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== House is the Riddler from Batman in an alternate universe. ==
Think about it. The crummy childhood (not really unique, but a similarity), the obsession with riddles and puzzles, the cane, the contempt for authority, the utter disregard for any sort of laws, the willingness to gamble with people's lives: the list goes on.
** Theory: Gregory House was a brilliant child who turned to a life of crime after being denied entrance to medical school. He chose a fake name to conceal his identity (who names their child E. Nigma?), dons a costume, and begins attempting to prove to the so-called "World's Greatest Detective" that he is smarter. House/Riddler hates the idea that anyone is right who is not him. He is also willing to put people's lives in danger to prove himself right.
== House is an [[Alternate Universe]] where the [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Cleveland Hellmouth]] is under Princeton instead. ==
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* Will Marcus Mumford play Stephen's son whom they have to track down for a kidney? }}
== House is in a coma and hallucinating everything. ==
Think about it. The entire universe revolves around him - often, it seems as if nothing in the hospital would get done if he was not there to help. He is always right (more or less); he is never called to task for any of the ethically gray (or black) things that he does; and he is [[Suetiful All Along|incredibly fascinating]] to everyone he meets. This is all easily explained if the "universe" that he sees is the result of his delusions while he's in a coma. The hospital where he works is loosely based on what he experiences when his brain swims towards lucidity.
* The scary thing is, this theory could be ''half'' right.
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House rejected the original illusion because it was too perfect. When he slipped back into coma, the illusion eventually became [[Darker and Edgier]] so House would accept it - [[Darker and Edgier]] than the first two seasons...
This would also explain how House could survive so many near-death experiences with so little permanent damage.
== House is literally an anarchist. ==
When Foreman calls him an anarchist, it's meant to be a bit of hyperbole. But House sees every rule from "get permission before experimenting on babies" to "the cafeteria is closed after 6" as a personal challenge. He also defies every authority figure, without exception, and never votes in any election. Sounds like a classic anarchist to me.
* Looks like this is confirmed as of "Broken" (the season 6 premiere). But it's compulsive. He does it even when he knows it's against his best interest.
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== House will become [[The Artifact]]. ==
House is not what he was physically or mentally as of mid-season 5. (When ''Cuddy'' beats you to a diagnosis....) And [[FoxFOX]] is both virulently anti-drug and a fan of [[Executive Meddling]]. So, in season 6, most of the burden of diagnosing will lie on the shaky shoulders of Foreman and the new team.
* We're heading that direction. The last two cases have been finalized when House was away from Diagnostics.
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He was not seen in the OR proper during that time; the one time we saw him in scrubs then, he was cozying up to Cameron. He had not done operations or even tried to scare "ducklings" from the OR.
He has been known to unintentionally kill or injure patients when he tries to work under emotional stress, and he had enough of that when Cameron was Acting Dean. Ordering the leave might have been the last thing Cameron did offscreen before she informed Cuddy that Cuddy needed to take her position back.
* It was no more than six weeks' leave. Unfortunately, the underlying issues aren't completely resolved.
* Or he's mentally slipped off the rails far enough that he's only ''thinking'' he's back at work. Insane!Chase is nicer than classic!Chase, and House also believes Chase is back at work, and so everyone is humoring them.
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House told Foreman while (temporarily) firing him over Thirteen that, had Chase let his relationship with Cameron get in the way of his work, he would've fired Chase. But at no point ''during'' Chase and Cameron's tenure with House did they have a genuine, official relationship; that is why they both remained employed after the sleep-lab debacle. When Chase expressed interest in a genuine relationship, Cameron ended the pseudo-relationship, at least for then...
Chase ''did'' get fired a few months after that. The real reason was that he was still trying to pursue a relationship with Cameron. The mental effort he put into this distracted him from the differentials, which likely contributed to at least one disaster (Season 3 had several). House couldn't tell him to drop his relationship with Cameron because, technically, there wasn't one yet.
== Cuddy has used a [[Fountain of Youth]]. ==
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The various members of the cast are either people that he knew at some point or are amalgamations of certain traits. The various medical cases are a way for House's brain to avoid atrophying as well as a way to try to pull himself awake.
This also would explain the obsession with pain medication and his almost always being eventually right. The later seasons are examples of his mind either trying to shock or scare him awake or trying to help him deal with his underlying problems and flaws, such as his selfishness, the way he takes friends for granted, etc.
== House is in Purgatory or something like it. ==
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* He wasn't [[Screwed by the Network]]. He's choosing to go work in the White House and work to enhance causes he believes in, such as arts and the voices of ethnic minorities. If anything he's going [[Screw Destiny]] on the Networks. {{spoiler|But his suicide is lame in a major way.}}
** The problem isn't that he left, or even (for viewers) why he left. It's ''how'' he left.
* Wait...''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' airs on [[FoxFOX]]. Newscorp owns broadcast Fox and [[Fox News]]. Kal Penn leaves to join the Obama administration and... Goddammit, Fox.
** Because [[The Simpsons]] and [[Family Guy]] totally aren't allowed to express the writers' moonbat opinons.
** [[The Simpsons]] and [[Family Guy]] have [[Negative Continuity]], run on [[Rule of Funny]], and take [[Refuge in Audacity]]. [[FoxFOX]] allows those shows their moonbat opinions because they ''look'' like moonbat shows. [[House (TV series)|House]] is a semi-realistic [[Medical Drama]] with continuity averaging positive, and it had [[Very Special Episode|Very Special Episodes]] even before the incident being theorized about. [[FoxFOX]] and [[Universal]] do care about the messages the show sends; else, we would not have a "House is not an addict" WMG.
== Wilson wasn't there when House had the infarction because Wilson didn't live in Princeton yet. ==
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<s> 1997</s> 1992: House has his infarction. When he recovers, Cuddy hires him out of pity. House, taking advantage of Cuddy's then-sincere generosity, gets Wilson into PPTH on his heels.
* Note -- dates have been changed in the timeline because Wilson gave a hard date for [[Year Zero]] in "Lockdown," and it is considerably earlier than what had been commonly assumed.
"Knightfall" and "The Choice" introduced a [[Series Continuity Error]] into the ''relative'' timeline -- it would have had Wilson be married to Sam and Bonnie at the same time. [[Word of God]] made a patch, and possibly a [[Retcon]], to the general relative timeline. Results confirm the hard dates 1990-1991 for Wilson and Sam's marriage, but suggest that 1996 ''is'' the correct year for House having his infarction and becoming head of Diagnostics... None of this discredits the main theory, but it makes it both less likely and less necessary (five years is plenty of time for Wilson to relocate).
== Kutner is [[Harold and Kumar|Kumar]]. ==
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== Kutner was in love with Thirteen. ==
They had been friends early on; he had even given her comfort when she first was diagnosed with Huntington's. Kutner was shocked to learn she slept with Foreman. (She replied that it was because Kutner was busy at the time.) He seemed to have some interest in her, and he was jealous enough that he told Foreman that her being bisexual gave her twice as many people to cheat with. He finally couldn't stand watching her together with Foreman anymore, and {{spoiler|shot himself.}}
* Watching her go through House picking on her, living through the whole one-night-stand episode, and knowing about her brain tumor made it worse.
== It ''wasn't'' Lupus. ==
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== The hallucination in "House Divided" is a [[The Dresden Files|Knight of the Blackened Denarius]]. ==
It knows things an ordinary hallucination shouldn't and tried to make House kill Chase. It took the form of Amber to try and further erode his sanity so that it can fully take him over. It came quite close...
* What's more, the real Amber acted the way she did because she had the Coin originally. House accidentally picked it up during the bus accident. This is also why she didn't fight harder to live.
* Alternatively...
== The hallucination in "House Divided" was [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|The First]]. ==
Again, it knew things it shouldn't and tried to make House kill Chase. The First always seemed to like making people on the side of good kill others or themselves and House, despite an asshole, has saved hundreds.
== The guy that shot House will be revealed as {{spoiler|the guy who shot Kutner}}. ==
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Chase is allergic to strawberries. This is in his medical file. Odds are high that, post-Vogler, House tried to use that to torment Chase at least once when we weren't looking (say, sending Chase on a donut run, demanding a dozen strawberry iced - or maybe ten of those and two of something Chase ''likes''). Foreman is not the sharpest knife in the diagnostic drawer, but he likely got the idea that Chase had a strong aversion to strawberries at the very least; and if House tried to ''secretly'' trigger the allergy - well, everyone in Diagnostics would find out.
And then, some time later, Foreman learns that Chase's bachelor party contains a strawberry-flavored stripper, either directly or ''via'' Thirteen. ''He'' was, canonically, the one who urged Chase to take one last drink off that stripper.
== House is going to marry Lisa Cuddy. ==
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== In season 5, Amber Volakis is real but a ghost. ==
She's blocked from heaven because she's the CTB, and she's willing to let House believe she's a hallucination because he would never believe the truth.
This, naturally, is ''never'' going to be confirmed; but by its nature, it probably can't be [[Jossed]].
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== Chase is an evil djinn. ==
Somehow, some time ago, a djinn bottle got mixed up with the gin bottles at Chez Chase. The first Mrs. Rowan Chase released the djinn and made a wish that trapped it in a human body, whereupon he took on the ID of Robert Chase. Djinni [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|aren't allowed to break out of their own soul-jars,]] and so he's been stuck pretending to be human ever since. Since he isn't really human, he often is aloof and inhuman - especially early on. His apparent combo of ambition and laziness just naturally goes with being from a race that has great power (when free) but gets forced into long periods of inactivity.
He's a bound djinn. He ''always'' does what anyone else asks of him when possible, no matter how hard, humiliating, or illegal it is, even if it's against his express desires or his own self-interest (which he tries to protect when he acts on his own). House has no way of knowing that Chase is ''compelled'' to be like that.
And he is positive about the existence of the supernatural; it takes one to know one.
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Or Cameron exposed Kutner. {{spoiler|Thirteen killed Kutner, and then tried to kill Chase as a warning to Cameron to keep quiet. Even she dares not kill the most generally caring woman at PPTH.}}
** But I thought I saw Chase in that the hallucination to. So is Chase a mole to?
== Chase owns the death cat. ==
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About three episodes and one major disaster after that, House says that Chase has a cat. This is the first we've heard of it. If House is right about this, it could be the same cat. Chase is friends with Taub, more or less, since they're both surgeons; Chase took pity on Taub's plea to save him from perpetual litterbox duty and Kutner from letting his fear of death cats lock him out of Diagnostics. Chase is fairly cold-blooded; no cat is going to cuddle him for warmth...
And if he ended up cuddling the kitty a little (offscreen) during the last few episodes of season 5 - well, he'd done things to antagonize Cameron (bachelor parties, jealousy over dead husbands, you know the drill), and he was a little lonely...
== House's laptop died shortly after the deathcat sat on it. ==
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== Allison Cameron will be Dean of Medicine at PPTH at the beginning of season 6 ==
The reasons Cuddy had for trying to leave the position remain valid: Cuddy is still a mom who wants to learn to bond with her kid. The reason Cameron resigned from the Deanhood ceased to be valid, at least temporarily, at the end of Season 5. And, when Cuddy picks her replacement while she's on sabbatical, Cameron has an edge because she's had the position before.
This should make things interesting for both the Diagnostics Department collectively (since she'll be better able to obstruct it needlessly this time around) and for Dr. Robert Chase (who will be at least two levels below her in the hospital hierarchy, again).
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Now, think of Chase as he is now -- that is, deep in love or a reasonable facsimile thereof with Cameron. Now think of how he treated Cameron, and perhaps life itself, in seasons 4 and 5 during those moments when he thought she didn't love him back. He may have been paranoid some of those times, but that's no comfort to Cameron.
This was the same sort of thing. It is not ''objectively'' justifiable.
== Chase's parents abused him, in the loose sense of the word "abuse". ==
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== Some woman, probably a [[Patient of the Week]], will rape Chase. ==
And his relationship with Cameron will end in an [[Ironic Echo]] of how it began.
* There was another way to pull that off.
== House is in league with the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Horseman]] Pestilence. ==
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Bonus points if the successor to that dictator supports that dictator. (''Very'' unlikely, but...) Then PPTH may ''literally'' become a war zone.
* The Princeton mafia may also start attacking PPTH soon.
== Chase is going to federal prison. ==
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== Chase will try to turn himself in to the authorities, and fail. ==
If he had done it immediately, before he started coming unhinged, then it might have worked...
== Wilson is trying to undermine the Diagnostics department. ==
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== Taub entered the witness protection program in order to successfully quit PPTH ==
This explains why he's the only one to ever manage it and why there has been no mention of forcing him to come back. They simply cannot find him.
* Now there's been a mention! And now that House is back in touch with Lucas, the two together can find him.
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By the time he gets ''treated'' for this self-inflicted infection (he can't do it until the scandal has died down if he wishes to avoid Death Row -- yes, New Jersey in this show has one), he'll probably be irreversibly damaged. Those hallucinations weren't entirely psychological.
* [[You Fail Biology Forever|Does scleroderma transmit that way?]]
== Cameron was in on the sample-switching ==
She ran the blood test, and she ran a ''complete'' blood test. She would have been in on all the irregularities; but she has acted like she didn't notice ''any.'' (And we know there were some.) So she knew the blood sample was not real...
Unfortunately, Chase doesn't know that she knows.
* Discredited.
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== House is not better. ==
In "Brave Heart," House is hearing whispering. He finds out that the whispering he was hearing was Wilson, which makes pefect sense. Except he also heard it at the Hospital, where that explanation doesn't hold up.
== Wilson is going insane. ==
House heard whispering at the hospital because Hallucination!Amber is "following" Wilson there, and he is still talking to her there. Eventually, he'll imagine that he has reformed House even more thoroughly than House has been reformed, or else endanger the life of someone over at Diagnostics (probably Chase, or Cameron if she sticks around long enough).
== That incident between Cameron and Chase in "Hunting" when Cameron was under the influence of meth falls under the Consent Incompleteness Theory. ==
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== If Thirteen attended an '80s party, she wouldn't get any of the references as it was 'before [her] time' and would refuse to wear a costume ==
Nevertheless, she would get hit on by everyone there.
== At least one member of the first team is paying protection to the Princeton Mafia. ==
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This is determined by external evidence.
The episode was filmed and ready to air by Valentine's Day, and given certain events mentioned in previews, would appear on the surface to be suitable for then. [[FoxFOX]] would get the preview clips a little over a week before then so that they could make their promos. Instead, they take a two-month hiatus on new episodes -- including half of a sweeps month, which would hurt [[FoxFOX]]'s own ad rates (even given that the Winter Olympics were also going on), and a period when the show after it, ''24,'' ''was'' airing new episodes. It got bad enough that [[FoxFOX]] was adding commentary footage to the Friday night reruns -- yes, that's right, we had two months in the spring of 2010 when two entire 8 pm timeslots were filled with [[House (TV series)|House]] reruns. Fortunately, this show has a ''large'' dedicated fandom.
So, why was [[FoxFOX]] playing chicken with its own ratings this way? Well, what [[House (TV series)|House]] episode aired around that week in April in 2009?
That's right, "Simple Explanation." It's perhaps the most painful [[Wham! Episode]] of [[House (TV series)|House]] ever because we had no reason to suspect that it was more than interesting beforehand -- we had no idea that what seemed like the selling points before would look so irrelevant after. [[FoxFOX]] execs were no happier about that than we were. They were likely told not to reveal that twist until after the episode aired; [[FoxFOX]] sent out a huge press release about it at ''precisely'' 9 pm Eastern, spoiling West Coast viewers in the process.
This is symbolic timing. And, since "Lockdown" is no longer in the ''middle'' of a block of [[House (TV series)|House]] episodes, viewers will be more alert this time around. But the work required to set this up is so drastic that ''something'' must be going on here that is even worse than the [[Shocking Swerve]] in "Simple Explanation."
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In January 2010, the Congress ''finally'' got serious about debating health-care reform. [[House (TV series)|House]] is generally assumed to be in a universe similar to our own, so the passage of a health-care reform bill -- some of which has already taken effect in [[Real Life]] -- would, in theory, affect how things work at PPTH. If opponents of the bill were right, it could make House-style diagnostics even less practical for PPTH to practice than it already is.
Now, [[House (TV series)|House]] pays for its attempts to be at the cutting edge by being visibly vulnerable to [[Executive Meddling]]; [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]] here means accepting a [[Creativity Leash]] there. So, [[FoxFOX]] and [[Universal]] had to wait to see if the [[Real Life]] status quo would change and, if it did (as it did), decide the least destructive way to deal with it...
== The dates of Wilson's first marriage in "Lockdown" are ''not'' a [[Series Continuity Error]]; they are an attempt to dodge health-care reform ==
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* Discredited. Wilson's hard dates weren't a [[Series Continuity Error]], but the relative continuity has been adjusted.
== [[FoxFOX]] delayed "Lockdown" because House is not an idiot ==
"Knightfall" (which aired the week after "Lockdown") clearly happens in springtime and was probably going to air in April no matter what. And, since House and Wilson share a condo, there is no way that Wilson could hide a new girlfriend from House for two entire months.
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== House was hallucinating during the lockdown. ==
It's why the guard gave him such a weird look. The room was empty.
It's also why he could get away with "turning up the morphine" when he did. The difference between 2.5 and 4.0 would be noticeable. House "turned up the morphine" ''after'' the lockdown ended and shortly before that guard came; there is no way it wouldn't be noticed.
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What? He's shown a lot of talent in music and seems to have mastered a variety of instruments, so he could do it if he wanted to.
It probably wouldn't last longer than an episode, but wouldn't it be hysterical if that was how the show ended? House just quits to persue a career as a one man band?
== Kutner never existed. == House just hallucinated him.
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== House is dying of Lupus. ==
Because why not.
Or he could finally have syphilis.
== Dominika's story is a [[Shout-Out]] to [[Firefly]]. ==