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=== Films -- Live-Action ===
* ''[[Star Trek: First Contact]]'' explores this trope with the fictional historical figure of Zefram Cochrane. Federation history paints Cochrane as a shining paragon of idealism while he was really a selfish, cynical drunk (but still kind of a [[Loveable Rogue]]). Much of his widely known idealism only came long after he'd made [[First Contact]], while the time-traveling crew only met the earlier, broken man who'd barely lived through [[World War 3III]]. The Cochrane they meet even sneers at the very same aphorisms [[Timey-Wimey Ball|he'll later famously deliver]]. The novelization hints that he may have had untreated bipolar disorder, alternating between manic creative highs that led to his [[Faster-Than-Light Travel|inventing the warp drive]] and crushing lows.
** This was later lampshaded in a ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise]]'' episode where Captain Archer wants to take [[Star Trek: First Contact|an obscure speech by Cochrane in which he claimed cyborgs tried to sabotage first contact]] as the complete truth (which, of course, it is). T'Pol points out that Cochrane was "frequently intoxicated" (which is also true, and probably the only reason Cochrane ever revealed that information).