Inheritance Cycle/Funny

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  • The scene in the second book in which Saphira gets drunk, an event that, on the surface, is hilarious. You have this wise and noble dragon drinking ale by the barrel and generally partying it up. Think about that. You have a dragon. One that is both huge and fully capable of breathing fire. Completely shitfaced. There's no way this could possibly end badly.
  • In the chapter "The Secret Lives of Ants", Oromis told Eragon to go "listen to the world around him". When Eragon comes back and regales him with tales of ant-heroes, this is probably the most pissed we ever saw him.
    • The bath scene.
  • Eragon meeting Tenga, inadvertently setting him off on a history rant, then quietly backing out the door and sprinting off while his back is turned.
  • "Its name is Albitr, which means exactly what you think it means. However, I like to call it Tinkledeath, because of the sound it makes when you tap it."
    • "Cheep cheep!"
    • At the end of Inheritance, Angela is knitting a hat. Eragon asks her what's written on it.

Angela: Raxacori-

  • Probably not done intentionally, but Galbatorix gets a hilarious line when he encounters our heroes for the first time.

It was inconsiderate of you to attack so early in the morning. I was already awake- I rise well before dawn- but you woke Shruikan. He gets rather irritated when he's tired, and when he's irritated, he tends to eat people.