Grammar Nazi: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.GrammarNazi 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.GrammarNazi, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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More moderate Grammar Nazis, ironically, strive to treat English like the Germanic language it is.
More moderate Grammar Nazis, ironically, strive to treat English like the Germanic language it is.

Be careful when and how you accuse someone of being a Grammar Nazi, because doing so is, by definition, an automatic invocation of [[Godwins Law]]. Being a Grammar Nazi can occasionally be a good thing, especially when [[Illiteracy Communist (Darth Wiki)|Illiteracy Communists]] are utterly mangling the English language. And when you do so, don't misspell "Grammar" (like the trope image did). This isn't ''[[Frasier (TV)|Frasier]]''. (Or ''[[Greek]]''.)
Be careful when and how you accuse someone of being a Grammar Nazi, because doing so is, by definition, an automatic invocation of [[Godwin's Law]]. Being a Grammar Nazi can occasionally be a good thing, especially when [[Illiteracy Communist (Darth Wiki)|Illiteracy Communists]] are utterly mangling the English language. And when you do so, don't misspell "Grammar" (like the trope image did). This isn't ''[[Frasier (TV)|Frasier]]''. (Or ''[[Greek]]''.)

Often, people will be accused of being Grammar Nazis by someone who simply cannot grasp simple second-grade English concepts, such as confusing "you're" for "your". Even worse, a Grammar Nazi will jump all over people who use grammar that is technically incorrect but that [[Reality Is Unrealistic|seems correct because]] ''[[Reality Is Unrealistic|everyone]]'' [[Reality Is Unrealistic|(except for the Grammar Nazis, of course) uses it]], such as "It is me" instead of "It is I."
Often, people will be accused of being Grammar Nazis by someone who simply cannot grasp simple second-grade English concepts, such as confusing "you're" for "your". Even worse, a Grammar Nazi will jump all over people who use grammar that is technically incorrect but that [[Reality Is Unrealistic|seems correct because]] ''[[Reality Is Unrealistic|everyone]]'' [[Reality Is Unrealistic|(except for the Grammar Nazis, of course) uses it]], such as "It is me" instead of "It is I."

But of course, some people -- [[Godwins Law]] or not -- bear the title with pride. [[Super OCD|They seek order within the literary confines of the Internet]]. [[Utopia Justifies the Means|S'not such a bad cause, aye]]? A good rule of thumb to distinguish between "good" and "[[Troll|bad]]" ones is: the former will usually overlook [[Self Demonstrating Article|ovbious tyops]].
But of course, some people -- [[Godwin's Law]] or not -- bear the title with pride. [[Super OCD|They seek order within the literary confines of the Internet]]. [[Utopia Justifies the Means|S'not such a bad cause, aye]]? A good rule of thumb to distinguish between "good" and "[[Troll|bad]]" ones is: the former will usually overlook [[Self-Demonstrating Article|ovbious tyops]].

Also, you might want to use the term "Grammar Police" around [[You Keep Using That Word|those more easily offended]], but that street runs both ways. In many cases the person being criticised is fairly justified in attacking the Grammar Nazi right back; we all make mistakes and there are plenty of dyslexics and dyspraxics on the internet - not to mention all the people who aren't quite as keen on your pedantic crusade, nor with your fixation on "Ten Items Or Less" signs.
Also, you might want to use the term "Grammar Police" around [[You Keep Using That Word|those more easily offended]], but that street runs both ways. In many cases the person being criticised is fairly justified in attacking the Grammar Nazi right back; we all make mistakes and there are plenty of dyslexics and dyspraxics on the internet - not to mention all the people who aren't quite as keen on your pedantic crusade, nor with your fixation on "Ten Items Or Less" signs.