Gannon Banned: Difference between revisions

(→‎Anime & Manga: Remove double-Anshii)
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* ''[[Doctor Who]]'':
** Referring to everyone's favorite Time Lord as "[[Doctor Who]]", or his show as ''Dr. Who,'' is ''not'' going to ingratiate you with the fanbase. The origin of all the confusion, as noted on the main ''[[Doctor Who]]'' page, is that the name for the character during the show's development was originally "Dr. Who," a name that was retained in the credits and internal documentation for over 20 years, despite the fact that the character was never called that on-screen except in [[Mythology Gag]]s.<ref>For example, one character introduces him as "The Doctor," then the other says, "Doctor who?"</ref> (Rather like the [[Trope Namer]], in that sense.)
*** Interestingly enough, in the [[ReContinuity BootReboot|reboot]] [[The Movie|TheMoviesmovies]] of [[The Sixties]], Peter Cushing refers to '''himself''' and listed in the credits as "Dr. Who." It is extreme [[Canon Discontinuity]] now.
** Using "Timelord" instead of "Time Lord" or any spelling other than TARDIS is a bad idea.
** It's also probably a good idea to avoid referring to the actor that played the Fifth Doctor as "Peter Davidson," unless you enjoy the thought of being lectured on how [[Peter Davison]] is an actor, while Peter Davidson is the guy who used to draw Desperate Dan in ''The Dandy''.
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* Calling any version of [[Stargate Verse|Stargate]] "StarGate" or "Star Gate" will cause every fan of the series in the world to tell you just how wrong you are, and how it's nothing like [[Star Trek]] or [[Star Wars]].
* Confusing the British original and American remake versions of ''[[Skins]]'' is likely to get you gannon-banned from fans of the former - who make up the majority of the fandom, and most of whom see the American version as somewhere between forgettable and an unwatchable atrocity.
== Music ==