If It's You It's Okay/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character falls for someone belonging to a group whose members they'd never normally be attracted to.

  • Straight: Bob's in love with Charlie, even though he's never been interested in men before or since.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is extremely proud of his heterosexuality and will remind everyone of this fact every chance he gets, to the point of being extremely lecherous around women and disgustingly homophobic around gay men... except for Charlie, of course, with whom he's in a loving, committed relationship.
  • Justified: Bob is slightly bisexual and just needed to meet the right guy.
  • Inverted: Alice is virtually everything the heterosexual Bob is looking for in a woman, but he simply cannot find her attractive.
  • Subverted: The normally heterosexual Bob seems unusually close to Charlie and everyone is sure the two are secretly dating, until it's revealed that Charlie is his Big Brother Worship.
  • Double Subverted: ...and lover.
  • Parodied: Bob is straight, and Charlie is the one exception. Oh, and Dennis. And Edward. Frank. And George. And Harry. And Alan. Now that he thinks about it, he hasn't really dated any women. But he's definitely straight!
  • Deconstructed: After realising his feelings for Charlie, Bob has trouble redefining his sexuality to account for this single exception, and ends up deliberately sabotaging their relationship so as to prove that it would never have worked out anyway.
  • Reconstructed: Bob recognises the futility in categorizing something as complex as human sexuality, and decides instead to focus on the fact that he just really, really likes Charlie.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob is known by everyone to be straight, until he starts dating Charlie. But then it's revealed that Charlie is a woman... but Bob didn't know. And now that he does know, he doesn't like her anymore. Finally, Bob comes out as bisexual.
  • Averted: Bob is bisexual and aware of it.
  • Enforced: Bob and Charlie are the favoured pairing of a particular Fandom, whose Canon explicitly states that Bob is straight.
  • Lampshaded: "You know, Bob, bisexuality is a real thing."
  • Invoked: (See Exploited)
  • Exploited: Alice thinks Charlie and Bob would make a sweet couple, so she sets them up on multiple surprise dates together in the hope that brute forcing it will spark something between them.
  • Defied: Bob only ever hangs out around women.
  • Discussed: "Isn't it weird how often straight characters end up crushing on someone of the same sex?"
  • Conversed: "So wait, Bob is bisexual?" "Nah, Charlie is just a special case for him."

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