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{{quote|{{color|#626262|PAST ME IS ALWAYS SO TERRIBLE, EVEN WHEN I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED BEING HIM.}}|'''Karkat Vantas''', ''[[Homestuck]]''}}
|'''Karkat Vantas''', ''[[Homestuck]]''}}
The inverse of [[Future Me Scares Me]], where a character sees the past and either meets or somehow witnesses the actions of their past self, and just can't stand them. Maybe they were once a villain, and now that they've reformed dislike how evil they once were, or, inversely, they're ''more'' evil and show disdain for how "weak" their past self is. Maybe they're just more experienced, and are annoyed with how inexperienced and impulsive they were in the past. In any case, they're constantly ticked off by their past.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Noein]]'', Karasu condemns his past self for being an utter coward. [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong|Considering what he's trying to do]], not an entirely unreasonable attitude. And then {{spoiler|the titular Noein turns out to be yet another future Yuu, who hates ''both'' Yuu and Karasu}}.
* [[Naruto]], after the [[Time Skip]] in ''Shipuuden'', does an omake with his past self. He is shocked by the fact that he was a very annoying, obnoxious loudmouth before the [[Time Skip]].
* A minor one in ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'': Future Trunks lets his curiosity get the better of him and goes to get a good look at his baby self... who starts pulling his hair.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In [[Twisted Toyfare Theatre]], Future Hulk (Maestro) couldn't believe how stupid his younger counterpart is.
* During Genis-Vell's omnipotent madman phase, he brought Rick Jones's teenage self to the present—that is, Rick from ''before'' the Gamma Bomb accident that created the Hulk, when Rick was forced to grow up and start taking responsibility for his actions. Naturally, present-day Rick can't stand him.
* [[Doctor Strange]]'s villains occasionally attempt mind-games like showing him his life as an [[Dr. Jerk|arrogant young surgeon]]. He's never once been tempted to go back.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Asuka in ''[[RE-TAKE|Evangelion Re-Take]]'' feels somewhat vitriolic toward her past self, particularly when she enters into a romantic relationship with Shinji, whom future Asuka has much more reason to hate. There's also some self-loathing and jealousy involved.
* In ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero]]'', Kyon thinks that Future!Kyon is arrogant and condescending and that Past!Kyon is incompetent. This is [[Playing with a Trope|played with]], as Kyon [[Discussed Trope|tells Koizumi]] that he mostly [[Invoked Trope|annoys himself so that he'll remember things that he'll have to do later]], but this was played straight during a later chapter when Future!Kyon sent a text to Kyon calling him an idiot for not seeking help from Yuki during an encounter with an enemy slider.
* In ''[[White Devil of the Moon]],'' [[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha,]] who is the reincarnation of [[Sailor Moon|Princess Serenity,]] ''strongly'' disapproves of the Princess' actions during the era of the Moon Kingdom, leading to a [[Calling the Old Man Out|Calling The Old Woman Out]] moment against the ghost of the queen.
* In ''[[A Sticky Situation]]'', this is fairly true for Impmon. And for [[Family-Unfriendly Violence|go]][[Family-Unfriendly Death|od]] reason and that's not even considering his canon actions.
* In ''[https://archiveofourown.org/works/975415 The Good Life]'', a fanfic for the 1980s ''[[Dungeons & Dragons (animation)|Dungeons & Dragons]]'' cartoon set after the main characters return to the "real" world, Eric the (former) Cavalier finds that he is annoyed and irritated by his pre-adventure self, and the constant reminders of him he sees everywhere.
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Back to The Future|Back to the Future II]]'', Old Biff doesn't particularly like Young Biff, thinking of him as an ignorant macho idiot ([[Generation Xerox|like his grandson]]), but is willing to give him the secret to infinite wealth since it will make himself rich in the future. Unfortunately, the end result is a Biff much more diabolical than either of them.
** Young Biff didn't care much for Old Biff either, thinking he was some crazy old coot even when Old Biff showed him his plan to make him/them rich was legit. So...I Hate Future Me?
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* In ''[[Time Cop]]'', Senator McComb travels from 2004 to 1994 to kill his then business partner and meets his past self in the process. He remarks that he "remembers having bigger balls", tells his past self to "lay off the fucking candy bars" and punches him in the face.
== [[Literature]] ==
* In the ''Mistborn'' novel ''[[The Alloy of Law]]'', Miles burning gold sees two possible "pasts" of himself, and both hate each other.
** This is a common effect of burning gold, actually, since it shows you either your past or a possible past (it's rather unclear- gold is probably the least understood of the core allomantic metals, since burning it is often a disturbing experience). Vin, the heroine of the original ''[[Mistborn]]'' trilogy, is also extremely uncomfortable with seeing her pre-[[Character Development]] [[Broken Bird]] self while burning gold, and never does it again.
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* In the "Q-Continuum" series of ''[[Star Trek]]'' novels, Q takes Picard on a trip through his past to show him why breaching the galactic barrier would be a bad idea. Throughout the trip Q laments his past self's actions. Understandable, since he did grant {{spoiler|a sadistic [[Eldritch Abomination]] and its equally monstrous cronies entrance to our galaxy which led to the destruction of an entire civilization that had actually earned Q's respect.}}
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* In the ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' episode ''Time Slides'', Lister goes back in time to visit his teenage self who turns out to be an authority-hating punk who believes everything is 'crypto-fascist'. Also, [[Future Me Scares Me|inverted]] in ''Out of Time''.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' story ''The Five Doctors'', after the past Doctors return to their respective timelines, the present Doctor (the fifth one) says "I am not the man I was ... thank goodness." This implies that while he might not exactly ''hate'' his past selves, he considers them phases he's since outgrown.
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* [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]: in their episode about ''[[Time Chasers]]'' Crow is immediately hostile to the Crow of 30 minutes ago because he has to explain to Crow the unforeseen consequences of their time travel.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Spellforce|Spellforce: The Order Of Dawn]]'', {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]] is the past version of the [[Big Good]].}} Naturally this relationship applies. At the end of the game, {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]] undergoes a [[Heel Face Turn]] and goes back in time to stop his past self from causing [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. This leads to a [[Stable Time Loop]], wherein he becomes the [[Big Good]].}}
* The ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' quest, "Mystery of the Infinite," has you fighting along your future self to defend an object from the Infinite Dragonflight. Throughout the fight, your future self mocks you with tidbits such as:
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* In ''[[City of Villains]]'', one villain "morality mission" has you meet three future versions of yourself, two of which think you're an idiotic weakling. {{spoiler|The third is [[The Atoner]], whose pleas for you to do the right thing you ignore.}}
* The normally [[The Stoic|stoic]] Auron in ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' actually ''attacks'' his past self when confronted with a phantom echo of his past in the ruins of Zanarkand. Since it's only an echo, he ends up fruitlessly shouting and swinging his sword to no effect.
* The ''[[The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' episode "Chariots of the Dogs" has several differently aged versions of Sam and Max, including a young, nerdy Sam who loves computers and disgusts his older self.
{{quote|'''Young Sam''': Wow, I've never seen anything that advanced. It must have at least 640 kilobytes of RAM!
'''Sam''': Ew. Whatever, kid. }}
** Sam also pulls a gun on his younger self after he calls him fat.
* In ''[[Legacy of Kain|Soul Reaver 2]]'', Raziel's past [[Amnesiac Dissonance|self]], a [[Jerkass]] [[Knight Templar]], scares him.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Subverted in ''[[The Last Days of Foxhound]]'', where The Sorrow shows the amnesiac Liquid his past in order to to show him how, violent, cruel and indifferent to humanity he was. Cue Liquid gushing over how much of a [[Badass]] he was.
* A book 4 arc of ''[[Fans]]'' pits the science fiction club against their book 1 versions, and nearly all of them have this reaction.
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* In ''[[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]]'', the Commander fulfills a [[Stable Time Loop]] by going back about a minute to beat up his past self and steal his coffee. As he leaves, he tells his past self not to be such a "candy-ass" so that this won't happen again.
* From ''[[Narbonic]]'': "I'm your future, and I hate you. I'm {{spoiler|going to electrocute you now.}}"
* ''[[Templar, Arizona]]'': In the bonus comic [http://templaraz.com/bonus_comics/confirmation.php Confirmation] the loud, boisterous adult Reagan, meets and torments her insecure, reserved, {{spoiler|and racist<ref>moulignan is the Italian equivalent of nigger in case if you're wondering</ref>}} younger self.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Arthur (animation)|Arthur]]'': In a dream that Prunella has about her giving a gift to Francine, she ends up scolding herself, only to realize that it is her.
* In the ''[[Gargoyles]]'' Avalon arc, the Archmage becomes quite irritated with his younger self for being impulsive and not thinking things through. He takes it upon himself to tutor the younger him, and frequently makes jabs about how incompetent he is.
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* In ''[[American Dad]]'' episode "May the Best Stan Win", a cyborg Stan comes back in time to steal Francine from his past self, having realized in the intervening 1000 years how much he missed her. He actually convinces Francine to leave Present Stan by telling her "That man's just going to keep letting you down; I know, I ''was'' him!" When Present Stan fights back, Cyborg Stan has absolutely no problem beating him senseless.
== [[Other Media]] ==
* Admit it: ''How'' many times have you looked back on your life and the things you've done/written/drawn/made/whatever and thought "What the hell was I THINKING?!"