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== [[Video Games]] ==
* El Toro in ''[[Wrath of the Black Manta]]''. He only has 4 life boxes, but he can only be hurt by specific ninja arts... in order. If you use the wrong technique, he immediately regenerates to FULL life. More annoyingly, this happens even if you use the right technique, but from the wrong side of the screen!
* {{spoiler|Henry}} in ''[[No More Heroes]]'' is the pinnacle of real difficulty. You have to manage to learn how to Dark Step, emergency evade and slash the hell out of him. He manages to be completely fair, despite his various unblockable attacks and his dreaded yet awesome [[One-Hit Kill]], not to mention the [[Boss Remix]] "We Are Finally Cowboys" blaring in the background. The game actually makes sure that you're (hopefully) at the top of your game by {{spoiler|requiring you to attain all beam katanas before facing off against him.}}
* Yami in ''[[Okami]]'' manages to work in a use for every single Celestial Brush technique in the game, even if it has to make up completely new functions in some cases (for example, {{spoiler|the Crescent technique normally just turns day to night, but in this battle, it summons Susano to slice the boss vertically}}), and the one and only Brush Technique that the [[Sequential Boss]] battle didn't require, and is otherwise useless ({{spoiler|Sunrise}}), is its [[Achilles' Heel|ultimate weakness]] in its final form.