Girls und Panzer/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Yukari include:}}
* [[Character Tics]]: She has a peculiar way of expressing embarrassed pleasure by squirming while fluffing up her hair; it's most often seen when someone — '''especially''' Miho — praises her, or when "Miss Nishizumi confessed her love for me!" as mentioned below. It's sort of a physiological rather than verbal [[Squee]].
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: With [[Hammerspace]]! Where'd that thermos full of hot cocoa come from? And the folding spade? The lantern? How did she anticipate one of her comrades would need an insulating wrap for inside her boots? Her pockets are flat and she has no backpack, but out come the handwarmer, scissors, sewing kit, bandages, [[Batman|batarang]] ... OK, no batarang... '''so far'''....
* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]: She does so for pre-match "reconnaissance" of Saunders, Anzio, and BC Freedom, and OVA 5 reveals she (and Erwin) do it '''during''' the match against Pravda. Hey, when the "Russkies" leave their overcoats and [[Nice Hat|ushankas]] hanging up unattended, it'd be a shame not to use them....
* [[Friendless Background]]: For years (before the reinstatement of the tankery club), nobody else at Oarai loved tanks the way she does. Anglerfish Team were her first real friends in a long time.
* [[I Know Mortal Kombat]]: In their first drive-and-shoot practice, Yukari was the gunner. Three shots fired equals three panzers disabled. She'd never before fired a real tank's gun, but apparently honed her skills playing [[Arcade Game]]s. Considering that score, it's actually a bit astonishing they let Hana take over the position when they didn't yet know how good a shot '''she'd''' be ... but then they weren't taking tankery very seriously at that point.
* [[Japanese Honorifics]]: Refers to all the other Anglerfish members with the highly formal "-dono." (She's also used it to speak of some of the other Oarai girls, for instance Caesar.) In the English dub of the anime, this is represented by e.g. addressing Miho as "Miss Nishizumi".
* [[Military Salute]]: Sometimes very out-of-place. For example, she salutes in the group bath when Mako agrees to be their driver.
* [[Pose of Supplication]]: When they realized they'd won the drive-and-shoot, she climbed out and knelt atop the turret to [[The Glomp|glomp]] Miho, who was leaning up out of the loader's hatch. After a moment, though, Yukari backed off and put her head to the metal, apologizing for her exuberance.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: When Miho says that she "loves" her teammates, Yukari cheers, "Miss Nishizumi confessed her love for me!"
** The OVA [[Beach Episode]] "Water War!" reveals she's studied Miho closely enough to estimate her three sizes (for the record, 82-56-84) and (Crazy Prepared, again) buy her a bikini that flatters her build when Miho got sidetracked and didn't buy a swimsuit herself. It fits perfectly. ''Maybe'' she could do the same for the other girls, but there's no sign of it.
* [[Teen Superspy]]: After her spying at Saunders, an even more successful infiltration of Anzio, and her reconnaissance of Pravda positions, the spin-off ''Ribbon Warrior'' indicates [ Yukari now has a reputation] among the various schools as a female [[James Bond]].<ref>Note the use of an Anglerfish Dance costume as a [[Spy Catsuit]].</ref> Given that these are all girls' schools, the line about "gathering intel with sex appeal" is a bit ... *[[Schoolgirl Lesbians|ahem]]*.<ref>Of course, the girl who's telling this has already noted of herself that she's turned on by her teammate's [[She's Got Legs|her teammate's legs]]. "I'm a pervert..."</ref>
** According to ''Gekitou! Maginot-sen Desu!!'', '''that'''this, not the Saunders match, was her first time slipping off to quietly scout the adversary, though in this case she was simply looking at their tanks with binoculars. She reported that Maginot had upgraded the barrel length of two of their SOMUA S35s, giving them better armor penetration — enough to disable anything Oarai had.