler|Sasuke}}, [[Estrogen Brigade Bait|of all people]] in ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]''. His evil scheme involves, among other things, turning everyone in the shinobi nations fat.
* The Rookie Crusher from ''[[Pokémon: Reset Bloodlines]]'' is an unpleasant, rotund brute of a man who loves nothing more than crushing the dreams of fledgling Pokémon trainers by humiliating them in the Indigo League's highly publicized battles. When Ash beats him fair-and-square, he throws an unsightly temper tantrum and accuses him of cheating, refusing to believe that he had been outmatched and outplayed.
== Films -- AnimatedFilm ==
* Played with in ''[[WALL-E]]''. After centuries of living in a low-gravity environment, being waited on hand and foot by robots, and near-constant bombardment by [[Mega Corp|Buy 'n' Large's]] consumer culture run rampant, every human aboard the ''Axiom'' is fat, slothful (both physically and mentally), and almost helpless... until the title character shows up and shakes up the status quo. And being fat and almost completely out of shape doesn't stop the Captain from {{spoiler|stopping the rogue autopilot from taking over the ship and making sure the ''Axiom'' gets back to Earth.}} Nor does it stop the rest of them from {{spoiler|rebuilding civilization on Earth, which, as depicted during the end credits, results in them becoming fitter and stronger...but still quite fat!}}
** Interestingly, aside from the obvious infantilism of the human race by this point from being overly coddled by their own technology, they're not really shown as degenerate, just ignorant. As well, take a close look at the dates on the Captain photos when they scroll by about 43 minutes into the film. Even though they're getting fatter and more helpless, the captains are living longer (presumably, all the humans are similarly long-lived). While they were [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]s, the robots really did their job taking care of humanity.
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* The corrupt mayor, after eating one too many falling cheeseburgers and hotdogs from ''[[Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs]]''.
* The Big City Agent from ''[[The Trumpet of the Swan]]''.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Anyone and everyone played by Sidney Greenstreet, though they usually softened the blow by being [[Affably Evil]]. The most famous is Kasper Gutman (no, really) in ''[[The Maltese Falcon]]''.
** Bonus points as Gutman is called "The Fat Man" by the characters.
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* Gorge in ''[[Gamer]]''.
* Dennis Nedry from ''[[Jurassic park]]'' is not only obese, but is also quite unpleasant and whiny and decides to shut down Jurassic Park's security system so he can run off with a bunch of dinosaur embryos to sell on the black market. Needless to say, [[Laser-Guided Karma|the guy does NOT leave the park alive.]]
* In ''[[Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves]]'', Themberchaud is an obese dragon (Holga remarks that he is "pudgy" but it's sarcasm). He can't fly and can't move as fast as a typical dragon, but unfortunately for the heroes, ''that'' is still ''much'' faster than a human can run...
== Literature ==
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** Peter Pettigrew, evil murderous traitor extraordinaire, is described as having been fat or 'chubby' in his youth, though when they first see him as an adult he has the look of 'having lost a great deal of weight in a short amount of time' which is equally unflattering.
** Umbridge is described as having rolls of fat. [[Adaptational Attractiveness|She is much thinner in the movies.]]
* Terry Pratchett lampshades this in ''[[Discworld/Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', where one of the chairmen at the Grand Trunks Company is described as fat, multi-chinned and having a grating voice and an expression like a piglet, and a footnote says that it's stereotypical to say that someone like that couldn't be a kind and generous man, like it's stereotypical to say a man in a striped shirt coming in through your window in the middle of the night is a burglar.
* Basu, [[The Morbidly Obese Ninja]] from the novel of the same name by [[Carlton Mellick III]]. when he was lean he was the deadliest ninja in town, after he reached 700 pounds of weight, he also became the meanest. {{spoiler|post-character development he's more a Fat Bastard [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|with a heart of gold]].}}
* [[Dune|Baron Harkonnen]]'s girth is used alongside his [[Depraved Bisexual|sexual deviancy]] and torture of slaves to emphasize [[Complete Monster|how disgusting a person he is]].
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== Newspaper Comics ==
* The cynical fatty tabby, ''[[Garfield]]''. Other than abusing Odie and making his owner's life hell, he usually does nothing but eat and sleep. However, he proves time and time again that there's a [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|good heart under all that blubber]].
* ''[[Dick Tracy (comic strip)|Dick Tracy]]'' villain Oodles; one strip where he weighed himself had him at 465 lbs (without his guns) and was ''happy'' because that meant he lost weight!
== Professional Wrestling ==
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* Subverted and lampshaded in ''[[Exalted]]'': Sesus Nagezzer, one of the canonical Dragon-Bloods, [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|deliberately ignores his obesity problem]], to the point where he's been nicknamed "the Slug". [[Retired Badass|Before he became so]], [[Colonel Badass|he was a brilliant officer in the Realm's army]], and he's picked up [[The Chessmaster|a few]] [[Manipulative Bastard|tricks]] since he lost the use of a leg. Did we also mention he's one of the best hopes for the Realm to survive the Time of Troubles? And that his almost-official position in the Scarlet Dynasty is [[The Pornomancer]]?
* Dominar Rasheth from Skorne Empire in ''[[Iron Kingdoms]]'' is one, deliberately going against the [[Proud Warrior Race]] code of his people and loving it.
* [[Dungeons and Dragons]]:
** Hill giants in 5th edition are this and [[Villainous Glutton]]s. Giant society as a whole lives by a caste system where the the larger the giant is, the more authority he has, but hill giants tend to misinterpret this custom, and believe the fatter they are, the more important they'll be. Most other giants view them with disgust and contempt.
** Nalfeshnee are demons that are just below balors in terms of social rank in the Abyss and actual power. They are often depicted as obese and [[Obsessed with Food]].
* [https://www.deviantart.com/bryansyme/art/Flab-Giant-620366030 The flab giant], from the third-party sourcebook ''Tome of Beasts''. Obese, ugly, lazy, stupid, and disgusting, many believe this was some sort of curse inflicted upon ordinary hill giants.
== Theatre ==
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* ''[[God of War (series)|God of War]]''
** Cronos is actually described as this by Ben Croshaw.
** Clotho also qualifies so much she actually makes Jabba the Hutt seem like Michael Phelps. Describing this… thing with words like “ugly” or “hideous” would not do it justice. It seems to be the godly embodiment of Ugliness. It’s actually a giant, bloated, obese mound of lumps that seem to be female mammaries. Few Body horrors are more horrifying…horrifying...
** Thor is [[Sarcasm Mode|lovingly]] referred to as a "fat dobber" by Mimir, and indeed: he's a violent, gluttonous brute with the waistline and sadism to match the horror stories told about him.
* Well, except maybe the Brood Mother from ''[[Dragon Age: Origins]]''. These thing lookdlook like Clotho, but have tentacles, rotting pink flesh, and is fought in a [[Womb Level]]. Just keep reminding yourself that it is a victim of the Dark Spawn - meaning the battle is a [[Mercy Kill]] - and you might resist the urge to throw up upon seeing this obese monstrosity.
* Interesting case in ''[[BioShock (series)|Bioshock 2]]''. Buck Raleigh is a fat, ruthless, [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]. However, he is the most sympathetic of the multiplayer characters. He was never interested in plasmids but started using them when {{spoiler|his wife disappeared. Almost a year later it turns out she was leading a revolt against him.}}
* [[Wario Land|Wario]], though he's got [[Stout Strength|plenty of muscle]] as well.
* Porky Minch, the [[Enfante Terrible]] co-[[Big Bad]] of ''[[EarthBound]]''; his name is something of a [[Lampshade Hanging]], and {{spoiler|his Fat Bastard status is later played up in full force as an [[Animal Motif]] in his [[Big Bad]] status in ''[[Mother 3]]'', where his [[The Empire|empire]], army and everything else are pig-themed while one of his highest-ranking servants ([[Arab Oil Sheikh|Fassad]]) is another [[Fat Bastard]] who ''quite''-nearlys isevery bit as despicable as he is.}}
** ''[[EarthBound]]'' also provides a subversion in the form of Apple Kid. He's fat, apparently unhygienic and socially awkward, and accordingly less popular among the citizens of Twoson than rival Orange Kid, who's thinner, has considerably better social skills, and uses this to get funding for his work. Then the subversion comes into play - Orange Kid is a [[Small Name, Big Ego]] type with virtually no talent to back up the formidable sums of money he asks for, whereas Apple Kid is an absolute genius who actually cares about the fate of the world, plays a massive role in enabling the heroes to defeat Giygas, and never asks for anything in return.
* Jack Turner of the ''[[Art of Fighting]]'' games is one of Mr. Big's thugs, and the leader of a tough gang of bikers called the Black Cats. At the age of 13, he subdued a rampaging bear.
* Executioner Smough in ''[[Dark Souls]]''. In fact, he's more of a bastard than [[Dual Boss| his partner, Dragon Slayer Ornstein]]. When one of them is defeated, the other absorbs his power. Ornstein hesitates if Smough falls first, but if Ornstein falls first, SmorghSmough does it without question and [[Evil Laugh| laughs evilly.]]
* Dong Zhuo, as depicted in the ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]'' games.
** The [[Romance of the Three Kingdoms|source material]], too. {{spoiler|After he was killed, the angry mob made torches by shoving splints of wood into his fat.}}
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* ''[[Pokémon]]'' [[Hello, Insert Name Here|nicknames]] have a maximum length of ten letters. Given that the earlier games came out concurrent with the [[Austin Powers]] movies, someone, somewhere ''had'' to have named their Snorlax FatBastard.
** Although their size and [[Heavy Sleeper|sleeping habits]] are a [[Broken Bridge|game-important obstacle]] for both players and Ash of the ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' anime, and their habit of [[Big Eater|eating islands worth of food]] when awake aside, Snorlax can be [[Gentle Giant|pretty nice otherwise]].
** Certain Pokémon ''trainers'' however play this trope as straight as can be. Cue Balls/Roughnecks are trouble-making thugs who often threaten to beat you up and steal your Pokémon when you fight them, usually because they're feeling cranky or think it'd be funny. Male Team Yell Grunts are also obnoxious nuisances who cause trouble in the name of hyping up Marnie, their favorite trainer.
* [[General Failure]] Damon von Grant from ''[[Valkyria Chronicles]]'' is a fat, arrogant aristocrat who only occupies his position because of his wealth, and is otherwise completely incompetent. He despises the militia and considers them [[We Have Reserves|disposable trash]], steals their merits when [[The Hero|Welkin]]'s strategies work, is completely unsympathetic towards {{spoiler|Isara's death}}, thinks of [[Love Interest|Alicia]] as a weapon {{spoiler|when her Valkyria powers awaken}}, and even uses illegal weapons to cover up for his failures on the battlefield. Need I go on? Luckily, {{spoiler|he gets a [[Karmic Death]] when [[The Dragon]] Selvaria self-destructs and takes him (and a large chunk of Gallia's army) with her.)}}
* Oliver in ''[[Fire Emblem|Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance]]''. {{spoiler|Though he [[Unexplained Recovery|somehow]] survives the game and joins your party in ''Radiant Dawn'' thanks to his status as the [[Ensemble Darkhorse]].}}
** He gets an [[Expy]] in the form of Duke Ludwig von Aegir in ''[[Fire Emblem: Three Houses]]'', a similarly fat, selfish, and arrogant nobleman who comes off as even worse, given the role he played in ruining the lives of Edelgard and her father.
* ''[[Dantes Inferno]]: An Animated Epic'' - Dante's father was an abusive man who often beat his wife and child. Not only was he a fat disgusting glutton, but horribly greedy as well, once beating his wife when he thought she had stolen one of his golden coins. He appears in the fourth circle of hell as a fat, grotesque demonic soldier who is spared the torture of other greedy souls by Satan and battles his son for a while before Dante finally ends his cruel father's (un?)life by dumping him into a giant wheel moved by molten gold.
** In the game, Dante {{spoiler|absolves his father instead of using him as an excuse for Dante's own sins}}.
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* The Fat Guard (Politician) in the original ''[[Prince of Persia]]''.
* Burnov in ''[[Double Dragon]] II: The Revenge''.
* In ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'', Dr. Eggman, Eggman Nega, and Storm the Albatross. Of course, in the former's case, [[Affably Evil|his]] [[Faux Affably Evil|level]] [[Complete Monster|of bastardry]] has varied over different incarnations.
* The [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Deadly Premonition]]'', {{spoiler|Forrest Kaysen}}.
* The emperor of Blobolonia in ''[[A Boy and His Blob]]''.
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* Pierce, or Jigglesworth, from ''[[TCTRPG|The Colour Tuesday,]]'' is a creepy [[Living Doll Collector]] who moves around on a chair. Its heavily implied that he's a pedophile, judging by his comments to and his harrassment of Alex. As Jigglesworth, he's a writhing mass of flabby appendages. Even the ruthless [[Big Bad|Maxwell]] is disgusted by him.
{{quote|'''Maxwell''': [[Even Evil Has Standards|"You're a disgrace, little man."]]}}
* King Dedede from the ''[[Kirby]]'' series started as a straight example of this trope, stealing all the food belonging to his subjects because he's that much of a glutton. But his defeat at Kirby's hands changed him for the better, and nowadays if they come to blows it's usually over a misunderstanding or Dedede being a victim of some kind of brainwashing or possession.
* King Dedede from the ''[[Kirby]]'' series.
* Dingodile and Papu Papu from the ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]'' series, though they're downplayed as far as this trope is concerned. While he starts off a gleefully evil minion of Cortex, Dingodile's mellowed out considerably by the fourth game and has retired from villainy. Papu Papu on the other hand isn't really evil so much as he is hostile towards outsiders that intrude upon his home.
* Dingodile and Papu Papu from the ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]'' series.
* In ''[[Streets of Rage]]'', there was a boss that was a big, fire-breathing Fat Bastard. On top of being [[That One Boss]], if you try to suplex him, ''[[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|your character hurts their back and suffers damage]]''.
* ''[[Hector: Badge of Carnage]]'' has Detective Inspector Hector, a surly, corrupt and lazy [[Heroic Sociopath]] who also happens to be one of the few competent individuals on the police force.
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|Pigma]] [[Only in It For the Money|Dengar]] from ''[[Star Fox (series)|Star Fox]]'' is the em[[Stealth Pun|bodi]]ment of this trope.
* Azmodan in ''[[Diablo III]]''. "Bastard" is probably an understatement, since he's the Prime Evil embodiment of Sin leading a demonic army bent on Sanctuary's destruction. His girth is justified since Gluttony is a Sin.
* The [[Dead Rising]] series has more than it'sits fair share of these, most of them psychopaths. There's the [[Complete Monster|lesbian rapist cop]] Jo Slade and the [[I Am Aa Humanitarian|cannibal butcher]] Larry Chiang in the first game, obese pervert Randy Tugman, cannibal chef Antoine Thomas, and redneck sniper Derrick Duggan in the sequel, and horrific [[Big Eater]] Darlene and lazy rich idiot Teddy in the third game. From the first game, we also have this trope in action regarding one of the survivors" Ronald. In order to get the guy to follow you back to the safehouse, you need to give him some food. And once he reaches the safehouse? You better be ready to feed him every couple of hours, or he'll start an insurrection and he'll run off quite a few of your suvivors in tow.
* Roadhog in ''[[Overwatch]]'' is one of the most psychopathic characters of the main cast and also the fattest.
* In the ''[[Mega Man X]]'' series, there's an unspoken rule that the fatter a Maverick is, the more unpleasant they'll be. Flame Mammoth is a power hungry jerk who loves to bully the weak, Frost Walrus is a violent asshole (and in the manga, a ''total fucking psychopath'') who was unpleasant long before being declared Maverick, and Silver Horn is a sadistic prison warden who delights in torturing and maiming his victims.
* Millibelle from ''[[Hollow Knight]]'' is a monstrously fat, but otherwise unassuming banker that you can lend money to so it won't be lost upon dying [[Nintendo Hard|(Which will happen. A lot.)]] {{spoiler|Once you give her enough, she'll take the money and run for the City of Tears' luxurious hot springs. Thankfully, you can track her down and beat your stolen funds out of her (plus interest!).}}
* In ''[[Octopath Traveler]]'', Primrose's story route gives us a ''very'' bastardly example in the form of Helgenish, her [[Starter Villain]]. An obese, violent, psychopathic tavern owner, Helgenish treats the dancers working for him as little more than sex objects that he can abuse to his heart's content, whether it be viciously beating them for displeasing him or selling them into sexual slavery. This trope is reflected in his [https://octopathtraveler.fandom.com/wiki/Helgenish#Battle_ battle sprite], which shows him reclining in a chair with [[A Glass of Chianti]] in one hand while grasping a dagger in the other and hiding it behind his back, all with a shit-eating grin on his face.
** [[I Own This Town|Mr. Morlock]] and his bodyguard [[Stout Strength|Omar]], the [[Arc Villain]]s of Tressa's chapter 2 are nowhere near as vile as Helgenish, but are still very bastardly. Morlock runs the mining town of Quarrycrest as his own personal fiefdom and forces his employees to fork over any gold they find for a tenth of what it's worth, and when Tressa and her rival Ali try to sell precious stones in his town, he's quick to seize imminent domain over their goods and takes them by force. Omar, on the other hand, [[The Dragon|is more than happy to be Morlock's attack dog]] and beats Ali for defying his master before the pair kidnap and try to sell him into slavery out of spite.
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* Used straight in [https://web.archive.org/web/20101213211159/http://bukucomics.com/loserz/go/423 this] strip of ''[[Loserz]]''.
* Tharqa from ''[[Penny and Aggie]]'' practically defines this trope. The only overweight character in the entire strip, and she couldn't be more venial. Karen, while having lost weight and shaped up considerably, is still bigger than every other character except Tharqa, and is well on her way to becoming the [[Big Bad]] of the comic with her Machiavellian plans against the titular characters.
* Subverted with Sidney Burns of [https://web.archive.org/web/20130720003725/http://www.drunkduck.com/Mob_Ties/ Mob Ties]. Enormously fat, but still just about the most heroic and driven of the psychotic cast.
* ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]:'' Emperor Krelchzeeber, the guy who {{spoiler|killed Riboflavin's dad.}} Nemesites are butterfly people, and therefore normally very skinny with big wings; not so with Krelchzeeber.
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** When Chris in one episode makes an attempt to lose weight, Stewie taunts and mocks him relentlessly. As the episode goes on, Stewie pigs out and eats more and more to taunt Chris with the food he cannot eat. This causes Stewie to gain lots of weight over time and as he gets bigger, he becomes more of a slob (he slams his face into a chocolate cake and eats like a pig), his girth breaks his high chair, and he grows so lazy to the point where his insults are lazily made and he falls asleep in the middle of it before he can finish his ice cream.
* Speaking of Homer, despite what one may initially think, ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' mostly averts this trope. When 75% of the entire cast is fat - Springfield is the fattest city in America! - the fat people come in all temperaments. Everyone who's fat has their Fat Bastard moments, but it isn't always consistent, especially with the [[Negative Continuity]].
** There are near-consistent straight cases, though, even if the fat and the bastardy aren't directly related. Mayor Quimby's girth could be taken to represent him being one of the "fat cats" (a derogatory term for over-privileged and corrupt politicians). Comic Book Guy is nasty and self-defeatinglydefeating pompous. Fat Tony belongs to an evil profession. Nelson is a big fat bully.
*** Fat Tony [[Karma Houdini Warranty|died of a heart attack]] in the appropriately-named episode "Donnie Fatso"; his thinner, healthier cousin Fit Tony took over as leader of his gang. Sadly, Fit Tony started overeating after taking the job (due to stress over assassination attempts) changing his moniker to "Fit-Fat Tony" until he was just as fat as his cousin.
*** Never, ever forget the episode where Homer selfishly and stupidly became horrendously obese just to be able to work at home and avoid 15 minutes of exercise a week.
**** Slightly inverted in that the most actively evil characters on the show, Mr. Burns and Sideshow Bob, are thin.
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* Ms. Teets from ''[[Good Vibes]]''.
* Penny from ''[[The Mighty B!]]''.
* Peg-Leg Pete from ''[[Classic Disney Shorts]]'' (usually just called Pete in modern cartoons) and the rest of the Disney canon. The degrees of bastardy have varied over the years, from being a ''[[Complete Monster]]'' to ''[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]'', but he always qualifies.
* There's [[The Don|the mob boss Mandragora]] from [[Justice League Unlimited]], a homage to the Kingpin. Not only is he both fat, yet very physically powerful, he's also a repulsive, murderous bastard.
* There were a few ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' shorts from 1941 and 1942 that portrayed Elmer Fudd this way, his appearance based on that of Arthur Q. Bryan; unfortunately, the fat-jokes Bugs made at Elmer's expense got old quickly, and in these shorts, Bugs became far more of an unprovoked aggressor. After five of these cartoons, he was changed back.
* Ratarro from ''[[ThunderCats (1985 series)|ThunderCats]]'' was a portly [[Rat-Man]] who, while a more competent villain than most of the mutants, was so nasty that even ''they'' hated him.
* One ''[[Secret Squirrel]]'' short featured an obese panda thug named One-Ton as the [[Villain of the Week]], both a [[Meaningful Name]] and [[Punny Name]].
== Real Life ==
* [[Adipose Rex|King]] [[Henry VIII]], though he was a wife -killing asshole even before gaining the extra pounds at the end of his life.
** Which makes it a subversion - as a young man he was a tall, powerful and magnificent athlete and was described as handsome. The fat really piled on when he stopped exercising and kept eating and drinking as much as ever.
*** There was also the debilitating leg injury that ''kept'' him from exercising.
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