Faux HTML Tags

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Revision as of 13:17, 31 July 2016 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (fixed markup so markup is visible and not functional)

OP (name redacted) Has anyone noticed that Twitter-style hashtags have replaced HTML-style coding as meta-commentary on the internet?

Person responding (also redacted) </era>
—Fail Blog


On blogs and Internet discussion forums, when participants use the SGML-style tags popularized by HTML (or sometimes BB Code-style tags) to accentuate their messages.

For example <sarcasm>...</sarcasm> and <rant>...</rant>.

Sometimes these tags can include attributes such as <flame tone="angry">...</flame>.

Oftentimes the opening tag will be omitted and only the closing tag will be there, as a kind of self-conscious lampshade hung on the preceding flame/rant/etc.

Can also be used in image macros; here are some examples. Note that not all edited photos are image macros: Some humorous pictures are seen on the 'Net, such as a man with "</head> <body>" tatooed on his neck or a tombstone with "</life>".

Anti-war candidate Darcy Burner wore a T-shirt with </WAR> on it in several photos.

Adam Savage frequently wears a T-shirt that states <mythbuster> "Am I missing an eyebrow?" </mythbuster>.

</unsubscribe> is occasionally used on Usenet to indicate that one is unsubscribing from a thread. However, the proper use should be either </subscribe> (to indicate that the subscription is ending) or <unsubscribe /> (XML empty tag to indicate an unsubscription). It probably means, though, that the person has just finished the process of unsubscribing. </JustifyingEdit>

This used to be done with faux C preprocessor directives, e.g.:

#ifdef FLAME
flame flame flame

but that usage has largely been supplanted by more-approachable HTML.

Also known as Ostensible Markup Language, although it's not the only meaning of that phrase.
