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Naturally, opinion varies within the anime fanfic community on this subject. Most readers are united in their dislike for finding walls of Japanese text in the middle of their stories, but some do enjoy (much) smaller "flavor bits".
The form of this that just about ''everybody'', even the purists, despises is "Fangirl Japanese", where a newbie inserts big blocks of Japanese that they don't even understand every other paragraph, not just in their fanfiction (which is usually plain ol' bad) but ''in their everyday life''. The word "''kawaii''" still leaves a bad taste in many reformed fangirls' mouths. It is amusing, though, to read their flailing attempts if you know enough Japanese to realize that no, "koi" is not the verb for "love" and that they've used the word for "bow (weapon)" instead of that for "bow (hair accessory)" by mistake. This is sometimes seen in [[Fanfic]] of such things as ''[[Harry Potter]]'', which isn't Japanese, has [[Original Character|(usually)]] no Japanese characters, and hasn't been anywhere near Japan.<ref>The extent of the series' contact with Japan is a passing reference to the "Toyohashi Tengu" quidditch team in ''[[Quidditch Through the Ages]]'', which at least references a real [,_Aichi Japanese city] and a [ mythical creature] that's probably real in the Potterverse.</ref>
This is also a source of much argument in the area of [[Fan Sub|fansubs]], over whether or not to include honorifics, localize idioms, translate certain special terms, or use translator notes at the top of the screen.