It's Quiet... Too Quiet: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Western Animation: It is indeed in the actual episode)
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' parodies this in their Blooper Reel.
{{quote|'''Kenshin''': Where are the animals? The birds?
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* Kurama remarks on the quiet in episode 74 of ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]''.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Even the usually reliable ''[[Elf Quest]]'' comics couldn't resist having a character say "it's too quiet" in the expanded version of Volume One.
* Played with in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|BtVS]]'' Season 8:
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* The line gets thrown about in [[Alan Moore]]'s ''[[Miracleman]]''.
== Films[[Fan -- AnimatedWorks]] ==
* Lampshaded during the story that brought [[Aria (manga)|the undines]] into ''[[My Apartment Manager is not an Isekai Character]]''.
{{quote|'''Aika''': It's so quiet.
'''Alice''': Maybe too quiet. Like... it's unnaturally still.}}
== [[Film]] ==
* [[Disney]]'s ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'' has a scene where Captain Phoebus doesn't like the quietness of the catacombs:
{{quote|"Speaking of trouble, we should have run into some by now. You know, a guard, a booby trap..." '''*his torch is blown out leaving only complete darkness*''' "...or an ambush."}}
* ''[[Shrek]]'' utters this line when he and Donkey enter a deserted Kingdom of Duloc. (Everyone there has gone off to watch the tournament.)
* In ''[[The Fox and the Hound (film)]]'', Vixey is afraid to enter a copse when she realises it's too quiet, while Todd has no such qualms {{spoiler|and narrowly avoids falling foul of Copper, Amus' shotgun and a ''shitload'' of bear traps}}.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Robert Stack says the line to Lloyd Bridges as their characters await the arrival of the [[Airplane!]].
* In ''[[Asterix]] Mission Cleopatre'', the Egyptian architect, trapped in Cleopatra's Palace under Roman siege, utters this line as everything is silent and a [[Dramatic Wind|tumblewheed rolls by]]. Right after, the Romans show up with siege engines.
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* In the remake of ''[[Assault on Precinct 13]]'', one character remarks that it's "awful quiet out there", and Lawrence Fishburne replies that that's what worries him.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Parodied by Terry Pratchett's ''[[Discworld]]'' book ''[[Discworld/Jingo|Jingo]]'', in which a soldier thinks to himself that after ten years of guerrilla warfare, ''nothing'' can be too quiet and the ''best'' part of war is the waiting (especially when you're waging war against [[Blood Knight|the D'regs]]).
* In ''[[Dragaera|Five Hundred Years After]]'', one of Khaavren's guardsmen says that since most of the civilians were evacuated, Dragaera City is so quiet that the Guards aren't really needed. Khaavren asks if he's ever spent any time in the jungle, where there are dzur or dragons? The guardsman says he has. Well, if he was out in the jungle and all the birds and little critters suddenly hid or went quiet, would he feel ''safe''? The guardsman sees Khaavren's point.
* In Jerry Pournelle's ''[[CoDominium|Falkenberg's Legion]]'', Falkenberg says, "Things are going well. When that happens I wonder what I've overlooked."
* In ''h.i.v.e.: the overlord protocol'', Nigel specifically tells Franz not to say this. After Nigel leaves, Franz says it anyway.
* In [[Tamora Pierce]]'s ''Trickster's Choice'', Aly notes that the jungle animals are all quiet...however, her sneakiness and the experience of the guards thwart the subsequent ambush.
* In ''[[The Zombie Survival Guide]]'' by Max Brooks, this trope is invoked in numerous ways; wildlife of all kinds instinctively flee when they detect Solanum, the virus responsible for reanimating zombies. In areas abundant with noisy wildlife such as jungle and swamps, silence means that the undead must be close as these areas would never, ever be silent normally. In addition, heavily infested areas are found devoid of any wildlife by survivors as everything has been consumed by ghouls, so cities especially but also other areas known for constant noise, whether human or wildlife created, become jarringly and eerily silent.
* Happens more often than not in ''[[The Hounds of the Morrigan]]''. The main characters are looking for a [[McGuffin]] that, in theirs hands, will bring down the Celtic goddess of war; in hers, [[It Got Worse|well...]] However, everytimeevery time the goddess's attention is focused somewhere, her ears absorb all the noises of the whereabouts. Therefore, she cannot spy on or attack the main characters without unwittingly creating complete silence, which promptly tips them off. Several times.
* The first chapter of ''[[The Day of the Triffids]]'' is a very effective combination of this trope and [[Nothing Is Scarier]]. The protagonist is in hospital recovering from an injury that required both his eyes to be covered in bandages for several days and is lying awake in what he assumes is the early hours of the morning, because the building is very close to the main road and the noise from the traffic is near-deafening from dawn to midnight. But then he hears a clock chiming eight...
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Band of Brothers]]'', O'Keefe mutters that it's "awfully quiet" while a handful of soldiers are on patrol in the German woods. Moments later, they stumble across a Nazi concentration camp.
* Used in the movie ''Zombie Nightmare'', featured on ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'', where it was parodied by Mike and the Bots:
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* Used in ''[[Primeval]]''. While investigating a possible creature sighting on a golf course, Abby notes that it's too quiet. In this case, she's specifically referring to the absence of birdsong.
== [[Recorded and Stand Up Comedy]] ==
* A [[Bob Newhart]] [[Stand-Up Comedy]] routine, "The Mrs. Grace L. Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company," involves the pilot on a low-budget airline talking to the passengers, a short time into the flight.
{{quote|I'm sorry, sir, I can't hear you over the roar of our engines.
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Oh, wait, they've stopped now, sir.}}
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]'' mentions that some Beasts come from a jungle where the only silence is when the jungle's Fae lord is on the hunt. As a result, those Beasts who escape from him prefer to live in the city. In the city, it's ''never'' quiet...
== [[Video Games]] ==
* Inverted in ''[[Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior]]''; occasionally an Imperial Guardsman will say this phrase. You can [[Hilarity Ensues|take the cue to make things noisy.]]
* Straight video game example: ''[[Star Fox (series)|Star FOX]] 64''.
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* Used as a device in [[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]] and, to the lesser extent, in [[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]. When you travel cross-country, there is usually soft music in the background. When you enter dangerous area with enemies lurking about, thw music fades and there is a brief moment of silence before enemies engage you and the combat music starts playing. When player reacts quickly and plays a stealthy character this can nicely increase the suspense value of stalking the enemies.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* [ This] ''[[The B-Movie Comic|The B Movie Comic]]'' strip and the associated [[The Rant|rant]].
* Used in ''[[The 10 Doctors]]''.
* ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'' page "[ Watching the Fireworks]" starts with Adwen's observation that "it's so quiet" and, as the title suggests, gets better.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Used as part of a string of action movie parodies in ''[[The Fairly OddParents]]'', "Action Packed".
** A lot of cartoons Butch Hartman seems to be involved with parodies this trope.
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'''Summer:''' Yeah, but you're supposed to say -
'''Rick:''' No, Summer, ''now'' it's not quiet enough!}}
=== Machinima ===
* One of the page quotes is from ''[[Red vs. Blue]]''; the situation is parodied.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* This first developed from the fact that natural background noise in the wilderness will disappear when the animals making the noise are alerted to intruders. If you are in the woods, and everything suddenly goes quiet, it is a safe bet that [[Paranoia Fuel|you are not alone]].
** Inverted if you're hiking in bear country, in which case ''you'' being "too quiet" is more likely to get you killed, because you might unintentionally startle one into attacking.
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