Game Grumps/YMMV

Revision as of 15:01, 23 July 2021 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (deleted misused Broken Base - a "debate" is not a "civil war")
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  • Most Annoying Sound: Ross' "voice acting", his shrill high voice that's all over the place, most notably in Sakura Spirit and Undertale. The Grumps frequently groan at his attempts.
  • Seasonal Rot: Many instances (April-July 2015 for example), but the September 2015 videos are considered among the worst of that time.
    • Hatedom subreddit /r/rantgrumps holds the view that anything Game Grumps made after 2015 is way less entertaining and more annoying than when they started, back when JonTron was a co-host.
  • Yoko Oh No: Suzy got a negative reception when she was introduced, purely for being Arin's girlfriend and not being as funny as the others. The fanbase eventually warmed on her, but Hatedom subreddit /r/rantgrumps holds her with contempt for taking offence to jokes and for having made shady business on her Etsy store.