Gay Aesop: Difference between revisions

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("fanfic" -> "fan works")
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See also [[Coming Out Story]] and [[Fair for Its Day]].
== Comic Books ==
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* Pulled off ([[Dead Baby Comedy|surprisingly]]) in ''[[The Authority|A Man Called Kev]]''. Kev Hawkins visits an old SAS mate of his who now lives in the US on a marijuana plantation with a man-eating Bengal tiger and a beautiful woman. Kev is ''very'' surprised to learn that said beautiful woman is the sister of his mate's [[Bury Your Gays|dead boyfriend]]. Given that Kev is a raging homophobe, it takes him a while to come to terms with the fact that his badass ex-military buddy is gay, but he does.
== [[Fanfic]]Fan Works ==
* Not an uncommon theme in [[Slash Fic]]. The designated pairing will often be menaced, either by outside homophobes or by a canon character [[Conflict Ball|inexplicably converted]] into a homophobe. Of course, "[[Shipping|love]]" always triumphs.