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[[File:fe9-10_3377.jpg|frame|[[Running Gag|No, the blue-haired man is not]] [[Marth Debuted in Smash Bros|Marth.]] <ref>[[Super Smash Bros.|He IS Ike, though.]]</ref>]]
{{quote|''In days long past, a young man strode the lands of Tellius.''
''He was simple yet true, his deeds brave and noble. He reunited two races long at war, and healed the heart of {{spoiler|a goddess long gone mad}}.''
''Ask any you meet be they young or old, beorc or laguz, of a hero named Ike and you'll receive a warm smile and a tale or two of faith, courage, and honesty.''|Epilogue to ''Radiant Dawn''}}
|Epilogue to ''Radiant Dawn''}}
The ninth and tenth games in the ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' series, comprising its fifth canon and timeline. The ''Tellius'' games were the first international releases to appear on a home console, and are something of a return to the style of [[Fire Emblem Jugdral|the last console games]] by way of implementing many features not seen since the Jugdral games and their darker art styles and plotting.
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* '''''Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn''''' ([[Wii]], 2007) is a direct sequel to ''Path of Radiance'', taking place three years after its beginning. The game is divided into four parts, each starring a different main character. The first arc features Micaiah, the leader of the Dawn Brigade, in her work to liberate the country of Daein from its abuse at the hands of its post-war Begnion occupation, an act which instigates the conflict to come. Following [[arc]]s feature Elincia, now queen of Crimea, dealing with rebellious nobles, and Ike and his mercenaries aiding the Laguz kingdoms in a war against an apparently corrupt Begnion, with the final arc bringing all the characters together in order to avert the destruction of their world.
* [[Absurdly Youthful Mother]]: Going only by appearances, Almedha appears to be a beorc woman in her early or mid thirties, a bit too young to be the mother of Pelleas (who appears to be in his early twenties). Subverted in that {{spoiler|she's a dragon laguz, and dragon laguz age incredibly slowly and stop aging when they reach full maturity, meaning that Almedha was [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]}}, and {{spoiler|she wasn't Pelleas' mother}}. Even so, nobody called her or Pelleas out on it before they figured out the above spoilers.
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* [[Old Save Bonus]]: Data from ''Path of Radiance'' can be transferred to ''Radiant Dawn''. Characters that have reached the level cap and capped at least one stat in ''Path of Radiance'' gain a + 2 bonus to that stat in ''Radiant Dawn'' (or in Sothe's case, his exact stats if they are higher). A-supports in ''Path of Radiance'' become bonds and can unlock additional conversations.
* [["On the Next..."]]: ''Radiant Dawn'' has this at the end of the first three parts.
* [[One-Dollar Retainer]]: In ''Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn'' Volke, a master assassin who charges for ''everything'' <ref>to the point that, in gameplay, every lock and pocket you have him pick costs you money</ref>, demands only 3000 gold (small even at the start of the game, and explicitly noted by another character as "negligible") to kill {{spoiler|Izuka}} in the final level before the game's finale. By contrast he demands ''100,000'' to reveal why he set this low price. Why? {{spoiler|"I don’t like that guy." While Izuka is a sociopathic vivisectionist, what ''exactly'' prompts this attitude from a miserly professional murderer like Volke, who is never seen interacting with Izuka beforehand, is never elaborated on beyond Izuka recognizing Volke.}} To make the 3000 gold even more negligible, paying him unlocks a scene in the next level where he gives a refund for a previous job he never got to complete {{spoiler|since someone else killed the target first}} for a net ''profit'' of 17,000 gold.
* [[Outside the Box Tactic]]: The Black Knight/{{spoiler|Zelgius}} can easily be defeated in the final chapter by forgoing use of [[Infinity+1 Sword|Ragnell]] in favor of a common hammer.
* [[Panty Shot]]: The 3D models for battle result in a few, primarily Ilyana (dark blue) and Mist (Black and light pink).
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