God of War: Ascension

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A 2013 videogame.

Set years before the first God of War game, this installment of the series follow Kratos a little after he killed his family and then stopped working for Aries, the God of War. However, Kratos' alliance with Aries was made through an oath of blood, and for breaking an oath like that, Kratos is hunted bu the Furies, deities that punish those who break their oaths.

Developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment.

Tropes used in God of War: Ascension include:
  • And I Must Scream: Aegaeon is still alive, because the Furies considered Death too merciful to him. He can still move his eyes a little, but is otherwise immobile.
  • Fanservice: Tisiphone uses an illusion where several women with their breasts exposed fawn all over Kratos and try to seduce him, in order to enlure him into a trap.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Tisiphone uses that as part of her strategy to distract Kratos and lure him into a trap.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Kratos will manage to escape from his oath of loyalty to Aries.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Inverted. The gorgons Kratos meet in this game have a snake-like head, unlike the more human-like of the previous games.
  • In Medias Res: The game begins with Kratos already imprisoned by the Furies. After showing Kratos fighting them for some time, the game flashes back to the point where Kratos meets Orkos for the first time.
  • Playing with Fire: The Fire of Ares gives Kratos the ability to infuse the Blades of Chaos with flames.