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* The [[Ur Example]] of this trope is oldest known work of fiction, ''[[The Epic of Gilgamesh]]''. Gilgamesh is a demigod, and Enkidu is made by the gods to keep him in check. Not sure if that makes them gods themselves or just [[Cursed with Awesome]].
* Emmanuel, the main character in the novel ''The Divine Invasion'' by [[Philip K. Dick]], is, in actuality, the Judeo-Christian [[God]] - and he lost his memories in a car accident.
* [[H.P. Lovecraft|Nyarlathotep]] often appears in the form of a man. He has several other avatars as well, ranging from aformentionedaforementioned human form to [[Eldritch Abomination|monstrous and inhuman]].
** Well, in Lovecraft's canon he appears in human form once (''The Dream-Quest of the Unknown Kadath''), and possibly pseudo-human form in ''The Dreams in the Witch-House''. It's also briefly mentioned that he once took human form in the ancient Khem, better known as Egypt for modern readers.
*** He also appears as a human in ''Nyarlathotep'', the first story he appears in. He appears in a monstrous form in ''Haunter in the Dark'', and one of his non-human forms is mentioned in ''Rats in the Walls''. He also appears in both human and pseudo-human forms (described as looking demonic) in Lovecraft's sonnet ''Fungi from Yuggoth''. In ''Hanter in the Dark'' it's somewhat implied that he gained his human form by posessingpossessing a human (most likely an egyptian pharaoh named Nephren-kha).
* Margaret Weis's ''[[Dragonlance|The Dark Disciple]]'' series, Mina turns out to be a goddess of light, who was tricked into believing she was a human girl. She becomes a necromancer of death god, Chemosh.
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** In ''[[Discworld/Small Gods|Small Gods]]'', the Great God Om decides to visit the Disc in the body of a great bull. Instead, he gets stuck in the body of a tortoise, and doesn't have enough godly mojo left to get out.
** Also by Pratchett, in Strata {{spoiler|all sentient life in the universe}} falls under this trope, losing all memory of divinity in order to better learn.
** The Death of [[Discworld]] isn't a god by the standards of his universe, but he does occasionally self-limit his powers and go [[Walking the Earth|walking the Disc]] disguised as a human. Usually fails miserably because: a) in spite of hanging around humans for millennia, he's no good at ''being'' one, and b) some supernatural crisis inevitably drags him back to work.
** Also by Pratchett, in ''[[Strata]]'' {{spoiler|all sentient life in the universe}} falls under this trope, losing all memory of divinity in order to better learn.
* [[Ian McDonald]]'s novel ''Out On Blue Six'' -- {{spoiler|Kilimanjaro West turns out to be this}}.
* In the ''[[Young Wizards]]'' series the most powerful of the [[Powers That Be]] exist [[Time Dissonance|mainly outside of time]] and, to be able to do anything to that which exists inside of time, not only need to insert fragments of themselves into the time stream(s), but also to put that fragment into a physical body. This is usually done by the fragment hitching a ride in an already living being (usually without the mortal host being aware), which limits the amount of power they can use. However, if the host dies they can slap together a blob of physical matter and shove the fragment into that, giving them much greater access to their powers (and in a few instances the [[Big Bad]] starts out that way).
* The Devil from Glen Duncan's ''[[I, Lucifer]]'' is given the choice by God to redeem himself by taking over the body of Declan Gunn. He retains his devilish characteristics, but spends much of his time utterly overcome by the power of his human senses.
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