Gushing About Characters You Like (Sugar Wiki)/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* Oh come on! Despite his bad stats, [[Final Fantasy Tactics A2|Montblanc]] is obviously handsome-cute! Except for the one from [[Final Fantasy XII]] that is... Or maybe [[Kuzlalala|this troper]] is just crazy. Especially at the [[Radio Drama]], he sounds so dang awsome!
* [[Eternal Sonata|March]] may be a twin, but [[Nyperold|this troper]] thinks she's more adorable than her sister. However, that may just be due to her sweet and friendly nature, quite the opposite of how Salsa describes her. But lest this should cause you to think her ineffective in combat, you should know that she's quite good with a pair of chakrams, and [[Beware the Nice Ones|she'll be perfectly polite]] ''before'' [[Beware the Nice Ones|she pounds her foes]]. And she gets some neat-sounding (free verse) poetry before she unleashes her Echo-enhanced special moves.
* I have not one, but ''three'' characters to gush about from [[Disgaea]]. There's Vyers, the [[Gratuitous French]]-speaking [[Butt Monkey]] who also tends to have a lot of [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments and may or may not [ love little girls]. Then there's Etna, the [[Stripperific]] [[Pettanko]] [[Little Miss Snarker]] (you heard me) who easily proves that [[Everything Is's Better Withwith Penguins]]. Lastly, there's Pleinair, the [[The Gunslinger|gunslinging]] [[Cute Mute]] who [[Memetic Mutation|batdodges]] [[Memetic Badass|everything]] and, similarly to Etna, proves that [[Everythings Better With Bunnies|Everything's Better With Bunnies]]. They are all awesome and I love them all to little pixelated bits.
** This troper harbors deep affection for [[Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories]]'s Rozalin. It might be her arrogance, or her complete disdain for anything practical as "baser pursuits." Then again, especially for a demon princess, she's remarkably loyal and compassionate to the people she cares about—quite literally a [[Noble Demon]]. Whether acting assertvely or displaying a moment of vulnerability, she always conducts herself with composed eloquence. Plus, she uses a pistol, and she's got a snazzy dress and a killer rack. (In addition to his dee p affection, this troper also harbors [[Perverse Sexual Lust]].)
** And this Troper absolutely loves Beryl. 2nd biggest [[Badass Adorable]] in my opinion (after [[Kirby]], who is the trope personified).
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** You know who doesn't get the recognition she deserves? [[Pokémon Black and White|Bianca]]. She gets [[Overshadowed by Awesome|overshadowed]] by N, Cheren and the PC, but look at what she goes through over the game—she tries to become a trainer alongside her best friends and everything in the region tries to tear her down. Among other things, her Munna gets stolen, her dad tries to drag her back home and she's constantly reminded that she can't compete with the player and Cheren. But what does she do? She decides that, even if training isn't for her, she can still work with Pokémon. Moreover, in the finale, she {{spoiler|rounds up the Gym Leaders for their [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment, saving the player from six of the seven sages}}. She's the type of character that anybody with any type of insecurities can sympathize with, but-- [[Emotions vs. Stoicism|for some reason]]-- [[Internet Tough Guy|most everybody online]] calls her an idiot and puts her down.
*** What probably sucks the most about Bianca is that no one gives her the attention she deserves, not even her creators. In the sequel? She's there, but most likely has no plot importance. In the anime? A side character. In ''Adventures/Special''? [[Satellite Character]], along with Cheren. Most other manga? Brief cameo appearance, if that. Most fanart and fanfics? Not there at all. If there was ever a character that needed a lot more love, it's her.
* Asura from ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'', for far too many reasons this troper can explain.