Fun with Acronyms/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
* '''M.O.D.O.K.''', the '''M'''ental '''O'''rganism '''D'''esigned '''O'''nly For '''K'''illing, a frequent foe of the Avengers and [[Incredibly Lame Pun|head]] of '''A.I.M.''', '''A'''dvanced '''I'''dea '''M'''echanics.
** In one variant of M.O.D.O.K.'s origin story, he was originally named M.O.D.O.C., with the last initial standing for "Computation".
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** And of course, Rosa's signature '''D.U.C.K.''' which he likes to hide in his various stories, and stands for '''D'''edicated to '''U'''nca '''C'''arl from '''K'''eno
* Joe Carioca's recurring "villains" are '''ANACOZECA''': '''A'''ssociacao '''NA'''cional dos '''CO'''bradores do '''ZE''' '''CA'''rioca, or in English, the National Association of Joe Carioca's Debt Collectors. It cheats a lot (and thus usually isn't written with dots), but at least you can pronounce the acronym as a word.
* In ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare TheaterTheatre]]'', the government agency created to enforce internal security by Megoville mayor George W. Bush (elected in 2005, look it up) and led by the Green Goblin is designated '''B.A.D.I.D.E.A.''', the '''B'''ureau of '''A'''merican '''D'''efense, '''I'''ntervention, '''D'''eployment, '''E'''nforcement, and '''A'''nalysis. "I think Mayor Bush's B.A.D.I.D.E.A. is a ''great'' idea!"
* Of course, the first and most famous acronym in comics is the wizard [[Shazam]]'s name (also Captain Marvel's magic word), which indicates Captain Marvel has the wisdom of '''S'''olomon, the strength of '''H'''ercules, the stamina of '''A'''tlas, the power of '''Z'''eus, the courage of '''A'''chilles and the speed of '''M'''ercury.
** His [[Evil Counterpart]], Black Adam, uses the same word to draw on the power of ancient Egyptian gods. He has the stamina of '''S'''hu, the swiftness of '''H'''eru (Horus), the strength of '''A'''mon (Amun), the wisdom of '''Z'''ehuti (another name for Thoth), the power of '''A'''ton (Aten), and the courage of '''M'''ehen.
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* ''[[PS238]]'' has [ OOPS] ("[[MacGuffin|Objects of Overwhelming Power and Significance]]").
[[Category:Fun with Acronyms]]