Basic Trope: Large penis size Played for Laughs as opposed to seriously affecting sex life.

  • Played Straight:
    • Bob's penis measures 14" fully erect and the lump is visible through his pants, and he's the center of attention at the house party.
    • Bob brags to Dave about his size by holding up a hot dog bun while gesturing toward a woman and pointing to his groin with the other hand.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Actually, it measures 3' flaccid and dangles in one of his pant legs.
    • Bob lies down on the ground with his balls pressed against the base of a governmental flagpole.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Bob holds up a banana for a moment, then sets it aside next to the other groceries...
    • Bob is a grower, not a show-er
  • Double Subverted: ...and grabs an even larger cucumber to wave at his girlfriend/wife when she asks if he's finished.
  • Justified: Bob is in a fraternity contest or TV game show requiring him to use these jokes to proceed.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's girlfriend dumps him because she thinks he's only concerned with giving her his banana.
  • Reconstructed: Bob only uses these gags during foreplay or when context is otherwise appropriate.
  • Parodied: All men's penis sizes are indicated by varieties of trees or whales, while women are shown next to these symbols in actual size... and the women have expressions of anticipation.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob, all the women want to climb your mountain."
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: The Moral Guardians want to keep explicit sexual imagery out of TV, so symbols are hidden in the show as Parental Bonuses.
  • Invoked: Bob carries several phallic objects in his backpack or suitcase, and the one he's holding in his hand indicates his interest in the girl he's curently looking at.
  • Defied: Bob avoids such symbols to avoid offending the girl he's currently dating.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Played For Laughs: By definition, this trope is always played for laughs.
  • Played For Drama: By definition, that would be Bigger Is Better in Bed, and not this trope.

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