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* Chaunzaggaroth is this for the first couple of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' books.
* Jabba the Hutt may have been a dreaded and feared gangster in ''[[Star Wars]]'' continuity, but his father Zorba, who appeared in a few [[Expanded Universe]] stories, was a big joke. Several years after his son's death, he sought revenge against Leia and Han, but he never even got to Han; his attempts on Leia's life were all [[Epic Fail]]s. He came closest the first time, attempting to deal her a [[Karmic Death]] by throwing her to the sarlacc, but that only ended with him humiliated; not only was ''he'' fed to the beast, but it got sick as a result and vomited him out. After barely avoiding starving to death in the Tatooine desert before someone found him, he made other attempts against Leia but they were even worse. He eventually became a recluse, and [[Dying Alone|it's believed he eventually died in isolation.]]
* ''[[Goosebumps]]''.
** Slappy the Ventriloquist Dummy, from ''[[Goosebumps]]''. Certainly, one of the most iconic and entertaining villains in the series and ''very'' evil, but while he has the desire, he lacks the ability, never able to actually succeed in his evil schemes. Maybe if he spent less time telling jokes he'd do better, but then, he'd be much less iconic and entertianing if he didn't.
** The Mud Monster from "You Can't Scare Me!" The title kind of gives it away, not only is he not scary, he's too slow to catch anything capable of moving faster than a brisk walk. It says a lot for a monster's reputation when a child is capable of [[Talking the Monster to Death]] and getting him to back off.
== Live-Action TV ==