Hard Candy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Billing Displacement]]: See that cool, stylized poster up there? It's been replaced by [[Floating Head Syndrome|bland face shots]] of Hayley and Jeff now that Elliot Page and Patrick Wilson are stars.
* [[Candlelit Bath]]: Subverted, in its "girl goes to take a shower with the psycho in the house" variation. When the man holding the knife bursts into the bathroom and pulls back the shower curtain, {{spoiler|he finds it empty. Then the girl leaps out from behind him holding a stungun.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Played straight]] with the gun that Hayley finds while searching for Jeff's [[Porn Stash]]. Also, the missing"Missing: Donna Mauer" poster at Nighthawks.
* [[Date My Avatar]]: Goes both ways. We have this charming guy and this sweet young girl, and they have so much in common. But they are both faking it. They are really predators, trying to lure each other into a trap.
* [[Dawson Casting]]: Elliot Page was 17 when they played the 14-year-old Hayley. This is disputable, however, since the only way we find out Hayley's age is when she tells us, and she's not exactly the most trustworthy type - it's entirely possible that she's older than fourteen (but see the entry for this film on [[the Jailbait Wait]] trope page).
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'''Jeff:''' Just one song. And a little louder, please, so the authorities know! }}
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: Though he is legitimately charming and physically attractive. And only about thirty.
* [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)]]: Played straight as Hayley, a fourteen year old girl, is torturing Jeff as punishment for supposedly being a 32-year-old male predator {{spoiler|(Jeff IS''is'' a predator, but it is not made absolutely clear inat thethis moviepoint, so viewers will abide by this trope at first)}}, then [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstructed]] as Hayley crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]], and then [[Reconstructed Trope|reconstructed]] as Jeff's deeds get increasingly violent as well as Hayley uncovering more evidence that {{spoiler|Jeff is indeed a predator}}.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Mixed with assisted suicide, with weird [[Mercy Kill]] overtones.}} Yeah, it's that kind of thing.
* [[The Ending Changes Everything]]: To a degree. The events we saw more or less happened as we saw them, but it's strongly implied that much of the backstory we've been given has been falsified.
* [[Evil Plan]]: Unusual in that there are two.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]
* [[Exploitation Film]]
* [[Film Noir]]: It could be seen as a twisted neo-Noir, with its dark, bleak subject matter, its claustrophobic setting, and its grim protagonists. Hayley could be viewed as the [[Anti-Hero]], the [[Femme Fatale]] and the [[Private Detective]] all in one, and Jeff could be seen as an [[Anti-Hero]] who is destroyed by becoming entangled with the [[Femme Fatale]].
* [[Foreshadowing]]: {{spoiler|"She slept with all the wrong people and ended up killing herself."}}
** And not long after that,: {{spoiler|"Four out of five doctors agree that I am actually insane."}}
** {{spoiler|There is a clear shot of a missing person notice about Donna Mauer on the wall at the cafe.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]] -: While it's not explicit, both seem to know enough about psychological thriller tropes to avoid them. Hayley easily brushes off a [[Hannibal Lecture]].
** Hayley also has comebacks for Jeff's other [[Breaking Speech|speeches]], brushes aside his possible [[Freudian Excuse]] and anticipates and reverses the [[Candlelit Bath]] moment as mentioned above.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: We are never shown anything during the castration scene. {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|Because there was no castration - she was bluffing him]].}}
** That would have ruined the surprise. {{spoiler|There was no castration, she was bluffing him.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Easily one of the most horrible groin assaults in cinema. {{spoiler|It's also a subversion.}}
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Is just one of the many [[Breaking Speech|Breaking Speeches]] thrown back and forth.
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: [[Juno]] / [[Inception|Ariadne]] and [[The Phantom of the Opera|Raoul]] / [[Watchmen (film)|Nite Owl II]]. In the same movie.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: or{{spoiler|Or [[Karmic Death]], from a certain point of view.}}
* [[Hopper Shot]]: The Nighthawks and a T-Shirt. An homage to the painting.
* [[I Lied]]: ''"...Or not."''
* [[I Am Not Left-Handed]]: {{spoiler|At the final climax of the film, Hayley reveals that she's been toying with Jeff from the very beginning and has known exactly what he is and what he's done from before he even talked to her.}}
* [[Jittercam]]: In probably one of the most violent uses ever in film, and this was before Cloverfield.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Obviously Hayley. {{spoiler|ObviouslyAt Hayley.least, it seems that way at first}}.
* [[Little Dead Riding Hood]]: Due to a lucky coincidence, Hayley's iconic garment is a red hoodie that matches the Little Red Riding Hood vibe of the first part of the movie. Later, this trope is brutally subverted by having the Riding Hood figure turn out to be the real threat. Yet the film makers swear up and down [[What Do You Mean, ItsIt's Not Symbolic?|this was not meant to be symbolic]].
* [[Little Red Fighting Hood]]: It's wolf v. wolf here, really.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: Hayley Stark is a particularly frightening example. She could also be categorized as a [[Badass]] [[Fille Fatale]], a [[Sociopathic Hero]], an [[Ax Crazy]] [[Psycho for Hire]], [[The Hunter]], a [[Dark Action Girl]], a [[Knight Templar]], or even a [[Magnificent Bastard]]. {{spoiler|At one point, Hayley takes down a gun-toting Jeff with a roll of cellophane. Cellophane, people!}} Elliot Page is ''terrifying.''
* [[Masquerade]]
* [[Mind Rape]]: This is Hayley's main tactic.
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* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"Aaron told me you did it before he killed himself."}}
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Lolita]]'' meets ''[[The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo]]''.
* [[Word of God]]: Breaks the ambiguity to some degree, while enhancing the [[Misaimed Fandom]] aspects. At one point, the filmmakers as much as said that both characters are {{spoiler|villain protagonists. Jeff is a pedophile, child molester, and possible murderer; and Hayley is a fledgling serial killer. Both of them are intended to be more or less equally sympathetic and repugnant; neither are even remotely heroic.}}