House (TV series): Difference between revisions

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* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]: House, Wilson and Chase.
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]: House, Wilson and Chase.
* [[Eureka Moment]]: [[Once an Episode]].
* [[Eureka Moment]]: [[Once an Episode]].
** Lampshaded at times, including once when House wasn't the one that had the revelation. In the sixth season episode "Wilson" this was explicitly referred to as a "House moment", when Wilson experienced the same phenomenon himself.
** Lampshaded at times, including once when House wasn't the one that had the revelation. In the sixth season episode "Wilson" this was explicitly referred to as a "House moment", when Wilson experienced the same phenomenon himself.
** Taub has one of these himself in "Teamwork".
** Taub has one of these himself in "Teamwork".
** So does Chase in Season 3, when House is undergoing withdrawal and blows a diagnosis.
** So does Chase in Season 3, when House is undergoing withdrawal and blows a diagnosis.
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'''House:''' '''''MUAHAHAHAHA!!!''''' [''Cameron looks confused.''] Doubt it. }}
'''House:''' '''''MUAHAHAHAHA!!!''''' [''Cameron looks confused.''] Doubt it. }}
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: House Vs. Tritter & House vs. Vogler, although calling any of them truly "evil" is a stretch.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: House Vs. Tritter & House vs. Vogler, although calling any of them truly "evil" is a stretch.
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: Dr. Park, who is very much under the thumb of her conservative Filipino-Korean parents. She's slowly learning to speak up more.
* [[Eye Scream]]: So much. {{spoiler|Patients have had needles inserted through their eyes repeatedly, one's affliction is having worms inside his eyes, another's eye bursts out of its socket, and yet another has some kind of lenses put in them. Somebody on the writing team has to have a fetish for this.}} Also, there is a [[Nightmare Fuel|REASON]] the spoiler tags are there.
* [[Eye Take]]: Hugh Laurie could be king of this trope.
* [[Exact Words]]: Mixed with [[Tempting Fate]] in the Season 4 premiere episode.
* [[Exact Words]]: Mixed with [[Tempting Fate]] in the Season 4 premiere episode.
{{quote|'''Cuddy:''' Hire a team. I don't care how you do it, just do it.}}
{{quote|'''Cuddy:''' Hire a team. I don't care how you do it, just do it.}}
** And he does exactly that. With a six-week-long job interview with 28 applicants.
** And he does exactly that. With a six-week-long job interview with 28 applicants.
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: Dr. Park, who is very much under the thumb of her conservative Filipino-Korean parents. She's slowly learning to speak up more.
* [[Eye Scream]]: So much. {{spoiler|Patients have had needles inserted through their eyes repeatedly, one's affliction is having worms inside his eyes, another's eye bursts out of its socket, and yet another has some kind of lenses put in them. Somebody on the writing team has to have a fetish for this.}} Also, there is a [[Nightmare Fuel|REASON]] the spoiler tags are there.
* [[Eye Take]]: Hugh Laurie could be king of this trope.
* [[Fake Crossover]]: In a Japanese [ promo] for the Season 4 DVD set, House teams up with fellow [[Dr. Jerk]] [[Black Jack]].
* [[Fake Crossover]]: In a Japanese [ promo] for the Season 4 DVD set, House teams up with fellow [[Dr. Jerk]] [[Black Jack]].
* [[Faking the Dead]]: {{spoiler|House does this in the series finale sacrificing everything about his life up to that point, rendering him unable to become a doctor ever again without exposing himself. The only people who learn he's faked are Wilson and Foreman, but he and Wilson get to spend Wilson's dying months together and House himself ultimately gets to start over again realizing he's capable of changing.}}
* [[Faking the Dead]]: {{spoiler|House does this in the series finale sacrificing everything about his life up to that point, rendering him unable to become a doctor ever again without exposing himself. The only people who learn he's faked are Wilson and Foreman, but he and Wilson get to spend Wilson's dying months together and House himself ultimately gets to start over again realizing he's capable of changing.}}
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* [[Finger in the Mail]]: Parodied. Wilson "kidnaps" House's guitar in order to force him to make a decision Cuddy requested that he's been intentionally avoiding. He sends him "threatening" voice messages (actually, just speaking through a desk fan) and anonymously sending him the pick. But as House says, "I don't negotiate with terrorists!"
* [[Finger in the Mail]]: Parodied. Wilson "kidnaps" House's guitar in order to force him to make a decision Cuddy requested that he's been intentionally avoiding. He sends him "threatening" voice messages (actually, just speaking through a desk fan) and anonymously sending him the pick. But as House says, "I don't negotiate with terrorists!"
* [[Five Stages of Grief]]: Cameron went through them in "Acceptance" (well, at least House claimed she did).
* [[Five Stages of Grief]]: Cameron went through them in "Acceptance" (well, at least House claimed she did).
* [[Five-Token Band|Three Token Band]]: House's team ''twice'' consists of a foreign [[Butt Monkey]] (Chase/Kutner), a belligerent, super-competent ethnic who challenges House (Foreman/Taub), and a hottie with a tragic past (Cameron/Thirteen).
* [[Foot-Dragging Divorcee]]: Chase drags his feet regarding the paperwork after Cameron divorces him. It came up in "Lockdown".
* [[Foot-Dragging Divorcee]]: Chase drags his feet regarding the paperwork after Cameron divorces him. It came up in "Lockdown".
* [[Foot Focus]]: The state of a patient's feet (almost always an attractive female) has been important to the diagnosis multiple times, and it is always accompanied by a gratuitous shot of their bare feet.
* [[Foot Focus]]: The state of a patient's feet (almost always an attractive female) has been important to the diagnosis multiple times, and it is always accompanied by a gratuitous shot of their bare feet.
* [[Friend Versus Lover]]: House vs. Wilson's girlfriends/ex-wives.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]:
* [[Friends with Benefits]]:
** Chase and Cameron, at first.
** Chase and Cameron, at first.
** House fires "Foreteen" if they don't end their relationship, and so they have to keep it secret; and Chase even agrees that he and Cameron were a long-shot (i.e., it was too obvious of a copycat-plot, without this twist).
** House fires "Foreteen" if they don't end their relationship, and so they have to keep it secret; and Chase even agrees that he and Cameron were a long-shot (i.e., it was too obvious of a copycat-plot, without this twist).
* [[Friend Versus Lover]]: House vs. Wilson's girlfriends/ex-wives.
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Dr. House.
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Dr. House.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: House, usually.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: House, usually.
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'''House:''' I owe him an apology. }}
'''House:''' I owe him an apology. }}
** And Season 2, Episode 23, "Who's Your Daddy?", when House gets a massage for his dead thigh muscle which happens to be very close to his...
** And Season 2, Episode 23, "Who's Your Daddy?", when House gets a massage for his dead thigh muscle which happens to be very close to his...
* [[Groin Attack]]: House pushed one recent widower a little too far.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: In-universe example in "Epic Fail".
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: In-universe example in "Epic Fail".
* [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]]: Wilson and House, respectively-- to the ''audience'', not the patients. House, no matter how much the writers try to balance his flaws by saving people, playing pranks etc., is simply too nasty and mean-spirited without Wilson there as the super-nice guy foil to House's meanness.
* [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]]: Wilson and House, respectively-- to the ''audience'', not the patients. House, no matter how much the writers try to balance his flaws by saving people, playing pranks etc., is simply too nasty and mean-spirited without Wilson there as the super-nice guy foil to House's meanness.
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* [[Greek Chorus]]: The patient in the episode "Locked In" makes some hilariously accurate observations about the main characters as he watches them interact with one another. All these observations are only uttered in his own mind, since he has [[Title Drop|locked in]] syndrome and can't control anything but his eyes.
* [[Greek Chorus]]: The patient in the episode "Locked In" makes some hilariously accurate observations about the main characters as he watches them interact with one another. All these observations are only uttered in his own mind, since he has [[Title Drop|locked in]] syndrome and can't control anything but his eyes.
* [[Grey's Anatomy Emergency Medical Response]]
* [[Grey's Anatomy Emergency Medical Response]]
* [[Groin Attack]]: House pushed one recent widower a little too far.
* [[Harmful Healing]]
* [[Harmful Healing]]
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In 'Everybody Dies', {{spoiler|House fakes his own death, ending his ability to practice medicine, so that he can be with Wilson during the latter's last 5 months alive}}. We also see the reverse, with {{spoiler|Wilson viciously attacking House '''at House's funeral'''}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In 'Everybody Dies', {{spoiler|House fakes his own death, ending his ability to practice medicine, so that he can be with Wilson during the latter's last 5 months alive}}. We also see the reverse, with {{spoiler|Wilson viciously attacking House '''at House's funeral'''}}
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* [[Thirteen Is Unlucky]]: Literally. {{spoiler|She has Huntington's Disease.}}
* [[Thirteen Is Unlucky]]: Literally. {{spoiler|She has Huntington's Disease.}}
* [[This Means War]]: The escalating prank war between House and the adjacent Orthopedics department.
* [[This Means War]]: The escalating prank war between House and the adjacent Orthopedics department.
* [[Five-Token Band|Three Token Band]]: House's team ''twice'' consists of a foreign [[Butt Monkey]] (Chase/Kutner), a belligerent, super-competent ethnic who challenges House (Foreman/Taub), and a hottie with a tragic past (Cameron/Thirteen).
* [[Through the Eyes of Madness]]: The episode "No Reason". Are House's hallucinations side-effects from the ketamine coma he was put into? Or is he still in the coma?
* [[Through the Eyes of Madness]]: The episode "No Reason". Are House's hallucinations side-effects from the ketamine coma he was put into? Or is he still in the coma?
* [[Throwing Out the Script]]: House does this in an early season when asked to give a speech about a new drug the chairman of the hospital wants him to puff up. He nearly gets fired for it.
* [[Throwing Out the Script]]: House does this in an early season when asked to give a speech about a new drug the chairman of the hospital wants him to puff up. He nearly gets fired for it.