Humanoid Abomination: Difference between revisions

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(example pass from Eldritch Abomination/Western Animation)
Tag: Disambiguation links
(More examples, most via Eldritch Abomination/Web Comics)
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* Zimmy of ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' ''seems'' to be one of these at first (and Reynardine calls her a demon and refuses to go near her), but she's apparently just a normal girl with an unnatural affinity for the ether... [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|which human minds are not designed for, giving her nightmarish visions which can spill over into reality, and making her incapable of sleep]].
* Dora of ''[[Questionable Content]]'' is getting in on the action in ''[ Ia! Ia!]''. [ Hannelore] may have something to do with it.
* ''[[Ow, My Sanity]]'' hasfeatures tonsan of[[Unwanted these, manyHarem]] of whomgood areold female.Lovecraftian Theabominations kicker?who They'retake thehuman protagonist'sfemale [[Unwanted Harem]]forms, which has strange implications for just how much more of a [[Deconstruction]] the series is going to becomebecomes.
* ''[[Homestuck]]'':
** Doc Scratch appears as a humanoid figure with a cue ball for a head, and is a servant of the mysterious Lord English.
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** {{spoiler|Jack Noir}} has become this as well after he {{spoiler|prototyped with Bec}}. Even Doc Scratch says he's stronger than him now.
** And after [[Go Mad from the Revelation|learning the answer to a certain question]], {{spoiler|Rose}} at least partially turns into one too. {{spoiler|She's got grey skin, is surrounded by black magic, and can only speak in [[Black Speech]]. She's also gone a little crazy. However, she still seems to have the same personality and care about her friends. She later returns to normal after she dies and is revived as her dreamself.}}
* ''[[8-Bit Theater]]'':
** The Fiend of Water, Ur/Jnn'efur, fits the "fragment of the true being" bill for most standard abominations, and has a [[Cthulhumanoid]] appearance compared to the more be-tentacled Kraken from ''[[Final Fantasy 1]]'', whom Ur parallels.
** Early in the series, it's revealed that the reason Black Mage must wear a hat that conceals his face is that he is a human nexus of dark energy and seeing his visage for only a moment would... well, [ do this]. The few times he drops the [[Idiot Ball]] are downright scary, and it's implied he could potentially destroy the universe.
** Sarda qualifies, having a non-linear view of time and being older than the universe due to {{spoiler|sending himself (and White Mage by accident) back in time to the before the beginning of the universe, as ''well'' as teleporting his past self - the [[Cosmic Plaything]] Onion Kid - to a magic school where he learned his magical abilities to begin with. That's at least ''two'' [[Stable Time Loop]]s he's juggling.}}
** {{spoiler|Chaos is definitely this, and emerges from Sarda's mortal shell.}}
* Gravehouse of ''[ Necessary Monsters]'' turns out to be much more tentacle-monstery than [[Living Bodysuit|the human he looks like]].
{{quote|'''Gravehouse:''''{{spoiler|"I crawled into his body and ate him up from the inside out. Until all that was left was skin and memory. Tell me... would you like to meet the real me?}}}}
* In the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'', evil sorceror Dagon is a primordial sea-god fused into the body of a modern human. It even [[Cthulhumanoid|resembles a ''Dungeons & Dragons'' mind flayer]], and just seeing it tends to [[Squick|make people very, very uncomfortable]].
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'': {{spoiler|Pandora}} is an eldritch being usually in the form of a [[Creepy Child]] or adult woman.
* ''[[xkcd]]'' features [ Sheeple].
== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[The Slender Man Mythos|The Slender Man]], pictured above. You can just about mistake him for a human being at a distance (unless he's in full-on [[Combat Tentacles]] mode), but come any closer and you start to... [[The Blank|notice]] [[Noodle People|things]].
* Another well-known creepypasta creation, [ The Rake], also counts. A freakish hairless [[Beast Man|dog-man]] who seems to have similar stalking habits to Slenderman, albeit being more direct with his victims.<ref>Slendy watches from a distance; the Rake likes to sit on your bed. While you're in it.</ref> HasHe's even showedshown up in [[Everyman HYBRID]], integrating it into the above mythos.
* The Slender Man and the Rake are joined by a number of other Humanoid Abominations in ''[[The Fear Mythos]]'', including the Cold Boy, the Wooden Girl, and the Blind Man. Don't be fooled by their names - they are ''horrifying''.
* ''[[SCP Foundation]]'':
** ''All'' [ humanoid SCPs] are considered abominations by the Foundation, no matter how harmless their abilities seem, since SCPs violate the laws of physics and/or biology as we know them just by existing - and that's before we even ''get'' to the "actual" abominations and [[Reality Warper]]s hanging around there.
** Dr. Clef claims to be one himself: he discovered what he was at an early age, when an idle thought caused [[NASA|the Challenger disaster]]. He then devoted his life to putting the kibosh on those more selfishly inclined than he. This is still [[Multiple Choice Past|Clef]], though, so take it with a mine of salt.
** [ SCP-049] ("Plague Doctor") appears to be a medieval plague doctor, except that his robes and mask are extensions of his body. He makes constant reference to a "Pestilence" that he seeks to cure by performing surgeries on corpses (ideally human), including the ones of people he makes direct skin contact with - though he doesn't seem to regard this as actual "death", but considers it essential to the process of curing "the Pestilence". The reanimated corpses vary in appearance and are simple creatures with basic motor skills and are usually inactive, though they become quite violent if attacked or else ordered by SCP-049, and they seem to have ''some'' kind of biological function - just not what we'd call human.