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* [[Kirby]]'s arch enemy, King Dedede, [[Depending on the Writer|depending on the game]]. The most evil deeds the king performed without being possessed by [[Cosmic Horror|Dark Matter]] was stealing the stars from the sky and stealing food from Dream Land for the hell of it.
* While ''[[Touhou]]'' [[Good All Along|"villains"]] aren't exactly the ambitious sort, and their plots, if any, are silly at best (with the notable exceptions of [[Jerkass|Tenshi]] and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Utsuho]]), they are legitimately powerful and highly menacing when they want to be. The [[Terrible Trio|Three Mischievous Fairies]], however, don't seem to realise that they are dead last in the hierarchy of Gensoukyou, with even the [[Puny Humans|mostly powerless humans]] dismissing them, and their [[Poke the Poodle|laughably harmless schemes]] fail far more often than they succeed.
** Kogasa Tatara is the epitome of the Harmless Villain, having no special ability of her own that most youkai don't already have except for getting nourishment from scaring or surprising people rather than eating them, and for only purpose in life to become the scariest youkai in Gensokyou and surprise people as much as possible to sustain herself, and she is utterly terrible at it.
* {{spoiler|Wheatley}} in ''[[Portal 2]]'', when {{spoiler|he becomes evil after being plugged into the mainframe of Aperture Science.}} He does pose a genuine and intentional threat...briefly, twice. The rest of the time he's dangerous not from menace but sheer idiocy, his complete incompetence {{spoiler|at controlling Aperture Science threatening to destroy the facility in a nuclear meltdown}}.
* In ''[[StarCraft]] II'', Donny Vermillion likes to fancy himself as the face of Emperor Mengsk's unstoppable propaganda machine. In truth, he's laughably incompetent at his job; the fact that his star reporter either isn't in on the plan or actually ''likes'' Raynor doesn't help. Supposedly, the media is a major weapon for Mengsk, so it's possible Raynor only watches Donny's show because the others are actually good at it.