< Gigli
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Christopher Walken talking about pie.
- Not to mention the use of the word "heterolingus", which is impossible to utter with a straight face.
- Fetish Retardant: "It's turkey time. Gobble gobble!"
- Two-Scene Wonder: Walken and Pacino's respective scenes.
- Romantic Plot Tumor
- Snark Bait: This film is an easy go-to whenever anyone needs a joke about bad movies.
- So Bad It's Horrible: The movie channel that got stuck with the contract for airing it actually wound up marketing it this way, possibly hoping to trick people into viewing it in So Bad It's Good fashion: "See the film that critics called the worst movie ever made!"
- Squick: Some of the lines concerning ejaculation and oral sex.