Isekai by Moonlight: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Know You Know I Know]]: The "absolute honesty" version is used by Robu-san when he wasn't sure whether Zoicite was spying on him.
* [[I Need to Go Iron My Dog]]: Robu-san points out an eye-catching rosebush in order to give Sailors Moon and Jupiter some privacy to transform back to Usagi and Makoto... and then Makoto points out that it's a poinsettia plant.
* [[It's the Principle of the Thing]]: In the first chapter, Ichigo (who was not yet friends with the other characters) made a comment about Robu-san that he shrugged off... but Makoto verbally lambasted her for making it.
* [[Load-Bearing Boss]]: As a security measure, the tunnel from D-Point started to collapse as soon as Kunzite died.
* {{spoiler|[[Mauve Shirt]]}}: {{spoiler|With the number of deadly enemies the Senshi go up against, you weren't really expecting all of the [[Original Character]]s and [[OC Stand-In]]s to survive, were you?}}