Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C./Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Cast the Expert: During World War II, Frank Sutton enlisted in the U.S. Army and served. He eventually became a literal sergeant in the 293rd Jont Assault Signal Company and was later on awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Some time after the war ended, Sutton began an acting career. During the 1950s and early 1960s, Frank just have small roles in shows, like the Twilight Zone, Naked City, and Target: The Corruptors.
  • "Hey, It's That Guy!"|"Hey, It's That Voice!": Clancy has a good luck troll toy in the marine base, much to Sgt. Carter's annoyance.
    • Sabol has to deal with what he deems as a stupid marine private.
    • Herald is a rival to Sgt. Carter and tries to upstage him during contests.
    • Maitre d' has a secretary-ish role in the US Marines.
    • Toadblatt tells Gomer that he probably needs to see a doctor, due to Pyle liking Sgt. Carter.
    • Mrs. Seidel is one of Vincent Carter's many girlfriends.
    • Tina Billings is dating Gomer Pyle.

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