In Memoriam: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (film)|The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy]]'' (2005) featured a dedication reading simply "For [[Douglas Adams|Douglas]]."
* ''[[Contact (film)|Contact]]'' features the dedication "For [[Carl Sagan|Carl]]" at the end of the film.
* ''[[UHF (film)|UHF]]'' is dedicated to Trinidad Silva, who died in an auto accident before filming all his scenes as Raul.
* ''[[The Dark Knight]]'': "In memory of our friends [[Heath Ledger]] & Conway Wickliffe"—Wickliffe was a special effects technician who was [[Fatal Method Acting|killed during filming]]. When Ledger died, [[Warner Bros]] also dedicated their entire ''Dark Knight'' website to him with a splash page that featured a eulogy about his life.
* ''[[Superman Returns]]'' was dedicated to Christopher and Dana Reeve.