House (TV series): Difference between revisions

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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: House and Wilson, one of the best examples on TV.
* [[Waking Up At the Morgue]]: {{spoiler|"Brave Heart".}}
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: Foreman in "Forever", after his brain biopsy turns him incredibly optimistic and agreeable.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: House, with his father; also Chase, in regard to House. He had problems with his own father, kept trying to win his approval until he finally realized that his father didn't care and that it was easier for Chase himself not to care whether his father cared.
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: Foreman in "Forever", after his brain biopsy turns him incredibly optimistic and agreeable.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: From "Simple Explanation" and beyond, {{spoiler|Kutner kills himself, Chase proposes to Cameron, House begins to doubt his talent to see everything coming, House hallucinates seeing Amber, Chase and Cameron break up, House detoxes off Vicodin, House and Cuddy have sex...}} So what was next? {{spoiler|House DIDN'T detox off Vicodin, House and Cuddy DIDN'T have sex, House starts seeing Kutner along with Amber, and finally goes into a psychiatric institute!}} [[You Just Had to Say It|We had to ask!]]
* [[Wham! Line]]: Say it with me, folks: "I punched my attending in the face."
** {{spoiler|"I have cancer."}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: The go cart racing scene in Season 7.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|We don't find out the real story of the guy who shot House (unless what House imagined was from him remembering having seen him before), nor do we see him again.}}
** Also, {{spoiler|there is a cannibal serial killer out there who was saved by the team...}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: From "Simple Explanation" and beyond, {{spoiler|Kutner kills himself, Chase proposes to Cameron, House begins to doubt his talent to see everything coming, House hallucinates seeing Amber, Chase and Cameron break up, House detoxes off Vicodin, House and Cuddy have sex...}} So what was next? {{spoiler|House DIDN'T detox off Vicodin, House and Cuddy DIDN'T have sex, House starts seeing Kutner along with Amber, and finally goes into a psychiatric institute!}} [[You Just Had to Say It|We had to ask!]]
* [[Wham! Line]]: Say it with me, folks: "I punched my attending in the face."
** {{spoiler|"I have cancer."}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: These happen pretty much [[Once an Episode|all the time]].
** To the point where you can accurately guess the dialogue during the [[Once an Episode|part where Cuddy confronts House in his office]]. It goes something like this.
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* [[Yiddish as a Second Language]]: Cuddy's mother. Made grating by the fact that she had converted.
* [[You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious]]: {{spoiler|When Foreman thinks he's dying in "Euphoria, Part 2", he apologizes to Cameron for stealing her article and exposing her to his disease - and calls her Allison.}}
** House calls her "Cutthroat Bitch" most of the time, so when he suddenly calls her Amber, she senses something's not good. {{spoiler|He's firing her.}}
* [[You Can Leave Your Hat On]]: Dr. Cuddy as a [[Sexy Schoolwoman]] in a [[Dream Sequence]] that is, for some strange reason that should be incredibly obvious, very popular on [[YouTube]].
* [[You Need a Breath Mint]]: Cuddy is trying to sober up the team in "House Divided" and gives them breath mints.