Inherent Vice is a 2009 novel by Thomas Pynchon. Ostensibly it follows Doc Sportello, a private investigator in California trying to find a missing real estate developer on the behest of his ex-girlfriend but really the work explores a much wider set of themes including the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle of the '60s and its clashes with forces of law and order with a neo-noir sensibility.

Inherent Vice
First edition cover
Written by: Thomas Pynchon
Central Theme:
Genre(s): Detective novel
First published: 2009
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The novel was adapted into a film in 2014 by Paul Thomas Anderson.

Tropes used in Inherent Vice include:
  • Conspiracy Kitchen Sink: The Golden Fang. The Viggies. The Boards. Mickey Wolfmann. Wherever you look, a new conspiracy pops up.
  • Femme Fatale: Shasta starts off as one, but Pynchon once again subverts the trope by the end of the book.
  • Mushroom Samba: Notably with the vision quest Doc goes on.
  • Private Detective: Doc Sportello is a deconstruction of the usual noir archetype. Typically stoned, doesn't really shake anybody down, so on.
  • Properly Paranoid: Denis and Doc himself at various points in the book.
  • The Stoner: Doc and a lot of his friends and neighbours. Even his parents. Basically everyone in the book.