Faux HTML Tags

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    /wiki/Faux HTML Tagswork

    OP (name redacted) Has anyone noticed that Twitter-style hashtags have replaced HTML-style coding as meta-commentary on the internet?
    Person responding (also redacted) </era>

    —Fail Blog


    HTML is the markup language that powers the internet. Every web page uses it or technology that builds upon it. It also happens to be very simple to pick up: make an opening tag with <tag>, then close it by inserting a / in front of the tag name, like </tag>. Thus, on blogs and Internet discussion forums, some participants uses the SGML-style tags popularized by HTML (or sometimes BB Code-style tags) to accentuate their messages. These tags include <sarcasm>...</sarcasm> and <rant>...</rant>. Sometimes these Faux HTML Tags can include attributes such as <flame tone="angry">...</flame>.

    Often the opening tag will be omitted and only the closing tag will be there, as a kind of self-conscious lampshade hung on the preceding flame/rant/etc.

    Can also be used in image macros; here is an example. Note that not all edited photos are image macros: Some humorous pictures are seen on the 'Net, such as a man with "</head> <body>" tattooed on his neck or a tombstone with "</life>".

    </unsubscribe> is occasionally used on Usenet to indicate that one is unsubscribing from a thread. However, the proper use should be either </subscribe> (to indicate that the subscription is ending) or <unsubscribe /> (XML empty tag to indicate an unsubscription). It probably means, though, that the person has just finished the process of unsubscribing. </JustifyingEdit>

    This used to be done with faux C preprocessor directives, e.g.:

    #ifdef FLAME
    flame flame flame

    but that usage has largely been supplanted by more-approachable HTML.

    Also known as Ostensible Markup Language [dead link], although it's not the only meaning of that phrase.

    There is a small amount of Truth in Television (or web forums) here. HTML is a real thing and its style and syntax is being followed correctly, the tags used... not so correctly. It's highly unlikely that <sarcasm> or <rant mood="angry"> will become a real tag in a web standard, but <article> is a real tag and you can view it on the MDN Web Docs. It's part of what developers call semantic HTML, where tags communicate their purpose. Other semantic tags includes <summary> and <nav> (navigation).



    Examples of Faux HTML Tags include:

    Real Life

    • Adam Savage of Mythbusters frequently wears a T-shirt that states <mythbuster> "Am I missing an eyebrow?" </mythbuster>.
    • Anti-war candidate Darcy Burner wore a T-shirt with </WAR> on it in several photos.
    • As mentioned in the article, on many forum trends. There are simply too many of them to list and we'll be here all day.
